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References for Helen Diaz

Helen Diaz has 1577 references; 1577 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Will iam

Had the pleasure of meeting and working with Helen for the first time, during her recent Scottish Tour. Helen was completely professional with a great attitude and friendly nature. We seemed to bond quickly which made the shoot a real pleasure. She brought a vast number of costumes which covered all the items I had planned for. We did talk a lot (me too) and laughed constantly but when I raised my camera business was business and Helen knew exactly what was necessary. Although it was only a two hour shoot we covered a good number of genre resulting in great images. In her next visit to Glasgow I hope to have another fun filled meeting. I would definitely recommend Helen to give you 100%............Billx

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Dark Loch Photography

Helen is an amazing model.

Her pre-shoot communications were excellent and she arrived at the shoot with a great attitude and massive case of outfits to choose from. She has a profound understanding of what it takes to produce a great image and works hard to ensure photographers get the best possible results.

Helen doesn't require much, if any, direction during a shoot; just tell her what you're looking for and let her do her thing. During our shoot she produced a seemingly endless range of wonderful poses. Her exquisite figure and looks don't exactly hurt either.

Helen's also a great person to be around. Charming, engaging and witty; she makes a shoot as enjoyable as it is productive. Laughs and conversation flowed freely throughout our shoot.

I am already planning another shoot with Helen and would recommend everyone else do likewise. You won't regret it.

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Helen is the real breath of fresh air that livens my life and now decends on me each year to bring fun, laughter and deliver extraordinarily beautiful images by the end of each shoot. We try different locations and ideas each time but Helen always delivers exquisite beauty and some of my best images. She has the perfect figure, beautiful features, gorgeous hair, has great outfits, is willing to try anything, is extremely versatile and brings a lot of craziness!! The weather was not ideal and were disturbed by a dog walker but she manages to laugh it all off and creates some of the most enjoyable shoots I have had. Come on Helen - move up to Scotland? I will always make a space in my shoot diary for this lady as she is just the most AMAZING model and engaging person! Thank you again, Helen.

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Jan C

Another great shoot with the wonderful Helen. As before she brought great energy to the shoot and was willing to try any and all ideas, no matter how daft. More than happy to contribute her own ideas, so the shoot ends up being a true collaboration. She is also incredibly chatty and great company, which helps the time just fly by. All in all a truly wonderful model. It was a privilege and a pleasure to work with her again and I look forward to doing so on many more occasions.

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Shot with Helen as part of a group shoot on her recent visit to Glasgow.

A great shoot with this talented lady. She added her own style to the shoot along with a bit of her craziness. So many great images from the shoot.

Highly recommended.

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A most excellent shoot with the highly talented Helen Diaz today. It was a long and complex shoot but Helen did not miss a beat and was able to model over the widest range of genres. She is a lively and interesting person with a lovely personality which really assists in getting the work done pleasurably.

Most highly recommended.

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John McNairn

This was my second shoot with Helen and it was just as fun and as crazy as the last one, which is a huge bonus in my book....you can never have enough craziness. As always she performed magically in front of the camera and always ran with whatever ever bizarre idea that came up. I was extremely pleased with the results and we even took a trip to the beach after the studio work. She didn't seem to mind being thrown into the North Sea at all...which is brave considering its still chilly in the summer. She took everything in her stride with the usual laughter and gaiety that makes a shoot so much more enjoyable. Highly recommended to anyone wishing class images and a good giggle in between.

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Helen and I worked together in Scotland on her recent tour. Half in the studio and half on the beach.

Helen is crazily addictive,has insanely fierce eyes and is very diverse with her posing. She brings good ideas and influence to the shoot, and is incredible fun to work with.

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Nick Edinburgh

This was my first shoot for about a year, and whilst Helen has long been on my Work With wish list we'd previously failed to find mutual dates several times. So I was delighted to find time of the month during her tour to shoot together at last. I took Helen well out of her comfort zone, to an abandoned ruin in the wilds of these northern lands, where hostile farm folk threatened to impound our cars, and rampaging hordes protected by feral beasts (or possibly dog walkers) lay in wait to steal our valuables, and Lost-Ark-Raiders death traps lay around every turn (well, there were bits of broken glass in places). And despite being cursed by my being so out of practice, forgetting my lights and which dials to twiddle at which she could easily have seen red, she just went with the flow and not only never once lost her rag, but kept our spirits high with endless banter - sometimes even appropriate. During our brief period together Helen posed with apparently endless effortless creativity, and definitely knows her best side. From my quick scan of the rushes, there are some fabulous images I'm really looking forward to editing. In short, she's bleeding wonderful! Very much recommended.

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I had a great shoot with Helen on a visit to Scotland, this is the first time shooting with Helen and everything went great, I asked Helen to just go ahead and pose with various outfits she had brought and Helen was brilliant , very easy going and had a bit of a story which I would like to here what the outcome was. Helen enjoyed the roast chicken I brought as it was a 4 hour shoot, and she appreciated the repair to her suitcase. Hope to shoot out doors next year.

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Richard FE

Wow! what a fantastic shoot in the studio with Helen. She was a pleasure to work with, professional, creative and fun, with great comms before the shoot. We shot in a few locations within the building (not all the cleanest, warmest or safest) but she worked tirelessly to create some stunning images without objection - a truly talented and beautiful professional. Resulting in some gorgeous images!

Thank you Helen. Highly recommended!

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I booked Helen on a whim after being let down by another model at the last minute. We had worked together very successfully (from my perspective) about 3 years ago so I knew to expect hard work and professionalism.

What I had forgotten was just how beautiful Helen is. (I never usually comment on an art nude model's physical appearance as 'wow' is the de minimis I would normal expect from those that I book.) Helen goes way beyond 'wow'. If anything she is better and younger looking now than she was 3 years ago.

For once I arrived completely unprepared as to what I was looking to achieve. Normally I am a control freak but as this was last minute all of that was out the window! Helen understood and stepped up. She went through a rota of great poses and out popped the longed for special images.

All of this while keeping up a hilarious three way conversation with Alley the Pozers studio owner.

Great session. Thanks Helen. Very highly recommended.

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I worked for the first time with the stunning and wacky (in the nicest possible way!) Helen this Tuesday gone and the shoot went like a dream. :-) I was in Glastonbury primarily for a new age/creative photography 'spree' and having decided Helen would be perfect for a burgeoning concept I had in mind some months back almost immediately booked her. The pre-shoot communication was ace - Helen's immensely personable approach and professionalism came across throughout our lengthy comms and on the day she came amply attired with a suitcase & massive bags stuffed full of gowns/dresses. Just as well as the gowns I intended to use/hire were unavailable or still in the post to me - a case of not planning well enough on my part. I can unreservedly recommend Helen to other photographers at whatever level of experience - she will bring the appropriate allure and mystery to your shots in spades and is generally such a nice easy-going person with no pretences, and a wicked sense of humour, which makes a huge difference in terms of 'connecting'. On the whole a wonderful experience - including our walk up the Tor, where in typical Helen fashion she tore up to the top with that trademark 'joie de vivre' whilst I, suffering from vertigo, sadly had to remain seated further down the path. Good on you!!! ;-)

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Billy Whizz

I had the opportunity to shoot with the lovely Helen while she was touring in south Devon. She is warm, friendly and easy to be around, she brings lots of professionalism and creativity, and makes the photographer's job extremely easy. I would not hesitate to recommend Helen and look forward to working with her again.

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Richard Winn

Well, what can I say about Helen. We've shot together a couple of times already, at her home studio, but it's been a while. Towards the end of last week, she posted a last minute availability casting for Sunday evening, so I couldn't resist. I had my eye on a favourite general location, one that I have spent many hours taking landscape images, but also one I have had limited model shoots at. For once, we were able to make use of the sunset, which allowed us some more unusual shots, even though we had to be careful with the incoming tide.

As usual, we had lots of chats in between the shots and even tried out a few experiments (which we need to work on :P)., as usual a fun shoot with a special person. Hopefully it won't be as big a gap until our next shoot together. Working with Helen is always fun and never a chore.

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I have had many shoots with Helen but this was my first with her on Dartmoor with and another model Elle Beth. Communications with Helen were excellent and she met us ready to shoot, bringing a wide range of outfits. Helen is a highly professional model able to deliver great classic poses that work really well with the natural environment. As always Helen was great fun to work with and is both willing to try new ideas to explore creative shots and give her all to getting just the right picture. I highly recommend Helen and I am already planning a future shoot with her.

Thanks R

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I shot with Helen at the Studio Blanche group night.

What can I say? Helen has a truly mesmerising quality about her, she has presence and a rare ability that you just warm to her.

She is truly photographic and in terms of shoot success, she is without a doubt the best model I have worked with (In 40+ shoots). I shot some lovely images that I am proud of.

I hope to shoot with her again. Book, you will not be disappointed!


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Owlnet Photography

Helen was the model at our Studio Blanche group shoot this evening. These shoots are aimed at learning but mainly having fun. Helen certainly contributed to the banter tonight as well as providing some excellent images.

I would highly recommend Helen after meeting her for the first time, she is professional, fantastic to work with, and funny.

Looking forward to working with you again Helen, and again, thank you for a brilliant evening. It's two hours after our shoot and I am still laughing. :-)

Regards =8^}


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Chris Blanche

Helen was the model at my studio group shoot. She turned up with a wardrobe on wheels so plenty of outfits plus a kitchen sink lol. She was great fun to work with. I'm sure it won't be to long before she's back. Thanks Helen

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Had my very first shoot with Helen today. She's a definite one off. Amazingly easy to get along with, thoughtful, extremely professional, and her considerable skills and experience make capturing fabulous images remarkably easy. All in all.. she's great!

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