Home » Rebecca Tun » Unscheduled wandering...

Unscheduled wandering...

Unscheduled wandering... / Photography by Gerard, Model Rebecca Tun, Post processing by RT Retouch, Stylist Rebecca Tun / Uploaded 5th September 2021 @ 06:50 PM

Added 1630867833 by Rebecca Tun.

Sometimes I get so excited by a set of photos that I abandon plodding through my backlog and edit my MOST recent shoot. This image is from a spontaneous sunset shoot just yesterday evening when Gerard and I nipped out to soak up the last of the light on the knoll.

I threw on my big kimono and boots and nothing else, tied my hair (which was still damp from a shower) into a quick topknot and grabbed some dead flowers from a vase. I keep flowers until they dry out and fall apart, rather than until they start to wilt, because I find it Zenny to meditate upon their beauty until their definitive demise. These flowers, whose names I accidentally never learned, are now decomposing amongst the ferns after their brief stardom in the setting summer sun.

Subscribe to my Patreon to vote between colour and monochrome on all of the images, including nudes, from this set over the coming days: https://www.patreon.com/rebeccatun