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References for Helen Diaz

Helen Diaz has 1577 references; 1577 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Ghost Light Photography

It has been quite a while since my first shoot with the lovely Miss Diaz, this time a duo shoot with Emma Willis. Helen and Emma were particularly patient as I was nearly two hours late after getting stuck the wrong side of an accident on the motorway. Fortunately, we were shooting at Emma's home and they were able to reschedule a delayed start time.

We covered a great variety of sets including both duo and solo work. Helen and Emma work so well together. We were able to create some tremendous images.

Thanks for a great shoot and hopefully we won't leave it so long until the next one.

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Just had another great shoot with Helen, this time with Emma Willis also. Helen really is a fantastic model with an amazing personality which makes her great fun to work with.

She is very experienced and very professional with an extensive range of quality outfits and accessories. She is also very creative providing lots of ideas during a shoot and worked hard to make sure I got the results I was looking for.

Truly an absolutely fantastic model, a lovely person to work with and definitely very highly recommended.

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Fun afternoon with the delicious Helen. Lots of chat, lots of laughs, lots of pose's. Beautifully brilliant and professional.

A few changes from the original booking this shoot to it actually happening, all out of our control.

But we had a great shoot and great results. There will definitely be a repeat shoot with this crazy lady.

Recommend 100% plus.

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My fourth shoot with the effervescent and beautiful Helen was even better that the previous three. Helen is the most delightful and happy model that any tog could wish to meet. Helen does not stop laughing except to adopt one of her many poses: her facial expressions are her trade mark and never cease to enthrall. Not forgetting her tremendous figure which enables one to capture the most captivating images.

Unfortunately the weather was a mite inclement so we we unable to take full advantage of the magnificent outdoor facilities at Pozers Studio, but never mind Allison (Alley) was on hand to give her usual first class assistance and supply of refreshments.

The fact that this was my fourth shoot with Helen and I am attempting to arrange the a fifth is surely recommendation enough but if you haven't worked with Helen Diaz, you haven't experienced the shoot of a lifetime.

Thank you Helen and thank you again Alley . A truly memorable day.

Peter xx

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Where to start about this shoot with Helen, If you want madness, fun, brilliant images and more laughter than you've ever had on a shoot then Helen is the model for you!

This was my first shoot with Helen (and i really hope it wont be the last) She brought tonnes of outfits (far more than we'd discussed) and came packed with energy and ideas for the day. She's so easy to work with and is natural in front of the camera in a variety of style shots.

If you've not shot with Helen, do it, you're missing out if you don't!



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Shoot with the lovely Helen for the first time yesterday, and what great fun it was, she has lots of energy and full of ideas and brings a great deal of fun with her. Communication in advance was great and all went to plan.

Highly recommended and hope to shoot with Helen and in the future,

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Well where do I begin about this wonderful and enchanting young lady

Helen Diaz is a magnificent model to work with full of life and just a complete joy to be around

I've worked with Helen 3 times now and each time has been amazing and I've always come away happy with my image's

Helen always makes sure that you are reaching your full potential and works very hard to get the perfect image

No pose is to much for this talented lady a true professional and just a complete treasure to talk to and work with and also a great house guest

Thank you Helen for a great day I look forward to working with you again soon very highly recommended

Paul xx

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Far Forest Studio

Finally got to meet the beautiful Helen today when she came for a shoot. We were not dissapointed. An absolute gem of a person who will brighten anyone's life. Once you meet her it is I,possible not to be totally overwhelmed by her fantastic personality.

She was a complete professional in the studio, working from start to finish. Full of laughter and energy the photographer struggled to keep up machine gunning the shutter to capture her many poses.

Now she has been here we hope it won't be too long before she visits again.

Highly recommended to any studio or photographer.

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Clayton Bastiani

Helen had never been across to The Mysterious Island before, but for some reason it had been pulling her in its direction and she found she could resist its calls no more. At around midnight, as the last boat pulled in to The Port of Mouths, she said goodbye to the strange assortment of creatures that had kept her company in the dark hour’s wait, paid the toll man, and began the slow journey across the dangerous dark waters that separated the island from the mainland. Once arrived, she was met by her friendly grinning guide Mr Bing.

Mr Bing thought Helen was rather unique - a mysterious and beautiful woman with an infectious sense of humour who was full of friendly conversation that continued throughout the weekend. Being an adventurous spirit, Helen followed Mr Bing across the island to The Back End of Nowhere. Using her delightful personality she charmed The Lord of the Voles into allowing them both access to the secret paths that ran down the cliffs to the beach made of rubies (where locals tell tales of dinosaurs, dragons and other giant creatures gathering in the night).

Mr Bing had brought along his magic picture making box and stopped every now and then to capture pictures of Helen as she enjoyed the rocks, sun and crashing sea. The hours passed far too quickly and it was with a heavy heart that they realised they would soon have to leave this magical place and begin the journey home.

As they stood saying their goodbyes, Mr Bing thanked Helen for a fun filled adventure that had been full of laughter and sunshine.

That night, when he looked through the images his picture making box had come up with, he thought ‘these are rather good’ and hoped he could take some more of Helen one day.

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kjt images

A brief but enjoyable shoot with Helen when she came to visit us on the Island last week. Time was short so nothing too adventurous on my part but Helen nailed it. Friendly, chatty, slightly mad, slightly bonkers but a total professional. Highly enjoyable hour spent with this lady even if I had no idea what we were talking about most of the time :-) Some fab images, and hopefully we will cross swords again on her next visit.

Highly recommended as everyone else has said.

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Mark Davy-Jones

For over six years I've been wanting to work with Helen and the opportunity came around a few months back at my studio in Ryde, Isle of Wight. Somewhat later than I wanted I've managed to sit down and write a reference, only to find everything I was going to say has already been said!

Yes, she's incredibly beautiful, creative and professional. Yes, she had a great suitcase of outfits and yes she managed her hair and makeup to a very high standard. Helen can pull some incredibly strong poses and commanding portraits. But you already knew that.

What really struck me was her adorable personality. Her openness and sensitivity was compulsive. We spent much time talking and laughing like old friends. She was a mystical free spirit floating through the studio conjuring magic wherever she went. She knows things that other don't. Not sure what I'm talking about? Then you've obviously not worked with her and I strongly recommend you do.

In a nutshell she blew me away!

Thank you Helen and I hope we'll see you again soon.

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Phil Holroyd Photography

Had the great Pleasure of working with Helen on a recent shoot.

Helen is great to work with, she brings with here a unique personality that will have you laughing with her constantly, That said there is a serious side that will ensure that you get some great photographs.

Had a fun morning with some great shots. Helen is highly recommended.

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Had my first (and hopefully one of many), shoot with Helen today. Had such a great time and shoot, which went very quickly. We had a laugh and giggle, nice chats (talked about random things). Pose wise Helen came up with some great stuff. All in all a great day with a great and beautiful lady.

Thanks again for today Helen. Hope to see and work with you again.

Would highly recommend Helen,

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Well, my second meeting with the lovely Helen, and this time something different.. a music recording session for me to practice with some production techniques with a few new toys.

Helen has a personality which exudes joy and whatever the mood of those around her. Though shy at times in front of the microphone, her voice is quality .. and I was delighted with how the the session went and we got some great sounds. Looking forward to the next one

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As many photographers that have worked with Helen know a days shoot with her is something else again, shooting theithered allowed Helen to work towards getting that perfect pose to fit in with the idea for the set and as a result created some cracking images.

Green tea, good music and laughter made the day fly by, I definitely recomend Helen to other photographers and will be shooting with her on her next tour.

Thanks Helen for a great shoot.

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On a dull day, Helen brightened up the shoot at Pozers Studio. We had a hoot!

We planned a shoot with an MUA for the first time and spent some time discussing the themes for the shoot in the preceding weeks. As ever, Helen was fantastic in her pre-shoot comms and made huge contributions to the concepts we were planning.

On the day, by the time I arrived, Helen was already in make-up, which gave me time to be shown around the grounds at Pozers.

Helen was just full of energy and ideas once we started shooting, so much so that the time just flew by and the shoot finished all too soon. Helen's suggestions and ideas proved invaluable and we ended up with a huge number of excellent images from the day.

All I can say is that Helen is just fantastic to work with, is so professional and contributes so much to the shoot. If you haven't worked with the lovely Helen before, you mud do so now!

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I worked with Helen back in July at Pozers studio where she was being photographed by the wonderful Tad.

As I've worked with Helen before, I knew that not only would we be getting great shots, but the energy on set would be fab!!

We had the luxury of working from an amazing studio and I was so impressed with the hair and makeup area.

I'm always honoured and excited to paint Helens face! She has wonderful alabaster skin and features that are an MUA's dream. For this shoot we were working to a vintage brief, something we've not done together before.

I'm always fascinated at how Helen can adapt to any look and concept and how natuarally she is able to do this. It's very special to see.

I believe Helen would be an amazing asset to any portfolio and you'd have such fun creating those images!

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PoZers had the pleasure of hosting the second shoot with Helen in the last two weeks, which was amazing because we really can't enough enough of this amazing young lady. I don't want to rattle on too much, as if you scroll down you will see my last reference for Helen and I don't want to seem repetitive and bore you all. Helen arrived in plenty of time for the shoot and even had time for a cup of Green Tea before we got started. She arrived with her usual case of goodies and she also wore one of PoZers brand new additions to our wardrobes, a gorgeous purple ball gown, which Helen complimented beautifully in the images. Helen spent the majority of the day in the gardens, which was a miracle as the good old British Summer is on form as usual, and she made phenomenal use of our stunning grounds, with her usual stunning poses etc. Helen's pre-shoot communication was amazing as always and she is always such a pleasure to be around, I can't wait to have her back next month for a studio day for her favourite charity. I don't need to say anymore, Helen's portfolio speaks volumes, and if you haven't worked with Helen before !!!! Omg !!! What are you waiting for ? This young lady is phenomenal, your portfolio is naked without an image of Miss Diaz in it, trust me. First class amazing, five star beautiful lady.

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phillip london

Had the pleasure of working with Helen Diaz today,what a great day full of laughs, Helen was on time and all pre-communication was great. Helen is fantastic model great with her poses and takes direction well, a stunning women who works hard for the shots your after,costume changes were real quick and we got great shots.

Would highly recommend Helen and am looking forward to working with her again.

Thanks for the giggles Helen had a wicked day.

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I had the great pleasure of shooting with Helen again and benefiting from her massive skills and experience. She presents herself beautifully, always gives a never-ending flow of perfect poses, works tirelessly and brings huge enthusiasm to the shoot. An unbeatable combination of beauty, skill and sheer fun.

Very highly recommended to all photographers.

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