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References for Helen Diaz

Helen Diaz has 1577 references; 1577 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Andy's photography

i had a fantastic day at Pozers studio with the lovely Helen Diaz, who i have worked with many times now, she was her funny, on form professional self, really enjoyed working with her again, we did a Bridal shoot,we got some lovely images in different sets.can't wait to upload them.

it went very well we had 6 hours of shooting, enjoyed every minute of it,100% recommend to all on purpleport.

thanks again Helen for a another lovely shoot & afternoon.


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My 2nd shoot with Helen

I think that Helen has over 1200 positive references speaks volumes for her professionalism and personality.

Helen is such a talent, so much fun to be around, She produces image after image of outstanding quality, and makes GREAT coffee :).

I 100% recommend Helen to all photographers at any level. She is friendly, fun and relaxed. She will never judge or criticise, every things done with a smile on her pretty face. She is also a cat person like me

Helen you really are a star. Thank you for both shoots so far and hopefully we can do more Xx

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Had my second shoot with Helen yesterday. It was arranged last minute, and Helen was very proactive in finding a suitable studio for us to use - very much appreciated.

This shoot was totally natural light based both in the studio and in the gardens around the studio. Helen is a delight to work with and a very accomplished model. She will take direction if given, but anticipates the types of poses required for a given situation.

We covered numerous different scenarios and produced some lovely images in each of them.

So glad to have worked with her again!

Highly recommended.

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Studio 52

Helen needed a studio and I was happy to help out. Great comms. and a really lovely model. Only wished I viewed her portfolio when she enquired booking as I would have got some great images .

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Today was my first shoot with Helen at my home in Guildford. I had been wanting to work with her for a while... and today was the day! Pre shoot comms were perfect. Helen arrived bright, cheerful and energised with the most amazing enthusiasm. I decided to shoot in the garden in the shade using a hedge as a backdrop, a blue coloured material backdrop and also a wooden fence as a backdrop. In addition to this, Helen put forward some fabulous suggestions making full use of what the garden had to offer. Absolutely brilliant, Helen! My preferred style of shooting is to use a high shutter speed with Helen moving from pose to pose and allowing her free reign without much direction. Helen was absolutely superb and delivered her unique style of poses and expressions with effortless ease... faultlessly executed with style and panache. This is exactly what I was hoping for! And Helen aced it!!!

Helen is an outstanding model! A delight to work with! An absolute barrel of fun too! She is extremely talented, needs no direction and is a shining example to other models with her work ethic and professionalism. She is completely focused on working with a photographer to create the most wonderful images possible, yet does this in such a fun and relaxed way that it looks effortless and all her energy rubs off on the shoot in such a positive way, making the whole experience a joy. One word... Perfect!

Helen easily merits the highest possible recommendation!

Thank you for such a wonderful shoot, Helen!

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I had such a lovely outdoors shoot with Helen! She was touring in my area, and I’m so glad she agreed to shoot with me late afternoon/ early evening in some picturesque ruins and woodland in Sussex.

Helen is super fun to work with, and the time just flew by!

She is a model of the very highest calibre – full of energy and creativity – and her style is perfect for my BnW aesthetic. Her pre-shoot comms were faultless, as were her outfits and makeup. Her poise and elegance are simply superb.

Helen has an infectious laugh, and a taste for 1980’s popular music which almost coincided with my own.

Thanks so much Helen!

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I have shot with Helen many times at her home, so decided today to do a location shoot.

As always, Helen is a dream to work with, a complete joy.

We got some wonderful images, some of the best we have ever done.

Helen is a great friend and a very professional model.

I would hope to see her again soon.

I love her creative spirit. A fun filled 3 hours.

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Myself and Helen's first shoot in a studio and as always the shoots went by in the blink of an eye. As Helen and I have shot together a few times we seem to have gotten our own rhythm and way of shooting down and the images keep getting better.

I'm not sure a recommendation is needed from this review or lots of hyperbolic words. What I think is needed is to point out that Helen is a creative mind and a very adaptive model who will work with you in the truly collaborative way that will get the type of image you wouldn't have got without her.

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Had a wonderful and productive shoot with Helen. It has been a while since we last had a shoot, during that time Helen has developed her posing repertoire even more so than on the earlier session.

Her personality is outstanding and was able to converse/give opinions on many subjects. The time just flew by as we caught up. Helen was an absolute delight to work with bouncing ideas together. A truly delightful, well skilled model with a relaxed attitude and thoroughly professional.

We had breaks listened to some tracks as we shot over 2000 images which I am about to send her. A truly exhilarating and pleasurable shoot very highly recommended. If you have not had the pleasure of working with this charming/beautiful model, then you really need to book up.

Will look forward to shooting again when she is in the area. A very memorable experience thank you Helen.

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Starglider Photography











But enough about me. Helen was great too!

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The Photo Taker

I recently had the pleasure of my second shoot with the amazing Helen, again at Pozers Studio. This was Pin-up Burlesque shoot. It’s always risky type casting a model, but Helen certainly has the ability to bring that period to life and seems to be a natural at it, but I suspect she could do that for any period of history or style of shoot. Helen is after all a very professional and accomplished model as her portfolio demonstrates only too well.

But don't think Helen is a just a professional posing machine. She is that of course, but she’s also a mischievous soul that’s a bundle of laugh’s and so much fun to be with. It’s rare that achieving such great results is so much fun.

If you’ve never had a shoot with Helen then what are you waiting for? You certainly won’t be disappointed. And if you’re a bit concerned that your with a hugely experienced accomplished model is rather daunting as you're not that experienced, then don’t be. I’ve seen first hand that she’s happy working with togs of levels, and you learn so much, especially how to hold a camera still when you’re laughing!

Thanks Helen for a great day. I have no doubt we’ll be shooting together again soon.

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My first time working with the beautiful, gregarious and vivacious Helen. She was a delight to shoot. Her infectious humour made for a fabulous, fun and laughter filled day at Pozers Studio. Highly recommended and would love to work with Helen again.

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NTN-Photography said...

I met Helen at Pozers Studio in Swindon for an arranged Pin-upband Burlesque photoshoot. Helen arrived full of joy as alway, after a short period to change and have her make up applied, she was ready. Chatty, laughing most of the day, the day passed to quick as always. I am now looking for an idea for our next shoot. Helens poses are always graceful and well practiced, it is such a joy working with Helen and Ally who owns the studio. I definately recommend Helen for a shoot full of fun and laughter. Thank you Helen for a fantastic day and I will not leave it so long for the next one.

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Neill Taylor

Another wonderful shoot with Helen. In a relaxed time at Pozers studio, we worked through 5 or 6 very different sets with different clothes and Alley, who runs Pozers, providing a great range of lovely backdrops. As always, Helen looked stunning in all of them and just poses so well! And she's great fun to work with, we had a lot of laughs. And the outcome was a great selection of very pleasing shots. Highly recommended! Thank you Helen.

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A personal goal of mine! At last! I finally photographed Helen!

I have found it almost impossible to put into words what it was like, but it was like me photographing Claire.

It helps that I already knew her.

Me in April 2017 at my 2nd Social (The first one I attended, I kept having Panic Attacks when I entered so had to keep leaving, so eventually I left), packed out, the noise, can’t move. Me clinging to the stairs froze having another Panic Attack, a bad one. So, someone Raven haired in a red dress to the left, asks me over, a chair and we get chatting. Very pleasant and most kind I found. Rather fascinated someone with that record would even bother speaking to me. Especially what some so-called “supermodels” are like. Correspondence afterwards a great help. One plans on photographing soon. More Socials I am attending, when Helen appears always speaks to me which is lovely. Several people always do which is nice, even when a lot don’t. Updates on tours which is helpful. Of course, I am reliant on Photography for my income since 1st December 2017 so only 1 shoot in 2018 and nothing, some possible shoots either I can afford to travel or the shoot but not both. Otherwise I had a great deal of trouble over that period and I was all ready to just quit, as not doing my mind any good a year later in 2018. I think about quitting several times since 2017.

Why did I go ahead with this shoot at all? Read on.

So, Serendipity!

I just happened to peruse certain members on my Professionals I Trust list, their Castings and Events. This was Monday 20th May 2019. I happen to spot a duo shoot. So, enquiries and correspondence. As is customary very detailed and always replies. I do have to treat any possible shoot as an investment. Easy decision and all sorted by Friday.

On the day of the shoot I arrived at Greensleeves a little late about 12:05pm as I had a wrong turn following my route, Google Maps should have said right after following to the left, so I doubled back, then lost signal for a bit. Most understanding when I left a message and she replied but I was absolutely shot before I even arrived. A most kind welcome and 3 glasses of ice-cold water all ready, I think. Introductions to everyone, Roger the Gentleman Photographer, Dominika and even Leia.

Dominika first for 1 hour. I must add what an outstanding recommendation by Helen.

Next Helen, who is course completely Bonkers! Snap! I love being Bonkers as I find it helps dealing with and enjoying life!

A toast with Cappuccino and to the music of David Bowie and we are off.

An absolutely epic hour of photography! Seemed liked the longest hour in the world.

All wrapped. What are my latest thoughts on Miss Helen Diaz?

Bonkers, Snap! Takes in everything, misses nothing and remembers all of it, all little details I mentioned already for example. No fuss, no complaints, no problem. One of the most detailed port notes ever, yet all important to read in full.

A lovely dress sense. No sense of superiority to anyone else, zero diva genes, very self-deprecating. Very much puts people at ease. Such serenity as I photographed her. For once I was never nervous from the moment, I arrived to the moment I left Greensleeves, flowing through different sets.

Most easy as ever to talk to, super organised, goes into minute detail about everything. Highly intelligent, a plus point certainly, knows her subject, whatever that is. Most articulate in writing another plus point.

Whatever she does, one can be absolutely certain whatever it is (an email or a reference for example) it gets done. Gives her word she keeps it. A rare thing I find. Always keen to learn, no sense that she knows everything.

Minimal makeup and the same red dress during our shoot. Highlights Helen’s ability with just small changes, (an expression, a change of hair style for example here), yet resulting in completely different moods and photographs. Most instructive.

A deeply elegant poise and movement, grace personified.

It is rather intimidating, almost insurmountable in my mind that I could ever be up to photographing such a model, given her reputation and as a photographer the photographers she has worked with, Damien Lovegrove is particularly one I know of and to me I have no chance. Let along those shoots who have Studio, Equipment, Stylist, MUA, Wardrobe, extensive Post-Processing and so on, elaborate Commercial standard affairs.

I have nothing to offer except myself and my Camera, what I can do in-camera.

Yet this did not matter!

The longer the hour went on the better it got; the better Helen got.

How I managed to shoot at a rate of 3 and ¼ shots per minute for 195 in total I don’t know. All the talking, funny voices, funny faces, laughter and collapsing into fits of giggles yet shot all that I still don’t know. Solid Gold results.

I cannot take all the credit, this was certainly a two-way shoot equally Helen’s contribution, more so I think than mine with my camera.

I cannot believe even now I ended up with the results I did.

Working with Helen is very much a two-way shoot of equals. She reminds me of the late Sir Roger Moore who always made it his business to know what was going on at his work and who everyone was, the doorman and the catering lady for instance, two people that wouldn’t even be noticed in a film studio normally.

Deeply values and recognises the contribution made by everyone else, photographer, studio, MUA, everyone. Which is rare, very rare I note and invaluable. Down to Earth.

As for working at what she does, might as well be bionic! The effort put in really shows.

Nothing is one-way, everything is reciprocated.

The most detailed communications and planning.

Thoroughly reliable and yes honest, a rare thing. One of the most pleasant and professional people I have ever met.

I note she doesn’t need an elaborate wardrobe, makeup or hair to produce outstanding results. Minimalism here on our shoot. I always prefer to photograph the person as they are.

It is the one aspect I have found almost impossible to put into words, but I find it invaluable when you simply understand one another. No need to elaborate, or explain, say anything, do anything you just know, understand, completely. This was the difference I found and yes one could and did talk about anything too, no nerves, none at all.

Such unexpected, kind hospitality too at Greensleeves from everyone, Good Samaritans.

Minute attention to any and all details.

I have never been asked on a shoot if I have had Breakfast, or been offered Cappuccino (she remembered of course), most kind.

The Helen Diaz experience is a must for anyone who wishes to be a Photographer. You will soon find out if you are or aren’t. The effect on your ability is priceless.

A Beautiful, Kind, Soul. Some people, things have a price, but Kindness is Priceless.

I have not enjoyed myself so much or my photography in a long time.

For me I have photographed Twiggy’s cousin, she is that good, peerless.

Do I mention she reminds me of Lynda Carter? Wonder Woman certainly.

Now why did I go ahead with this shoot at all?

Just before Christmas 2018 about 7th December I had a message from Miss Helen Diaz, a heads up about a shoot, which I had to regretfully decline. In correspondence I had this from her.

“Please don't give up on photography. You take lovely photographs- I especially love the ones in your portfolio taken in natural light (I am a sucker for natural light! Its my favourite way to shoot)”

Something I always remembered when I needed to, that is why it was an easy decision for this investment.

Certainly, one of the longest references I have written and certainly the most difficult.

If you hadn’t understood by now, would I work with her again?

Yes, absolutely!

Congratulations to a thoroughly deserved 1200 references!

I can only say, Miss Helen Diaz has been deeply kind and a great help to me ever since I met her, and I am so proud to have been given the opportunity to photograph her at last. I still have my touch and my confidence back in just 1 hour.

There are Prices above Rubies, but Kindness is Priceless!

I can only finish by stating the highest reference I can give, after Finding Neverland and entering Greensleeves for 2 hours with this Beautiful Kind Soul.

This Little Lost Boy learned, thanks to a little Trust and Pixie Dust to love life again!

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Techquila Photography

I had a great shoot with Helen at her home. This was our first time shooting together and it was a pleasure from start to finish. Communication was flawless both before and on the day. Once there we got to work really quickly and went through about half a dozen different looks. Helen has amazing to work with, expressive in both body and face and poses flawlessly. She also has an infectious smile and sense of humour that made the 4 hours just totally fly by. Her home has plenty of light-filled spaces and we were able to shoot entirely by natural light even as the sky started to darken with rain clouds.

Highly recommended and I'm looking forward to working with you again Helen!

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Tina Spratt-

This was my first time working with Helen, and she was a fantastic model. She was hard working, had loads of ideas which worked really well alongside my own. She also has an extensive wardrobe of lovely dresses and jewellery which were fun to try. She is very relaxed and easy going and fun to chat to between shots. We created some stunning images together which I plan to develop into paintings, I thoroughly recommend working with her!

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2nd Curtain Photography

Booked a shoot with Helen at Sandon Studio and from the moment I arrived she was a real blast & pleasure to be with.

Helen has a great sense of humour, whilst posing professionally & with ease. My theme for the day was Hollywood Style & Helen being a lover of this style, pulled it off quite easily & the images look awesome.

It was a great privilege to work with Helen and it's such a shame our time together flew by rather too quickly.

Thank you Helen for a most fun & productive shoot - Highly Recommended.

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I had the fantastic opportunity to work with Helen at Sandon studio in May.

I really enjoyed to work with Helen and I found her personality very interesting and very optimistic in the same time.

The photo-session went as planned, very professional and with nice working connection through.

I am sure that I will work with Helen again soon.


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Jonathan Frings

Had a great shoot with Helen today at Sandon Studios. She's a lot of fun and our time flew by. She has a great, varied wardrobe and plenty of talent, which meant we've got plenty of shots I'm very pleased with.

Highly recommended and already looking forward to our next opportunity to shoot.

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