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References for Helen Diaz

Helen Diaz has 1577 references; 1577 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Another short notice shoot with Helen after she was in the area and I grabbed the opportunity!

Easy and effective pre-shoot discussions followed by a lovely, simple, easy going and fun shoot in her rented flat.

Helen is a seriously good model, easy to direct and happy to contribute her own ideas. You won't find better :)

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I'll keep this short and sweet: third time collaborating with Ms Diaz, as on the two previous occasions, Helen was/is brilliant! You're guaranteed exceptional results with HDs skillset and you'll also have a blast. Thanks again Helen!

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Fantasy / Historical House & Gardens

Helen Diaz is no stranger to Talliston House & Gardens. The mix of strange rooms and times and places really does fit her styles and personalities she brings to a shoot. Respectful, professional and yet never too serious it's always a pleasure to have her around – and see the results of her shoots.

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Had my second shoot with Helen and the time just flew by! Helen was full of energy and was great fun to be around. I definitely recommend Helen and look forward to working with her again.

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Amazing shoot with Helen at her home made me feel very comfortable and welcome from the start, very professional model who needs no direction, Helen uses her vast experience to ensure the photographer goes home with some excellent images only down side was the time went so quickly with this wonderful model

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Had my first shoot with this unique and beautiful lady recently. & certainly wont be my last, an absolute professional with no need of direction whatsoever! the time flew by we got on straight from the off & had lots of laughs. her and energy and hard work is inspiring. absolutely highly recommended..! Thank You..x

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Optimus Blue Box Photography said...

Helen had been on my list of want to work with for some time, so many had told me you should work with her. You'll love her.

Chatty and engaging from the start. I was instantly put at ease. This translated in to a great 4 hours of creativity and fun. And we got some amazing shots(I promise Helen at some point I will be uploading them)

Highly recommended, worked really hard, pushes the envelope to get the best possible poses. And as I said a really fun person to shoot with. Don't pass up a chance to work with Helen

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Had a fantastic first shoot with Helen last week! :-) I had wanted to work with Helen for ages so when the opportunity to shoot with her at The Den came up I jumped at the chance! :-) Helen is an amazing model to work with, her posing is exceptional and working with her is soo much fun! :-) we were also able to shoot together with her housemate Volkova which added a different dimension to the shots :-) Helen is really easy to get on with and we got some fabulous shots - would totally recommend Helen and hope to work with her again in the near future! :-)

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I had a shoot today with Helen at her home.

I have shot with Helen many times now, and its just like being with a friend.

Helen is great to work with, always fun, and we always have plenty to talk about, and the time flies by.

From a model perspective, she is wonderful and knows every pose.

Needless to say, I will work with Helen again. We got some really good pictures and as always, she is a joy. Highly recommended.

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What can I say that hasn't already been covered in 879 references? I had a location shoot with Helen earlier in the week. We worked on an idea I had and Helen was totally on board. We were slightly let down by the weather but Helen did her best to brave the cold. But in the end rain arrived.

We had a great couple of hours, and hopefully managed to come back with some great images. Helen is really fun to work with and it was definitely one of the most entertaining shoots I had so far. I can definitely recommend Helen to anyone and can't wait to work with her again!

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My second booking with the great HD and, once again, it was a genuine pleasure and a huge privilege to work with her. It would be impossible to overstate my admiration and respect for Helen's tremendous professionalism and bold attitude; shooting outdoors in less-than-balmy British weather, I asked an awful lot of her, but Helen's marvelous enthusiasm, brilliant sense of humour, and astonishing energy never waned, despite enduring quite severe physical discomfort in pursuit of the winning image.

It's this strength of character and her indomitable personality, quite apart from her stunning looks and incredibly photogenic figure, that makes Helen such a fantastic model - and such a hoot to hang out with. She's a lovely person, highly skilled and deeply committed to her craft, and I recommend her unreservedly.

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Ramees Farooqi

A record sixth shoot with Helen Diaz and our first in my new photographic space. As with our very first shoot in March 2015, this too was heralded by glorious sunshine and beautiful weather.

Helen and I always have an incredible amount of fun during the shoot. She helped me to create some wonderful magic as we made full use of both my attic space and garden.

She is one of the most patient and uncomplaining people I know. For a start, she would hold a pose for what may seem forever despite the fact that she suffers from a number of conditions which cause her unimaginable discomfort.

Helen works with apparently boundless energy, and while she is at it, she presents many fantastic ideas of her own. She is one of those models doesn't even need to adopt a pose for the camera, I find that I could just photograph her all day in almost any situation.

Once again she has enriched my life, not only by blessing my photographic environment and indeed my household with her warmth, her beautiful presence and her infectious sense of humour, but also with one of her many true acts of kindness by helping and encouraging me to start a small business which I have been planning to run for sometime.

Words may never be enough for someone such as Helen Diaz, and so once more, I can only leave her with my highest recommendation (even if she did think that the hair of one of my role models since I was a teenager, Jeff Beck, was too long! :P )

Thank you for everything once more Helen, I really cannot wait to shoot with you again so please come back soon.

Ramees x

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Roger More

I have shot with Helen on several occasions this year, each shoot has been so much fun and produced fantastic images!

We shot a few months ago on a trip to Malaga where we found a lovely village location for a late afternoon/sunset shoot, and produced some lovely back-lit sheer images.

Helen is wonderful to work with and completely hilarious!! :)

I highly recommend any photographer to book her.

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Sensual Art

Finally working with Helen was great. Easy comms, engagement with what I wanted to achieve, her fabulous looks, knowledge of how to work to the camera, and a bundle of laughs throughout all combined to make for such a great experience.

Thank you, Helen, and I'm looking forward to what we've already got lined up next.

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Kevin Roche

I had a great shoot with Helen. She was very helpful and dedicated to getting the shots I wanted and great fun to work with. Highly recommended.

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Shot with Helen over two weeks ago and my apology for late reference. Can't quite understand why i go on shooting with this fantastic model. Get to her to a location in the middle of town and lo and behold she is talking to every passer by and stranger turning my low key shoot into a party for one and all. What a fantastic time we had and between the party celebrations we got some fantastic shots. Helen is off to the dark side so i'll look forward to shooting with her when she gets back. Can't recommend Helen too highly for a fun shoot with an experienced model go for it. X

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I had my first home shoot with the gorgeous Helen Diaz last week, and boy! What a fantastic experience it was. Apart from being an absolutely brilliant model with great expressions, loads of poses and creative accolade, Helen was also a delight to work with; warm and friendly with a great sense of humour.

It was a 3 hour shoot, but it felt more like 30 minutes the way the time flew by. What made the shoot so amazing was Helen’s enthusiasm and passion for modelling. She gave a 100% and I had no doubt that she was enjoying the shoot just as much as I was. Indeed, we had a great time talking and laughing, which made the shoot so much fun. At the end of it all, I came away with some amazing images, which I want to thank Helen for, and to say it was a privilege and pleasure working with her.

I have no hesitation recommending Helen to photographers of all levels, and look forward to work with her again in the future.

Thank you again Helen!

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Had the great pleasure of my second meeting with Helen. A magnificent model to work with. She is highly talented and professional, but she easily put you at your ease with her wicked sense of humour and chat. All in all a lovely lady I highly recommend.

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Fine and DanDee Studio's

Helen is always such a pleasure to have in the studio, her comms are perfect and she is a delight to be around. Her laugh is infectious and she works tirelessly throughout the day. Not a bad word to say about this lady and she is always welcome at the studio.

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I can't believe how fast the time with Helen went! She has amazing energy, is great fun and above all is a great model - recommended!

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