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References for Carla Monaco

Carla Monaco has 1251 references; 1251 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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One of my fabulous and artistic regulars, had booked a shoot at PoZers, the Model let us down and was a very naughty “no show”, and rather than loosing the slot, the props and clothing brought for this shoot, we decided to try and book a model last minute, if they could spare 4 hours, in a 48 hour time frame, and it was quite a coincidence that Carla just happened to be available, very last minute, and she saved the day. Yippeeee :):):)

It was one of those events, that happen quite by accident, due to the shameful logistics of a “no show”, and to be honest, Carla suited the brief so perfectly, my wonderful client ended up being relieved, that the other model had cancelled, because his images of Carla, are some of the most beautiful he’d captured, so he was elated and so was I. Carla as always, walked through PoZers doors, and looked phenomenal. She bright immediate warmth and happiness to the studio, and my client was humbled by her beauty. We had decided upon a specific brief, but as always, us creatives went with the flow, shooting image after image, of Carla’s phenomenal beauty. She’s so relaxing, making my client feel totally at ease, and to say he was happy with the images captured, would be a huge understatement. Carla knocks out pose after pose, each and every shot was so beautiful, and she’s totally conscious of her perfect pose, checking back of camera for reassurance, she’s giving her ultimate very best, of course she is ??? She’s Carla Monaco silly !!!! :):):) Carla I can’t thank you enough for saving the day, for being so amazing and kind throughout the shoot, for being you, that English Rose of perfection and for making my client fall in love with every image !!!!! If you want amazing images, don’t miss out on working with Carla. Some of the most amazing images ever, have been captured at PoZers of Carla, and I can’t recommend her highly enough. I’m so excited my client is booking her again, so in one month, I get to work with her all over again. Thank you so much for everything Carla, your an absolute star and it’s an honour to host shoots with you at PoZers. :):):):)

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Take in the Alps

I've never felt so relaxed in a shoot as I did during this one with Carla. From the outset she exuded such an extraordinary depth of warmth and charm that I felt as if wave after wave of joy was coming my way. I gave her flowers at the start - I just wanted to thank her for stepping in at the last minute! - and her reaction fair bold me over. That generosity of spirit and spontaneity continued throughout the delightful four hours we worked together. Though I was well aware of Carla's beauty from the countless stellar photographs on her port, I wasn't prepared for the level of exquisite radiance I witnessed when she walked through the studio door. Yes: she is even more beautiful in the flesh! But what I saw was more than beauty. What I wanted to capture was the raw authenticity of her spirit. Carla never hides when she is working or when she's talking to you. She is always authentically present. Photographing her Is like a series of fresh experiences in which she keeps on appearing as if for the first time. Each appearance brings with it a greater insight into just why she is so beautiful. Her almost regal elegance shimmers and yet her personality is characterised by a humaneness that I have rarely encountered in quite such a profound form. Her lovely sense of brio is shaped by a wonderfully soft Liverpool accent that made everything she said seem so charmingly understated. Chatting with Carla is pure delight. She is immediately engaged and interested without breaking away from the work in hand. Her concentration never falters. She is always unfailingly giving you her best. You can trust that she will be totally professional and make sure that you are completely satisfied with the way you are working together. She wants you to achieve what you have set your heart on. In short, she makes you feel special - that your practice as a photographer is important and that she is going to help you make the best shots of your life. And all this is communicated without words but with a completely disarming smile that is as unforgettable as it is authentic. She clearly loves her work as much as she loves her life. She has plenty of love to give and to pour into every moment of each set you create with her. The desire to shoot with her again is almost overwhelming ... tantalising. Yes, I have some great shots of her ... ones I will always treasure ... ones I can't wait to show others! But I'd shoot with her again just to be in her presence - to once again delight with her at this glorious medium we like to work in ... to once again feel those waves of pleasure as her beauty folds gently into my soul.

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Having been following and admiring Carla for a considerable time, I was delighted when Kris Karl put out a casting for a workshop with this marvellous lady.

Whilst it has doubtless all been said before, I cannot desist from adding my own testimony as to how superlative Carla is in real life. In truth given her reputation I was hesitant to approach her on my own and working within the group seemed to be a great opportunity for my first adventure with Carla.

In reality she is super friendly, patient, skilful and indeed a consummate professional who every time she poses, guarantees delivery of a superb image.

At the end of workiing through several sets both inside and outside, I came away with a very warm glow from having spent such real quality time with this legend. The great news is that I will be shooting with her again, again courtesy of Kris Karl, next weekend as well. Needless to say I am super excited by this prospect.

As was to be expected, I have just loaded the images on my PC and I am totally spoilt for choice as to which pictures I will display.

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Mark Abel

It's always a pleasure to work with Carla and the last 3 days on a luxury all-inclusive holiday to Portugal along with Artemis Fauna was no exception.

Totally professional but also relaxed and sociable throughout the trip it was great to capture fabulous images of Carla both individually and as part of duo sets with Artemis. It was a wonderful 3 days. Thank you Carla.

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A fabulous 3-day Luxury Photographic Holiday event in Portugal with Carla as one of the models. As always, she is a true professional, very versatile and stunningly beautiful. However, what stands out at events such as this is her personality, sense of humour and ability to mix with everyone outside of actual shoots. Carla is great company and played a very significant part in making this such a super social event beyond a series of wonderful shoots.

Carla, thank you so much for everything and, as always, I simply cannot recommend you highly enough.

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Lakeside Images

I have recently returned from an amazing three days in Portugal working with Carla. The trip was simply amazing and the results are so good that I will struggle to pick out the best. In addition to her modelling ability and beautiful looks he is an absolute professional in everything that she does. She is extremely versatile and we shot a number of different styles but she nailed each one and produced fabulous results in everything that we did. She is one of the nicest persons you could hope to meet and puts 100% effort into everything and I cannot wait to edit these images and will be looking to arrange another shoot as soon as I can. Very highly recommended , if you want the best then you need to look no further.

Thank you Carla for a great trip.


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What to say about Carla that hasn't already been said a gazillion times ?

Shot with Carla many times before - this latest as part of luxury Portugal workshop organised by @artemis .

As always Carla was a delight to work with.

Stunningly beautiful. Top professional. Lovely lady.

What more can I say?

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I had the massive pleasure of shooting with Carla again but this time in Portugal when she was modelling with Artemis Fauna on one of Artemis' luxury photographic holiday trips.

Just such a great experience. Carla as always is just brilliant to work with and she tirelessly delivered shot after shot covering nude in a range of locations from beach to abandoned villa, Helmut Newton type work at night, street fashion and fun, colourful swimwear. How varied and flexible is that :-) Carla is a total beautiful professional, her experience just shines through and I've got so many cracking images to work through now.

What was really great too was that she is such good company when we had socialising time between shoots or over dinner in the evenings too, lots of great humour and conversation. A fab trip with fab shooting, thanks a mill Carla, very best wishes, Ian :-)

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Terry V

Only just realised I'd not left a reference - how rude of me. It was another great three days in Portugal with Carla on Artemis Fauna's luxury trip. We all know what a fabulous model Carla is but more importantly especially on these trips is the non-shooting time. Carla has a beautiful personality and is so easy to get along with which helps make the whole trip magical. It's impossible to get a bad picture of her, the only difficulty is choosing which ones to share. I love working with this superb model.

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Colin W

Third time shooting with Carla, and all I can say is, 'Lucky me!'

This time was in a Luxury Photo Holiday in Portugal organised by Artemis Fauna and IainT where Carla was modelling with Artemis for three days.

Carla is a joy to work with. Her elegant charm washes over everything around her. She makes everything look easy, natural and lovely. I could go on, but mere words just don't do her justice.

Looking forward to shoot number four.

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Donald Sutherland

Shot Carla in Portugal, over 3 days for the second time, and can only hope there will be a 3rd, 4th and more. Her natural beauty is well documented, but she is also so versatile, scrambling over rocks, role playing and character enacting, to getting down and dirty in an abandoned villa. A joy to spend time with, she chats freely about all and sundry, great fun while of camera and total pro in front of, guaranteeing quality shots. Definitely recommended.

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Fantasy Dabblers

We had 3 days of shooting with Carla in Portugal as part of a holiday organised by Artemis Fauna. We very much enjoyed shooting with Carla both on her own and when she was working as a duo with Artemis. They work together brilliantly. Carla is not just a superb model but she is also excellent company on a trip like this. We have worked with her before and hope to again.

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Second shoot with Carla but my first 1:1 shoot. Absolutely superb. The ultimate professional really, though also a very lovely girl with a great sense of humour and very engaging in terms of conversation. We had excellent pre-shoot comms and therefore we had a decent plan for the shoot before we actually started. However it worked even better than I had hoped for. We shot at Carla’s home and had the benefit of a gorgeous day, hot and sunny. We used her garden and surrounding countryside and it was relaxed but productive with lots of variations in outfits and locations. So much has been said before about Carla and her portfolio is of course outstanding but I couldn’t recommend her more highly. She lives at the opposite end of the country to me but I will certainly try to get another shoot arranged as soon as I can.

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Wilder Mind

Had a thoroughly enjoyable 1960's themed shoot organised by Carla and co-organised by Adrian. I love vintage themes and working with Carla again made my day. Carla is a top notch model, so easy to work with, not only in terms of her personality but also getting the most out of the shoot with the ideas and poses etc. No matter what your experience level try and make the opportunity to work with Carla. I'm already thinking of the next shoot with Carla.

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In Search of That Perfect Shot..............

Had a fabulous shoot on Carla & Amie's Studio day at Map. Wow! They really rocked the 60's style. Had a great day with good company. Got some fabulous images. Wouldn't hesitate to book again. Thank you. Jann :-)

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I'd worked with Carla a couple of times previously so when the opportunity came up to shoot with her at the 1960's event at Map studio it was too good to miss.

Carla is just so lovely to work with; totally professional and friendly also, what a combination. The camera just absolutely loves her beauty and poise. Give her a few thoughts about what you are trying to achieve and boom, she just "nails" it (quickly too :-) ). Just fantastic. What was very clear for this portfolio building event also though was the effort and thought that she had gone to prior to the day. Styling, looks and event management were an absolute credit to Carla herself and Adrian together with Amie the other model. Very, very enjoyable and highly productive day. Great job all round. Thanks very much Carla and see you soon, best wishes Ian

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Amie Boulton

OMG!!!! This lady!!!

Carla got in touch with me several months ago regarding a sixties event she wanted to do. Flattered is an understatement. Carla is a model i've idolised since day 1 so of course i bit her hand off!

The planning she pouts into these events is unreal, everything right down to the finest detail was covered....and then some!

I had the chance to meet her locally in Plymouth a couple weeks before the event and i then realised she is just as beautiful on the outside as on the inside. Such a lovely person to be around. This of course made it easier for the 2 days of events at Map studios. Because of all the hard work she and Adrian put into it, it was a huge success. Between us we had enough clothes to open our own shop, fun and laughs were had throughout which meant many happy customers. It's evident by Carla's port how beautiful she is but what the pictures don't show you is how genuine and lovely she is to be around. Her modelling comes so naturally and she nails every single shot! a flawless all rounder. I can honestly say i had one of my best working weekends with Carla and Adrian and if you are one of the few that haven't yet worked with her, what are you waiting for?? A total bundle of awesomeness!

Loved it you beaut xx

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Alan Wheetman Photography

This was my first shoot with Carla at her 'Look of the 60's Event' with Amie Boulton, held at MAP Studio in Loughborough. Any anxiety I may have harboured about working with such an esteemed model were quickly overcome. Carla is delightful. She greeted me in a warm, sincere, and friendly fashion. Once the shoot got underway it was very easy to understand why Carla is in such high-demand as an international model. Not only is she truly beautiful, she has the ability to convey that beauty effortlessly into any pose or genre look she needs to adopt. There was very little need to direct her, as her position changes were relaxed and flowing and geared to the timing of the shots I was taking. It seemed as though Carla was tuned-in to the time it took me to compose, focus and take the shot — holding the pose just long enough for the shot to be captured and then moving on to the next pose. Her banter throughout was witty, inquisitive, and engaging and she seemed genuinely interested to learn more about me. Notwithstanding this was a group day, I felt that when my time came to shoot Carla dedicated all her attention towards me, ensuring that I was happy with the shots I was getting. She worked tirelessly throughout the day, which was over all too quickly for me. I was having such a good time that my day with Carla and Amie just flew by.

Any photographer nervous about working with a high-calibre, Grade-A model should seriously consider booking Carla. She will very quickly put you at ease and lead you through the shoot. You will be wanting to come back for more. I did.

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At last got to shoot with Carla at one of her 60's shots, last time nobody could get there because of the snow, but no snow this time and what a great day. Carla put a lot of work in to this shoot with props and clothing from the period. Thanks Carla.

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My second shoot with Carla but this time a 1960's themed shoot with Amie Boulton at Map studio's. Carla is as good as she looks, superb modelling skills, lovely friendly personality and sense of humour. Together with Amie it was like going back to my childhood in the 60's. I remember my aunts dressing to go out in the mid 60's and everything about the shoot was how I remembered it for real. Carla's husband Adrian co-hosted the event and organised everything between groups, setups, timing etc which made the shoot run very smoothly.

Carla is highly recommended for all levels of photographer.

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