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Woman Unbounded

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Woman Unbounded / Photography by seetheyes, Model Rose Magdalene Child / Uploaded 22nd June 2024 @ 10:52 AM

Added 1719053530 by Rose Magdalene Child.

And there she stood, a woman, unshackling herself from the chains that had bound her, the walls that had built up around her heart, her breasts exposed and let free, where she had been told it was unholy to expose herself. Her breasts, the extension of her heart, the place that feeds new life and experiences such deep emotion. “You must keep this place concealed, they told her… a woman’s chest is not allowed to be shown”. . But she did it anyway, against the judgement, against the prejudice, against the masses, and she did it not only for herself but for all women. For all women to learn to unshackle and become in fuller expression in fuller connection to…. Herself and God. . A reclamation 🌹✨