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References for Artemis Fauna

Artemis Fauna has 1742 references; 1742 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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The best thing about working with Artemis is that you can completely trust her to do the model stuff and let you get on with pressing the button. But she is very creative and is also able to make suggestions and help solve lighting and other technical issues. As a photographer herself she understands everything from lens choices to lighting and I was very happy to have her input and suggestions. This was particularly useful when we were working in the natural light areas of Map Studios. I was shooting film and using a small GX7 as my 'Polaroid' as well as a few additional shots, she was seamlessly able to adapt her workflow between the slower film pace and the faster digital one.

She has a lovely personality and is very easy to get along with, she can work well with any level of photographer and I would particularly recommend her to those wishing to work with their first professional model, and if you work with her collaboratively then you will get great results.

A total star and highly recommended.

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Artemis Fauna creative genius!

That was going to be the whole reference but she deserves so much more.

When I first met Artemis it had taken a couple of years to get up the courage to ask if she would work with me and it was a huge mistake as I should have asked the day I signed up here and saw her images. Artemis has made me grow as a photographer in so many ways and takes my tiny ideas and makes them into huge images.

Beauty, an eye for perfection, versatility, boundless energy, sense of humour, creativity, intelligence and modesty all come in this awesome package and there are so many laughs along the way. Every time I shoot with Artemis its like a missing part has returned and everything becomes easy. My brain aches from the sheer bulk of super cool images currently sat waiting to edit and Im already working on our July 2019 shoot!

I cannot put into words how highly I regard Artemis as a model, creative, friend and human being, she has made such a difference to me that I dont think I will ever find a way to repay her. All I can say is book her and book her again she will bring something special to your portfolio and make the dream images in your head a reality !!


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Elle J

Mr Wilson knew that it was a goal of mine to work with Artemis and he messaged her before he was due to work with her to see if she would do a few shots with me. I was so pleased she said yes! She is friendly, chatty and I was blown away by all her knowledge of lighting and of the camera. While posing together she was so graceful and had really great ideas.

It was truly wonderful to pose with her and I hope in the future I get to work with her again. Thanks so much!

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I'm delighted to give Artemis her gazillionth reference. She bowled up to my place with a beaming smile, 2 gigantic cases and more enthusiasm than an enthusiastic thing with a degree from the university of enthusiasts. Despite her great experience and reputation, she has to be one of the least diva like models I've ever been lucky enough to work with.,

We'd chatted about a shoot for a while, but not actually paid a lot of heed to the 'what' barring some vagueness.

As with most days recently, today was baking. I suggested if we were going out to do some location stuff we needed to do it early. Artemis didn't need any encouragement, and long after I'd turned into a wet rag, she was looking cool and awesome, set after sweltering set.

Back to my place and the Artemis dynamo never slowed. Different outfits and looks, we had an amazing day, even took a photo or two when we weren't laughing..

Not a lot I can add to the glowing references Artemis has accumulated over the years barring my own personal thanks for coming and working with me in today's sweltering conditions. Highly recommended and then some!

Come back soon Artemis :-)

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Had a wonderful shoot with Artemis today. Pre-coms were great and date arranged easily. Work impacted my preparation so when we got to it there was a great deal of improvisation and Artemis was amazing with this. Artemis provided ideas, helpful and wanted critique, as well as posing like a dream. What other superlatives can I add? Artemis is great, book her.

Thank you Artemis much appreciated and much valued session.

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Yet another great and fun shoot with Artemis and, as always, she contributes brilliantly in all aspects. The highlight set this time was a shower set, aiming for the moody and arty not the glamour. I'm not sure many models would be able to carry this off in the way Artemis did and I have to applaud the way she can develop ideas so rapidly and constantly suggest enhancements.

Artemis is simply unequalled, whether at one of her events or working long or short solo shoots. Nothing phases her, she always goes "above and beyond" to ensure the photographer gets the very best results possible.

Always super-highly recommended.

Thanks yet again, Artemis. See you in a few weeks!

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I was one of six lucky photographers to attend an evening shoot in gardens which during the day are open to the public.The shoot was arranged by Artemis Fauna in her home town. Communication beforehand was excellent. Artemis Fauna was one of three models on the evening, all of which were fantastic working up to art nude. The organisation was superb, the weather warm, the sandwiches excellent and all in all brilliant. I am more than happy with my resulting images and would thoroughly recommend Artemis Fauna as a model and as an event organizer.

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The first of 2 shoots in one day at the Secret Garden. This one a "solo" with Artemis shooting SFW. As always, she was fabulous, contributing the majority of the ideas as well as the modelling flair and expertise.

Artemis put together 4 super outfits for the shoot and they all perfectly suited the parts of the Garden for which they were intended. 4 great sets and a shoot that will live long in the memory as a real favourite.

Every time I shoot Artemis I think "it cannot get better than this" but it always does the next time! An amazing model who I cannot recommend enough.

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An Artemis Fauna Secret Garden event with 3 great models. Organisation was superb and she was more than able to deal with a bit of a "curve ball" thrown by the owners last minute without it seriously affecting anyone's enjoyment and results.

We went off at a bit of a tangent on the first "solo" set, trying to highlight the location as well as the incredible Artemis. Followed up with a couple of more directly "model sets" using the hard landscaping to great effect.

For the "trio" set, my event partner and I tried some drone shooting. Having started to explore the idea at a previous "Secret Garden" Event, the set I wanted to shoot worked better with the trio and I was delighted with the results, both still and movie. Short but sweet!

Fabulous event again, Artemis, thank you so much. Here's to the next one (please)!

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On Thursday I participated in the latest of Artemis's group shoots on location in Malmesbury. This was an excellent experience with a trio of delightful models, all highly professional and experienced. With Artemis's clever organisation, everything ran very smoothly and I'm sure we all went home very happy with the event. Artemis is so friendly and cheerful - she is clearly a star both as a model and an event organiser. I have no hesitation in recommending her. This event was definitely an opportunity not to be missed.

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I have been intending to shoot with Artemis for ages, but being busy I never seemed to be free when there was an opportunity, but the wait was worth it. We got together with Carla Monaco for a location shoot I had been thing about for a while, and even the weather co operated.

It was great to shoot with Artemis, and have some great shoots from the day. Will have to find the time to shoot again soon, what a great day. :-)

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Nicole Rayner

I finally had the pleasure of working alongside this beautiful lady at my recent Art nude event hosted at Guys Cliff.

I booked Artemis for 3 reasons, - her beauty, her incredible poses but most importantly her professionalism and willingness to work hard! She did not disappoint!! Boy did she work her ass off! Pose after pose, so much energy and enthusiasm throughout the whole da, she was just incredible to watch. And an amazing person to have there with us!

Her personality is just wonderful- her drive and ambition shines so brightly, which I think is part of what makes her so beautiful!

It was our first time working together but Artemis is very easy to work with. She is comfortable snd moves so fluidly. She was super great to interact with. She had huge amounts of input but also listened to everyone else. She was a great laugh, very down to earth.

Artemis makes the hardest of poses look easy ! (Which is pretty annoying really, haha!) no but seriously, this girl has Moves! And boy does she know how to work that face and body.

I only wish we lived closer Together so I could get to know this wonderful lady more and have more shoots. But I really hope we can work together more in the future! I would highly rev her! She blew me away and will blow any photographer away too!

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My second time working with Artemis, this time at Nicole Rayners 'Guys Cliffe' event.

It felt like we carried on where we left off - just in a different location and group. Working predominantly away from the main courtyard we tried a few softer portraits and shapes among the grasses and the contrasting sandstone walls. Artemis always willing to contribute ideas and suggestions - nothing is too much.

Was just a short shoot, but we still made some great images in the full sun high contrast conditions.

Looking forward to when we get the chance to work together again. The seeds of some ideas have been sown.

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Jann Wassell

Attended a group shoot which Nicole had arranged. It was my first time shooting at the location and have to say I would really love to return, Nicole chose well! The models were Nicole Rayner, Carla Monaco, Tillie Feather and Artemis Fauna. Wow! Artemis was the only lady I hadn't shot with previous but I hope we will do more in the future. All the models are awesome, extremely good at posing and making sure all the photographers get good results before moving on to the next set. A very artistic day and I am well pleased with my images from a fabulous shoot. Thank you ladies - until the next time. XXX

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My opportunities to work with Artemis are a little few and far between, so when I saw an event that Atremis would be working at organised by Nicole Raynor, I jumped at the chance. Time was short but with in the alotted time we manged some amazing shots with Artemises natural posing need in no input from me. She inputted her ideas into the areas within the location and as usual ensured the photographers working with her would get the shots they were looking for. Thanks for making the afternoon special Artemis and look forward to when another opportunity arises.

Very Highly reccomended

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Another wonderful shoot with Artemis at an event organised by Nicole Rayner at Guy's Cliffe.

As always, Artemis is great to work with, has great ideas and collaborates well. The athleticism of some of the poses was extraordinary! The resultant images were not only beautiful, but were very creative and original.

Highly recommended as always.

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Valkyr Photography

Having been a hobbyist photographer for the last six years, I must have set a record for it taking this long to finally work with Artemis. And she certainly lived up to my high expectations.

We shot together a couple of times during an art nude workshop last weekend. Artemis has a clear idea of what can take an image from good to awesome, and is very easy to work with. We had really fun and productive shoots, and I now have hundreds of shots with stunning poses that I'm really looking forward to editing.

I certainly won't leave it another six years to work with Artemis :)

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Attended the 4 blondes at Guys Cliffe event organised by Nicole Rayner. All 4 models were brilliant throughout the day, and had a great understanding and chemistry while working with each other. All put 110% into every set, and through themselves into every idea.

Artemis as always was excellent. Lovely person, very chatty and great knowledge of what works. Completely recommend, get booking. I will be again very soon

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Vintage Photography

A real dream to work with, Artemis is friendly, adaptable, offers great advice, looks fabulous and poses to perfection.What more could you ask for. Second shoot, this time a small group shoot at Guys Cliffe which is a wonderful place to photograph at. Many thanks Sarah, and will certainly look to work with you again in the future.

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Steve 1

I can just mirror to what's already been said about Artemis Fauna.

Just incredible, funny, witty, great company, fantastic model, not short on idea's and great input to a shoot.

Just make sure you've got your camera settings sorted for some increadable images.

Artemis makes a miserable old git like me happy, Love shooting this young lady, it's a shame we live so far apart.

Highly recommended

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