Header photo: Mirror mirror.... by photographer JSBainPhotography with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

We love shining the limelight on fabulous creatives in the PurplePort community, sharing their unique journeys and creative processes.

In this episode of FEATURED, we interviewed Miss_C, a part-time PurplePort model with more than 6 years of experience based in Staffordshire, United Kingdom. 

Prisoner 6147097 by photographer Owen Lloyd with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

Cats eyes.... by photographer Happy Jack with model Miss_C

Keep your face to the sun and you'll never see the shadows... by photographer Lensworks with model Miss_C

Now just hold it there..... by photographer Portrait Kitchen with model Miss_C

About PurplePort model Miss_C 

At the age of 24, Leanne (Miss_C) began her modelling career when a friend and photographer, Mike Gardiner, asked if she would be interested in a shoot at a local studio. Ever since then, she has been gripped by the modelling bug. 

Leanne worked as a Registered Veterinary Nurse for 10 years before transitioning over in 2023 to opening her own photography and filming location, Basford Hurst Cottage - a beautiful 1889 Victorian property nestled on the edge of the Peak District National Park.

Curls... by photographer Dave Lynes with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

Although never her full-time profession, Leanne has always had a flair and passion for being in front of the camera. She loves telling stories through imagery and finding new ways to portray mood and emotion, with some of her favourite genres of modelling being tasteful, artistic nude, and edgy fashion/editorial work.

At 6ft2, Leanne has some of the longest limbs in the industry and a trademark Amazonian physique. In her spare time, she plays competitive netball and regularly lifts weights at the local gym. Leanne also enjoys walking, going to the cinema, and travelling across the world with her incredible husband, Simon.

Like a waterfall, I carve my own path... by photographer Rob Ronaldson (Aestheticnude) with model Miss_C

Hard work and perseverance.... No excuses! by photographer MShoot Photo with model Miss_C

How did you get into modelling?

Throughout my early teenage years, I was always told that I should model, namely due to my height. Sadly, I did not ever have the confidence to step in front of the camera until a friend and photographer convinced me when I was 24 years old. I was quickly gripped by the modelling 'bug' and have never looked back since.

I joined PurplePort back in 2018 and was lucky enough to work with some of the website's most reputable photographers, including Orson Carter, who really helped me believe and gave me the confidence to take modelling more seriously.

Modelling has always been a part time pursuit for me as I find this is how I get the most enjoyment from it.

I see you .... by photographer Portrait Kitchen with model Miss_C

Be the light to your own darkness.... by photographer Lensworks with model Miss_C

What did you do before becoming a model?

Before and during the majority of my modelling career, I worked as a Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN). I have always had a massive passion for animals and science, and I knew from a young age that I wanted to pursue a career in this industry.

After 10 incredible years in the veterinary profession, I decided to hang up my scrubs in order to open my own photography and filming location, Basford Hurst Cottage. I adored working as a Veterinary Nurse and wouldn't say I would never go back to it one day. 

Anonymity.... by photographer Owen Lloyd with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

Take this quiet moment with me.... by photographer Richard Egan photography with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

Do you have a health or fitness regime?

Yes! I firmly believe that looking after yourself should be high on everyone's priority list where possible. If I look my best, I feel my best, and that comes across on the camera and in the photos that are produced.

At present, I play competitive netball three to four times a week and lift weights at the gym three times a week. I also try to eat a healthy, balanced diet, but that said, I am certainly not averse to a Domino's pizza or cheesy nachos at the cinema every so often!

The sweetest thing... by photographer Happy Jack with model Miss_C taken at HappyJack Studios

The Ladder of Success ..... by photographer TerryGeePhoto with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

How do you prepare for photoshoots?

I firmly believe that good pre-communication with all parties involved in a photoshoot makes everything run so much easier on shoot day! I always research the photographer's portfolio prior to a shoot and ask the photographer what they are looking to gain from a shoot and if they have any ideas, themes, or concepts that they'd like to work with. 

I am always keen to see shoot plans and moodboards (if the photographer so wishes). Sometimes, though, it really is nice just to see what happens on the day, as well as spend time following the light around and looking for new opportunities.

I always pack the night before a shoot and always end up turning up with far too much, but equally, I always think it's better to have too much than not enough, right? 

What do you mean don't lick it???? by photographer Neil Worthington with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

Tell me what it means.... by photographer J Downward with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

What style of photoshoot do you enjoy working on the most?

Recently, I have thoroughly enjoyed working as an artistic nude model. I absolutely love seeing what shapes I can create and, on location, finding ways of integrating and interacting with landscapes and spaces. I find the way the light interacts with the body and the curves, definitions, and shapes fascinating!

On the other hand, I absolutely love getting creative with portraits and edgy fashion/strong make-up looks. I love portraying emotion to the camera, be that something happy and joyful, something strong and defining, or even something filled with darkness and despair. I love a challenge and am happy to try new things!

Duck off.... by photographer Dave Lynes with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

You must become the rock that the river cannot wash away.... by photographer Rob Ronaldson (Aestheticnude) with model Miss_C

What’s the most interesting photoshoot you’ve ever worked on?

I have had the privilege of participating in many incredible shoots! I would have to say, though, that the most interesting one was a weekend trip to Kent, where I met up with Rick Jones of 'Horrify Me'.

During this shoot, I made the transition to a terrifying vampire and spent a great amount of time getting covered in fake blood and screaming blue murder at the camera!!

I also got my husband involved with this one and took great pleasure in biting his neck open... All fake, of course... Although, he has looked a little pale since... 

When he hasn't loaded the dishwasher properly... again.... by model Miss_C

They're all going to laugh at you...... by model Miss_C

What do you most enjoy about being a model?

The freedom it gives me to become someone else. I love exploring the make up of my individual personality traits and the emotions that come up through the means of modelling expression.

I haven't always been the most confident of people, and regularly suffer from imposter syndrome and body dysmorphia. Modelling gives me the confidence to be that person I want to be.

As pretty as a picture by photographer Shaun Solent with model Miss_C

Nobody knows horsepower like I do.... by photographer Jukeboxjohnnie with model Miss_C and Photoshop Wizard ZigZag Retouching

What would you describe as your main strengths as a model?

My physical attributes, including my height and physique, help me somewhat. However, I feel one of my biggest strengths as a model is the ability to be professional and be a good businesswoman.

I spend a lot of time communicating with people and making sure things are well-organised. I am always on time and well-prepared for shoots, and I give 110% to every shoot I complete.

I also believe I am a nice person. I spend time getting to know the person I am working with. I like to ask questions and make sure people feel valued during their time working with me. I utilise every moment of the shoot time and ensure that the photographers (predominantly paid-for) time isn't wasted.

The photograph is the pause button of life... by photographer Happy Jack with model Miss_C taken at HappyJack Studios

Far longer than forever.... by photographer Orson Carter with model Miss_C

What's your absolute favourite photo?

Oh, there are so many favourite images it's hard to choose!

I have to say, though, that this image, due to the sheer amount of baby oil, sparks and, of course, exceptional lighting from Owen Lloyd, always makes me smile looking back at it!

Probably not one for the health and safety conscious around you, though...! 

The best tool for the job.... A woman by photographer Owen Lloyd with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location and assisted by Nicole Rayner

Is there anyone in particular who inspires you?

I take a lot of inspiration from many models and photographers from all different walks of life, including many I have worked with.

Recently, I have been really enjoying Peter Coulson's work. I love how he asks his models to slow down in front of the camera and be less 'posed' and more real in what they are trying to convey.

I am also a big fan of Helmut Newton and absolutely love the daring nature of many of his images. 

Mirror mirror.... by photographer JSBainPhotography with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

the shed by photographer Richard Egan photography with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

What advice would you give to a model just starting out?

Remain true to yourself. Set your levels as a model and stick to them. Find out what really makes you 'tick' and don't crumble to the pressures of the industry.

Find established and reputable photographers to work with initially to build up a slick portfolio to advertise the best possible version of yourself. Build yourself up a network of people you can trust, and do not be afraid to check references with other models, no matter how 'positive' they might seem.

Be prepared to work hard! This is not a walk in the park, and you will meet people that you will not necessarily like or gel with. Don't be afraid to say no or take a minute to yourself. Money isn't everything, and you always have a choice.

Develop your own unique style and try not to compare yourself to others in the industry. You are never the same as anyone else and never will be. Explore what you have to offer and what makes you different, and run with that. The best way to fit in is to stand out, after all.

Highlights..... by photographer J Downward with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

Lean on me.... by photographer TerryGeePhoto with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

One final question. Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

OH HELL NO!! Haha! I can't stand Pineapple. I don't want it anywhere, especially nowhere near a pizza!! 

Life is too shot for a boring ride... by photographer Lensworks with model Miss_C

This conversation is over.... by photographer Dave Gibson with model Miss_C taken at Basford Hurst Cottage Photography Location

Thanks again for speaking with us and sharing your creative journey, Miss_C

We hope you all enjoyed this interview. Check out the links below for more of Miss_C's beautiful work!

Here's where you can find more of Miss_C's work

PurplePort: Miss_C

Instagram: miss_cmodel 

What is PurplePort

PurplePort is a modelling website that brings models, photographers and other creatives together with one fantastic service. We provide the tools and help you need to get together and create amazing photos.

Established in 2010, PurplePort has grown from strength to strength and now has 40,000+ active members worldwide. With features such as integrated messaging, calendar, shoot plans, image albums, references, credited photos, busy member forums, hundreds of articles, and dedicated full-time staff to help you, it's easy finding the perfect creatives you need for your next photography project. It's a fresh, fast, and feature-rich alternative to ModelMayhem.

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