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References for Helen Diaz

Helen Diaz has 1577 references; 1577 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Take in the Alps

Just how good is Helen Diaz?

"How great is she?" I hear you say ..

"The best, the very best; better than the best", I say

"But comparisons are odious" you say.

And I say:

"I know .... but ... but ...

She transforms herself into the image you have in your mind; the one you want on the back of your camera. And she divinely sings while she's doing it. Not just sings, but grants you a perfect moment in your career as a photographer ... takes you to the top, puts you amid the greats. And not just your career ... though that's quite nice ... but also your life; she gives you a perfect moment in your life; one to love and cherish ... forever.

I know this because I took some pictures of her during a group shoot.

I enjoyed the experience greatly; I adored it. I felt so relaxed ... happy .. high .... intensely fulfilled as a creative artist and as a person.

When I asked Helen to respond to something, she was there in an instant ... making beauty arise in the moment, and in every moment of its unfolding.

I look back at my photographs and cannot believe that I took them. I will

never take such extraordinary photographs again. This is true. What am I to do? I only have you.

But hey, we photographers must steal ourselves for one more shoot, or at least another shot. If only to discover whether it was really our talent that captured something so stunning, so gorgeous and so ravishing that we were catapulted into a state of blissful rapture; one that we will never ever attain again, no matter how hard we try.

So what's next: I'll keep shooting ... and building my chops, and like an Olympian, get myself in the best condition to shoot her again. But I won't be able to wait long because I want to photograph her again. It's such a big warm feeling and I feel it at my very core.

It's such an exciting thought: preparing myself for the shoot; designing the shoot ... meticulously; making sure Helen has everything she needs .. .so that she can perform at her vet best and delight in her wonderful ability to move, pose, transform ... effortlessly purr from one state to the next ... from one mood to the next ... to conjure up tensions and then release them as the shutter squeezes and the light becomes more luminous, the colours more dazzling, her flesh more heavenly, her expression more lovely, her soul more mysterious..."

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Arrow Photography

I had the most wonderful pre christmas shoot with Helen!! It's a fair way down to Chippenham from London but honestly it was the best use of petrol I've had all year!

Helen is super friendly, amazing fun to be around and awesomely creative!! If you want a model that ticks every box you can find then go book this one!

You know when you get back from a shoot and look at the images and pick out the gems to edit? Well every single shot was awesome, I knew they were good on the back of the camera but editing them has been an absolute dream and the hardest part is trying to pick the best of an amazing bunch.

Oh and yeah just throw it out there that we made a video too, this is one versatile model, williing to try anything and just puts so much effort into getting the perfect shot.

Soon heartily recommended it's starting to hurt my head!

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keri hambly

this is my second time to shot with Helen first in a workshop and second my first ever 1-2-1

at pozers studio. Helen is such a stunning girl with so much energy she went from pose to pose each one as beautiful as the last. and she pulls some great ideas out of the bag to. I can't say how much I enjoyed shooting Helen so much fun but some seriously great images. cant wait to book her again

recommended? in a heartbeat

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Vintage Photography

If you ever need cheering up then book a shoot with Helen and you will be smiling for the rest of the day. Zany sense of humour, great depth of character and so easy to work with. Helen flow poses exceptionally, has some wonderful expressions and a perfect figure. I have never heard 'bush' mentioned so many times in a 3 hour shoot. Thoroughly enjoyed the shoot and Helen is full of ideas.

Happy Christmas Helen.

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Helens back at PoZers, this time with a gentleman, her first official male & female duo, (she’s doing a duo with Pip the Gentleman at PoZers 24/3, spaces still available lol... this is going to be phenomenal). Helen as always, is a true professional and she’s an asset to anyone’s portfolio, and is doing more duos this year, than ever before. Because Helen is so much fun to be around, this shoot was inevitable it was going to be amazing, her modelling Male was also a true gentleman, very good looking, with a strong male Model look, complimenting Helen completely. If was lovely to watch them both and see Helen adapt, just like a chameleon, into a modelling situation she’s unfamiliar with, and of course, as always, she’s nailed it. Helen compliments any Male or female model of course, and she’s very firm on only tasteful posing and images, so don’t think this is Helen changing her genres, this won’t be happening, it’s all about the art, the complimenting poses of a handsome, strong man, with a beautiful sensual woman, the natural magnetism, between two people. This involved them both acting, it’s not as easy as it looks, magnetism between two strangers, when Helens already madly in love with her soul mate, this was a challenge. But she was Amazing as always. So beautiful. What more can I say ????

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Starglider Photography

Dothra was perplexed.

No-one from the council of the brave were ever late to the weekly meetings in the chambers, especially at this crucial hour of the war. Dothra was exhausted. He had been up for most of the night preparing his evaluation of the recent attacks of the planet Cyron, a listening outpost for his race that had recently fallen from a lightning strike from the Darloks.

The Darloks had waged war with the Cyrons 14 years prior. A war of pure attrition. The leader Cowling had for some time prior manipulated her peoples with the fear of a rising force against them. Propaganda was king on her home world and she wielded it with glee, purely for her own agenda. Carefully placing trusted people, people entirely loyal to her cause - her agenda - to ensure that no others could possibly rise up against her. And along with her secret service she stands as the ultimate power. And her one ambition in life was to rule as much as possible.

Dothra paced with a stride of uncertainty. Could the information he had gleaned, the news that would rock the very core of the entire planetary system, be faulty? No, he was sure it was solid news. It would change everything. But was it too late?

Finally Magar arrived. A burly person, standing over 9 feet tall, with piecing purple eyes, and a ridge on his forehead that made him look angry at all times. And yet to his race, Magar was considered a relatively small ineffectual person. Only his family ties allowed him to be in a position of power. Height to his people of the planet Zol equalled respect and power and he was reminded of his failings almost every day.

"Where is everyone else?" Magar asked.

"That's a joke right? Where have YOU been?" Dothra responded in an heartbeat.

"Interplanetary travel has become precarious at best," Magar said with his eyes filled with woe, "you know how we have to change our routes, our ships, even our identicards, to keep the Darloks off our backs".

Dothra didn't need to say anything. He knew Magar was right.

But soon after, other members of the council started to arrive; the Corlans, the Ools, and the Sandars. But what was more noticeable were the members who didn't show. The Hilso's for example, a proud race who for thousands of years were known as the artists of the galaxy, peoples who had been without war for so long that when the Darloks attacked, they had no weapons of any significance to even make a dent in the armour of the attacking ships. They were easy prey. And now wiped out.

Once settled, and in a silence you could hear a pin drop, Dothra rose and walked to the centre of the council chambers, into the single spotlight that lit the space. Once inside it was almost like a vacuum. Dothra could barely see the other council members, and with the silence he wondered if he would even be heard. His heartbeat to him was so loud that he believed the whole chamber could hear it.

Dothra look at his notes he clutched in his hand, he could barely read it, the shaking was so intense. He closed his eyes and took a long deep breathe. Dropping his head and slowing opening his eyes again he could focus a little better. It was a trick his teacher taught him back in his youth, so long ago.

The council looked on. Every passing second seemed to up the intensity of the moment. Finally Dothra opened his mouth and spoke.

"Helen Diaz is a fucking epic model, you should all book her."

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Greg Tallent

It took me a while to write this.. trying to say what hasn't yet been said about Helen.. but then Helen deserves all the time and attention she gets. She is one of the most beautiful and generous models I have worked with. Her beauty is outside and there to look at, and also within, in her character to appreciate. Helen will do all she can to get the shots you want.

She works the camera like every great model, and has the expressive range of a muse.

Helen is fascinating and beguiling, a walking poem of beauty and depth.

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I always look forward to shooting with Helen, I know I'm guaranteed a superb model and a lot more besides. She exudes energy, warmth and enthusiasm and flits effortlessly between total professionalism and offbeat humour. She's hugely stimulating to work with and her engaging friendly approach makes the shoot completely stress-free. She uses her skills and experience wisely, making the best of the photographer's ideas and bringing her own unique interpretations.

Classic looks, huge talent, a great shooting experience and a pleasure to work with - Helen is one of the best.

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Worked with Helen at my home studio, pre-comms were excellent and she kept me updated on her Eta, on arrival was ready to shoot.

Now the hard part, this lady has 977 references and as far as I am concerned deserves every one, what can I say that has not been said many times before.

Yes she is beautiful, competent, confident and professional. Also humorous, chatty, friendly and a pleasure to work with. But I expected that and was not disappointed, with her wealth of experience she remains down to earth and unpretentious.

In the end it's very simple if you want one of the best models around book Helen.

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I really really love shooting with Helen!

She is so easy to get on with and delightfully quirky as well as being damn good at her job. This time, we were shooting in a bedroom setting with plenty of props such as chairs, pillows, etc. The light was pretty dire but we worked around that as a team and the results were great, as usual.

I would strongly recommend Helen to any photographer; she is professional and de luxe quality - what more can you ask for?

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I am sure anything I say in this reference has already been said about Helen but here goes.

Pre shoot communication was fantastic and everything continued in this vein as the shoot got underway. From the vast suitcase, came a number of outfits that were discussed and used during the shoot. Her skills in front of the camera were fab and this alongside someone who I found to be incredibly easy to talk to led to the few hours flying by. I ended the shoot with a memory card full of great shots and that tells the story completely.

If you get the chance, then work with this exceptional woman and I am sure you will not be disappointed.

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I had my second shoot with Helen in mid-December 2017 at The Factory (Limehouse). Helen was ready to go commendably quickly and we ran through several sets.

Helen’s a very experienced and capable model who posed effortlessly and without direction. It was an enjoyable shoot and she’s highly recommended. I look forward to working with Helen again in the future.

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Helen was a real pleasure to work with and true professional. She was also one hell of a lot of fun! She had great ideas and was always responsive to my input. I very much hope to work with her again and I couldn't recommend her enough.

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Mark Abel

I worked with Helen for the first time at her event hosted at Talliston House. Had a blast: fabulous model with a great personality and a great look. Will be making an effort to try shoot with Helen again in 2018.

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Had an absolutely incredible second shoot with Helen! This time as a duo shoot with Soria :-) we shot at her home which gave us some fabulous possibilities for lighting and shots! :-) working with Helen is an amazing experience! her incredible professionalism, phenomenal posing, both solo and working really well together with Soria as a duo, and awesome creativity mean that almost every shot is fantastic! on top of that working with Helen is brilliant fun! I had an a amazing time shooting, and came away with awesome images! :-) Would totally recommend Helen, and can't wait to work with her again! :-)

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Worked with Helen on a shoot at Kinetic Studio.

I had no idea I would be working with her ( which was totally on my bucket list!) and after I got over my fanboy nerves, managed to create some amazing images.

If you are aware of Helen's work and talent, I don't need to really explain too much :)

But she was absolutely charming, relaxed and a proper laugh too!

I really hope to work with her again as Helen is a true artist at what she does

Highly highly recommended!!

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Colin Dixon

Well my second shoot with Helen was as amazing as the first. She is so much fun to be with and a stunning model. We worked on some wacky ideas from the crazy photographer. Also Helen brought along her cosplay outfit ,which she looked amazing in (along with the Bush :) ) Cant wait to work with her again and of course anyone thinking of booking her should not hesitate. Thanks Helen!!!!!!

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keri hambly

This is the first time I have worked with Helen at poZers studio on Saturday.

Wow what can I say so patient and so professional and so much fun to shot the day went so fast for everybody at the workshop. The whole day was just one big giggle with with some great shots of this stunning young lady. Just hope I get a chance to shot her again. Highly recommended

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I recently worked with Helen at Pozers. Everything ran very smoothly; Helen has a great sense of humour and is great fun to work with, the time just flew by. Helen brought a lot of creativity to the shoot and a dynamic range of poses to build on and refine the core themes. The foam armour shot really well and we fitted in a few fashion sets as well. We got some great images. Thank you for a great shoot and I hope we get the chance to work together again, highly recommended.

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Helen is an exceptional individual, not just as a 'model', but her personality is one of a kind.

I was lucky enough to shoot Helen in a shoot whereby she actually needed to keep her clothes on. She has a way with poses, making them look easy but in actuality they're very difficult to pull off.

I will most definitely be working with Helen in the near future, thanks Helen! :)

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