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References for Helen Diaz

Helen Diaz has 1577 references; 1577 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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I had my first shoot with Helen at new home in Chippenham last Saturday. I wasn't sure what to expect as her port has an eclectic series of quality images I wasn't sure I could match or were in fact my style. Add to that it was a due with Odette Flaur and I'm still surprised I applied for the casting! Still, nothing venture, nothing gained I thought :). In fact I had a really productive and fun shoot with Helen and Odette. Helen is fun to work with her, she creates and immediate rapport with you and delivers classic, stylish poses. I'd love to work with Helen again whether on some classic art nude or something more off the wall. Second (and third, fourth, etc :)) shoots are always better I find :)

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As always Helen was a pleasure to work with and professional in creating the images we wanted.

Helen also happens to have a great sense of humour which makes any shoot with her enjoyable. In other words I could not recommend Helen highly enough.

I look forward to the next time we can work together.

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Just had another wonderful shoot with the force of nature that is Helen Diaz.

Helen is a joy to work with - stupid, irreverent, silly - all just until the moment your finger begins to squeeze the shutter button and then she magically transforms into a smoldering diva. Astonishing.

Helen - Looking forward to next time, and thank you.

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Tony Gardiner

I had pleasure of working with Helen, twice before I signed up to purpleport,she is a pleasure to work with and I've always been more than happy with the results, she comes highly recommended and I hope to work with her again.

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Helen is great fun to work with. Pre shoot communication was excellent. We had a wedding dress, bridesmaid dress and groom shoot in the grounds of a hotel over looking a river and the spire of a cathedral. Helen fitted easily into the team and worked well with the other models. Need to say thanks to Emily and Julia who helped with the constant dress changes and organisation. I enjoyed the whole day and would work with Helen again. Highly recommended.

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David56 Photography

I had the great pleasure of working with Helen during her recent tour. Helen had been on my "to work with list" for a while so when Helen was working locally to me I grabbed the opportunity. :)

I found Helen delightful to work with, great fun was had during the shoot with the time flying by, having had time to look through the images I am more than pleased with the results from the shoot :)

Helen comes highly recommended and I will no doubt shoot with Helen again in the future :)

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Studio de Lumière

Helen was ‘resident’ at the studio for 4 days during which time she worked with a number of different photographers of varying skills and abilities.

Helen ensured that each photographer had the most enjoyable experience shooting with her, enabling them to obtain a whole host of wonderful images, all expressed complete satisfaction at her modelling skills and most of all her wonderful sense of humour, making their sessions a complete ‘blast’

I sincerely hope that Helen will grace the studio with her presence again in the not too distant future. This model is most highly recommended.

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Westmidlands Latex Photography

I had a great first latex shoot today with Helen at her studio day and definitely it won't be last. Communications leading up to the shoot were perfect, Work with her has been an absolutely pleasure. Great pictures, great fun, professional, dedicated and versatile.

Just few for describe her. I strongly recommended.

Thank you again

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Had my second shoot with Helen and this time we did something completely different.

Our 'Bodyscape' shoot involved the strategic placement of miniature figures and a variety of vehicles and objects to creates different scenarios.

As usual, Helen was a joy to work with. Her enthusiasm for something new was equalled by her sense of humour and professionalism. Helen's patience and ability to pose exactly as was required made the shoot as enjoyable as ever. It is always a fun time when Helen is around and quality images are guaranteed.

A true professional, she did not allow her cold on the day to get the better of her and produced some stunning images, even better than I had hoped for.

Highly recommended and and an absolute pleasure to be in her company.

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John Gannon

Helen came to stay at my place for a few days, shooting both at the studio with various photographers and a trip to Liverpool for a one day shoot. I managed to get a few hours shooting with her as well as assisting other photographers.

Although this was Helens third visit this one was by far the most hilarious and enjoyable few days experience for myself, my family and the photographers she worked with, this girl is crackers! Not only is she a fantastic model who excels at her trade craft, she has a wicked sense of humour which makes working with her an unforgettable experience.

Superb model, great personality, a ‘must work with’ model, highly recommended.

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Owen Lloyd

Helen's communication before the shoot was excellent and we had it all planned within a couple of messages each.

Helen is absolutely charming - very open and engaging and with a mischievous sense of humour :) We worked on an 8 hour shoot through 4 or 5 sets and despite suffering from a cold that day, Helen gave 100% effort to the shoot and we made some fantastic images. She doesn't hang about - and was always ready to go whenever I was.

Helen's modelling ability is just excellent, able to pull together a variety of poses at pace, and take direction to modify them for the constraints of the shot we were making. This was a relatively impromptu shoot for me however I couldn't pass up the opportunity to work with Helen. Fantastic model, and despite living on grass, has bags of energy and works hard to get the right result :P. Highly recommended.


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Had Helen in the studio last week for the first time. Pre-shoot comms were as to be expected of someone of Helen's experience, clear, concise and professional whilst retaining a friendly air.

It's safe to say Helen is a bit of a character, the stories of her childhood and family were as entertaining as the shooting.

What really impressed me about Helen, though, was her ability to nail poses and looks whilst being very under the weather, a sign of a trooper, if ever there was one. Having said, that I'm not sure I could cope with the energy of a fully on form Ms Diaz!

I've wanted some time away from the images so I could fully appreciate them, so haven't been through them in any detail yet but remember that there were very many keepers. With an expressive face, well toned physique and an adapability that can often be a rarity in this land of internet modelling, Helen was a pleasure to work with and I hope to be able to offer her more work in 2017.

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Wanted to work with Helen since viewing her spectacular Port here and today after some fine communication it happened. After a somewhat challenging journey into the joys of London by car Helen transformed into awesome model mode, producing style, beauty and poise at a prodigious rate. In addition to capturing satisfying images, Helen doesn't charge extra for being entertaining, which is an added bonus to her effortless photogenicity. I'd like to work with her again.

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Worked with the superb Helen Diaz a couple of days ago. I must say that she is an exceptionally likeable person who is professional and needs little direction. Her poses were great and she knew exactly the type of shot and look I wanted. Easy going coupled with a great personality and professionalism she is a superb model. Helen was more than comfortable with all the different styles that I tried and knew exactly what was needed for a great shot.

The two hours were over quicker than I would have liked which means that another session with her is now on the agenda.

If you are a professional photographer or a newbie then I would highly recommend Helen Diaz. She is a great model and you'll get some fantastic shots.

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Andrew Dobell

I have worked with Helen on 2 shoots now and she has been a great model to work with.

Her communications have always been great, even with her busy schedule. She travelled a long way for the shoot and arrived on time and worked hard on both shoots.

She works hard to get the images that we needed to capture and was fun and bubbly throughout.

You will have a great time working with Helen and I would highly recommend her.

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I spent a lovely day with Helen yesterday. Helen was essentially my first studio model so understandably I was a little nervous and wasn't quite sure what to expect from a professional model. However, it was clear within minutes of meeting Helen I had nothing to be nervous about. She was light, very friendly and chatty a departure from her strong and smoldering images. Helen has an amazing ability to switch instantly from a chatty and fun loving girl into 'model mode' pulling a endless stream of fantastic poses out of the air.

The purpose of the shoot was to model my silk scarf collection and Helen achieved this with ease - great for me as a novice as I had to give almost zero direction. Helen simply picked up my scarves and went straight in modelling - all I had to do was try and keep up with her :)

I almost exclusively shoot monochrome - Helen has fantastic features and an amazing body which I think will really lend itself to B&W. I really look forward to meeting and working with Helen again hopefully next time on something more arty !

Thanks for a great day Helen, good luck and be safe.

Dave Xx

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I've worked with Helen so many times over the last few years, and everyone who comes to my studio gets to hear about my beautiful friend and "Model daughter from anuver muver" !!! Lol

Helen is one of the most amazing models I've ever worked with, most of the young models who come to PoZers aspire to be this beautiful lady, she's truly iconic in the industry and a fabulous role model to all new models. Helen is kind, caring, understanding and so very patient with new photographers, she's 100% the "go to model" if your just starting out. Helen will make you feel at ease immediately and ensure that every image you take is phenomenal, I don't think it's possible to take a bad image of Helen, she's too professional and caring to allow this. There isn't anything I don't love about Helen, so me leaving a reference feels slightly bias as she's beautiful from head to toe, inside and out and I would happily have her at PoZers 7 days a week, in fact over the next 7 days we are working together 3 times, but that's a rarity, but one I'd quite happily live with. I trust Helen with my life and she always has everyone's best interests at heart, and she truly is fabulous in every way possible. I'm so glad this industry brought us together as I can't imagine my life without her in it, she always makes me smile and my ribs ache after every studio session together. Thank you Helen for all your support since owning PoZers, you will always be my girl (even if I would have been 13 years old when I gave birth to you !!! Lol ) don't hesitate wiring with this beautiful soul, you won't regret it ever I promise you. Just book her to have the best shoot ever under your belt. She's amazing.

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On meeting Helen I was surprised at her upbeat demeanour and sheer exuberance, not at all the quiet smouldering model I had seen in all her images.

However once we got to the studio and pointed a camera at her a miraculous change occurred, the gorgeous smouldering model that I had been expecting emerged and with little prompting produced some original and breathtaking poses for each set we tried.

She did revert (to what I now know is the "normal") fun loving Helen between sets but pick up a camera and point it in her direction and the diva instantly reappears producing fantastic pose after fantastic pose.

Happy to recommend Helen to any photographer and hope to catch up with her again if she makes it back to the Aberdeen area.

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After rather protracted communications with Helen I was not sure what to expect. The Lady seemed to be juggling 20 balls in the air at the same time and I was not sure in which direction we were heading.

I later learnt that she was handling some personal issues that would of probably stopped most people in their tracks but Helen was able to keep all the balls off the ground and honoured all her commitments.

Helen had bookings at the Studio that took up her day and apart from a break for a Pizza (who said models don't eat) worked right through giving each photographer some stunning images to take home with them.

Don't be mislead like we were by the fantastic images of Helen that abound on this site and others that portray a beautiful but very serious diva, this lady is no diva, she loves life and is a joy to be around.

Highly recommended by Studio-Dee

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Martin Photo

Helen was in the studio with me this afternoon and it was fabulous good fun as always with a great output of excellent images to choose from.

She is lively, engaging and creative. We had a few wacky ideas and she threw herself into it with gust.

One of my favourite and most productive models to shoot. Hugely recommended.

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