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References for Artemis Fauna

Artemis Fauna has 1742 references; 1742 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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A day which must have tested Artemis's patience (apart from the fact that it was shooting with me). A long-term plan we'd had fell apart, even after all the fabulous weather we have had for "the plan". A glorious morning when i picked her up from Charlton Park in my aircraft to head for a series of locations around the Newquay area. Low cloud over Devon and Cornwall put a stop to that and we returned to Charlton Park. Not to be put off, Artemis soon had us up and running shooting at her flat, having lunch and some sets in her Secret Garden. As usual, she just takes everything in her stride, produces magic and makes it all look easy. Great images, great company and a plan to be resurrected!

Thanks so much, Artemis. Great to see you again and well rescued!!

Along with gazilions of others, I cannot recommend Artemis highly enough.

(If you're still bothering to read this epliogue, Artemis thought she might be the jinx but I proved that a false premise - having left her to fly home, low cloud scuppered that too and I had to divert into Oaksey Park for the night - all down to me then!)

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Camera 7

I had a wonderful two part shoot with Artemis recently, firstly at Paul's Studio Wales Weekend and then at her home in Wiltshire. I have known and worked with her for some years now and it never ceases to be both a privilege and a pleasure. Artemis is an accomplished photographer in her own right and is always willing to provide useful guidance and advice.

Both locations were truly magical in their own right and are highly recommended. They provide excellent opportunities for truly great pictures and loads of fun and laughs.

I highly recommend Artemis and look forward to working with her again, either in studio or on location!

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Yes I was intimidated, it put me off booking Artemis. But boy am I glad I got the opportunity to work with the Legend.

1300+ positive references.. A portfolio to die for and talent to put many others in the shade... Now, I'm intimidated in even writing her a reference :-)

So what am I going to say that's not already been thrashed to death out here before. Well Artemis, here's just my little drop to add to your ocean of references.

She is a photographer, she knows light, art, textures. And what looks good, when and where - even how. There are absolutely no flaws in her looks or her posing. And she'll tell you (nicely) what to correct if you show her the back of your camera, even repose so she can make it better.

So shove your intimidation where it don't shine and get to work with a true professional model - there are only a handful and Artemis Fauna just has to be in every photographers bucket list. Yes I said it, every photographer on PP should relish the chance to work with her. She will up your game! Period!

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I was lucky to shoot with Artemis twice during Wales weekend, and as before she was both a lot of fun to work with as well as being very professional.

She contributed many good ideas, and her photographic knowledge was useful for advice on setting up shots. Looking though the pictures, there are a lot of good shots.

I would recommend her to any photographer and would like to work with her again.

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Ramees Farooqi

It was an absolute pleasure to work with Artemis for the third time. Once again, we shot a number of themes which were loosely based on the 1960's/1970's from my own photographic space. Since we were blessed with beautiful August weather, we also shot in my back garden as well as a nearby park.

My mother, who was invited to watch the shoot, was left in awe after she saw how much incredible hard work Artemis put in just a handful of poses. She commented afterwards that she could never do what Artemis does, she'd just run away! Ha ha!

No one needs any reminder that Artemis does everything from the heart. She is also an approachable, very friendly and chatty person who can never steer you wrong as well as a truly talented model. Therefore I can only give her my highest recommendation.

Thank you ever so much once again Artemis. I genuinely cannot wait to work with you again.


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John H

I have been lucky to work with the wonderful Artemis multiple times . This time I chose a random location near Edinburgh . We had another great shoot and managed a large variety of images . If you haven’t worked with Artemis, then why not ? She is wonderful

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John H

Had the great pleasure of working with the fantastic Artemis again in Thestudioeh17 at the end of her Scottish tour . Artemis is simply one of the best models I have shot with , if you get a chance work with this amazing model . I’m looking forward to our next shoot

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Had a great shoot with Artemis yesterday, full of ideas and very brave. I hadn't been in the studio much recently and started off a bit jaded but soon got caught up in her enthusiastic and professional energy. It turned out a very productive shoot.

Would definitely shoot with her again

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An absolutely excellent shoot with Artemis in the studio in Edinburgh today. Artemis is an extremely versatile model, working with me through an exhausting shoot list with ease due to her great modelling abilities, energy and enthusiasm.

Recommended at the highest level.

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I enjoyed a great shoot with Artemis as part of an event held by Candy Heart studios. Not only a great model, Artemis likes to get involved in the creation of the image so that you both get the most from the session.

Nice personality and all round beautiful person. I have no hesitation in recommending Artemis to all photographers.

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Candy Heart

I ADORE WORKING WITH THIS GIRL.!!!!! (caps definitely warranted here)

This is the second year that I have booked this amazing model on her Scottish tour. This time she agreed to do 2 studio days with myself and other photographers, some whom I tutor. The effort that goes into image making with Artemis is exceptional, she really knows her stuff and is one of very few models I have worked with that has so much advise and input and really wants each photographer to come away with the best they can.

She is patient and good fun to be around, easy to get on with and I'd have her here anytime she likes. Everyone went away very happy indeed with the time they had spent with her and equally as happy with their images they created together.

I am as equally happy with the images we managed to create in the short time we had.

I can't really go on without staying what 1322 others have said before, yes she's blooming as fantastic as they have said!

100% recommended, already itching to shoot again.

Thank you for being wonderful. Cx

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Scotty Nicholson

wow had a fantastic shoot today at the candy heart studios , Artemis is so lovely , great poses a smile to light up a room , quick clothes changer , and has some fantastic ideas to help too , I would HIghly Recommend this lovely lady , a big 10/10 from me , hope to see her again soon …..

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Having not been able to shoot Artemis on prior occasions, I made use of her and Candy Heart's offer for a tutorial morning last Monday. Not only is she incredibly versatile, but has a good knowledge of photography in general. I used available-light techniques I'd only read about, and with Artemis' guidance and modelling techniques I've upped my keep ration from about 10% to closer to 50%. Artemis is well worth booking, and her availability and references reflect a truly remarkable model. I now regret not shooting Artemis before and hope to get together with her again soon.

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andrew james 71

Wow just had an absolutely awesome shoot today with the force of nature that is Artemis Fauna. As soon as Candy Heart Photographer booked her I signed up for my two short hours to work with her.

We produced so many great photos and I can't wait to edit them over this week. Not only does Artemis pose freely without any need for directions but she also helped me with the menus on my camera so we got even better art nude photos.

I just wish I had booked more time as the two hours went by so quickly.

I, like all the other photographers she has worked with, whole heartedly recommend Artemis to all from newbie photographers right through to studio owners. I look forward to working with Artemis again in the future.

Thank you again Artemis for such a great shoot and helping me advance in my photography

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Silk & Satin Photography

My first time working with Artemis this year, I don't know why I waited so long to work with her. I can honestly say we clicked instantly, she is bright and funny and works so hard to try and get the images / concept spot on.

Super professional and really cares how the images turn out and will look to make small details matter and enhance the overall image.

I will definitely work with her again, on my short list of people to work with on a more regular basis.

Highly recommended.

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Had my second shoot with Artemis today. All i can say perfection all round and thoroughly recommended:-)

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John McNairn

Another shoot with Artemis this year, and as usual it was over way too quickly. We did a studio shoot with a wide variety of set ups from nude shapes to quirky humorous images. Artemis always nails the shot without fail, such a talent for giving the photographer exactly what's required and with a certain flair. It's always a real pleasure working with Artemis, she has an enormous sense of fun and energy which makes for a very productive and delightful experience. I'm looking forward to our next shoot. Many thanks :)

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Malcolm Lind

This was the second time collaborating with Artemis, and she was utterly inspiring, as I knew she would be. The images I sought were always going to be difficult to execute, and the sudden demise of summer did not help. However, she did everything she was asked to, understood the purposes and the emotions required perfectly. More than that, her willingness to help in the project’s completion, her own input and suggestions for compositions and scenes was invaluable. Her emotive expression in body movement was as before, a revelation of skill. Artemis, a big thankyou for two things more, (1) it was a day filled with good humour, intelligent conversation and laughter, (2) you never once complained because you knew my hearing aids couldn’t cope.

I would not hesitate to work with her again, and I look forward immensely to the next time (without the rain).

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Darkside photography

ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. I'm not gonna lie i was totally nervous about shooting with Artemis due to her experience and amount of references, as i didn't want to look like an idiot in front of her. How wrong was i, as soon as i met her she made me feel like we were old lost school friends, totally professional, full of laughs and a wealth of knowledge of photography.

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Andrew Clifton

My shoot with Artemis, earlier today, felt like a major step forward for me, as a photographer. I say this not only because I'm delighted with the images she helped me to capture on this occasion; more importantly, I feel like I've just been treated to a masterclass. I've yet to meet any model who can match Artemis for creative input and artistic involvement in a photoshoot - whilst also making really helpful technical suggestions based on personal knowledge and experience of photography. I don't always find it easy to explain my ideas, but Artemis displayed an uncanny ability to read my mind, in terms of posing, visual story-telling and expression. The fact that her lovely home in Malmesbury is equipped with some very handy studio lights was another welcome bonus!! On top of all this, Artemis is good humoured, friendly, easy-going and all-round delightful company. Very highly recommended!

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