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References for Helen Diaz

Helen Diaz has 1577 references; 1577 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Mr Wood

This shoot was 4 years in the making after Helen approached me and then I dropped off PP for working/lack of time reasons. Coming back to the site, I was delighted that She still fancied shooting with me and doing her first real couple/BG shoot!

Helen is a true creative with ideas coming out of her ears - something that I can definitely learn from. She's a lovely person, very talented and very easy to be around - and I would happily shoot with her again, or recommend that people work with her.

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David Dacres Photography

I shoot with the brilliant Helen Diaz at the fabulous Hacienda Studio. She was excellent and we developed a good rapport which led to a very productive and creative shoot. She is very professional, but also a warn and engaging lady who put you at ease during a shoot to achieve the best possible result. If there’s one model to work with I would recommend Helen Diaz.

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I had a great shoot with Helen. She was very good with the pre-shoot communication and her enthusiasm writing back to me helped me to feel confident about our shoot ahead of time. On set she was a dream to work with for a relative newcomer for me, totally comfortable posing herself but also open to suggestions. She gives amazing looks and transforms to something completely new with just the tilt of her head.

I really enjoyed working with Helen and am so glad I had the chance to do so at The Hacienda. I hope there is a chance to work with her in the near future!

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I had a great shoot with Helen at the Hacienda last week. She is an absolute pleasure to work with and quite a chameleon when it comes to posing and expressions. We worked on a range of themes from portraiture to art nude. She was very patient as I faffed about with the lights, my camera crashed, etc.

I'm really pleased with the images we shot. Thanks Helen!

I would love to work with her again, that's recommendation enough!

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I had a great home shoot with Helen who was fantastic to work with; fun, engaging and her experience in modelling was evident in her communication, by the way she posed and in her beautiful facial expressions.

I highly recommend Helen and look forward to working together again soon!

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Elle Beth

THIS WOMAN IS OUTSTANDING ! being it her beauty, personality, work ethics, Creativity Helen is a model you must work with !!

I have worked with Helen on a few duo shoots and she is always the energy of all shoots inspiring everyone to create, if your going to book a top model this year make sure its Miss Diaz !

Elle x

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Just had another great shoot with Helen at her duo day with Elle Beth at Pozers studio. Helen was, of course, brilliant as always. A very professional talented and experienced model who always delivers what's required on a shoot.

Helen is very friendly and great fun to work with. She always has exactly the right outfits, works hard to produce the right shot and looks absolutely stunning. Definitely very highly recommended and I already have another couple of shoots booked with her.

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I have had many shoots with Helen and this was my second Duo shoot with Helen and Elle Beth, their studio day at Pozers Studio. Helen is always great fun to work with and this time was no exception. Helen arrived at the studio ready to work – creating great, classical poses and sultry expressions. She worked well with Elle Beth and the two of them were able to create some great shots both classical art nude and being more creative with fabrics. The time flew by and I am certainly looking forward future shoots with Helen and more future Duo shoots with both Helen and Elle Beth.

High recommended.

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As always such a pleasure to have our in~house Model at the studio, but this time I was really excited, as the beautiful Elle Beth joined us too. This is the very first time I have see Helen duo with a female, and of course these two stunning professionals, really complimented one another beautifully. We had 5 double slots and the day just flew by, I was quite sad when it was over to be honest, the girls worked beautifully together. Throughout the day the girls produced beautiful artistic poses throughout, Helen phenomenal posing works so well with Elle, it was truly inspiring to watch. Helen is always such a pleasure to work with, she lights up the studio every time she walks in, I don’t think I can praise Helen anymore, than I have since our first shoot, over 4 years ago, if you haven’t booked Helen yet, then what are you waiting for ? Her portfolio speaks volumes, no one person on this planet could take a bad picture of this beautiful young lady, she is so patient and kind to new photographers, don’t be scared by her volume of references and her years of experience, this model is exceptional in everything she does, care I say, one of the best models I’ve ever known, worked with, and photographed. Helen nails every genre she accomadates, if art nude is something you haven’t tried, Helen is the Model who will make you fall in love with this genre, there’s no turning back, she alowed me fall in love with it, with her stunning posing, she’s phenomenal and one of my very best friends, who I love so dearly, she’s so talented and I’m not saying this because she’s my friend, her portfolio and references speak for themselves.

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I shot with Helen at beautiful home and it was a pleasure as always!

As many have said before, Helen is a versatile and massively fun model. Helen has the rare ability to take any idea you have and run with it.

As always I hope to work with Helen again very soon!

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English Photoworks

Helen just came to my studio for a test shoot - she's modelling for a workshop I'm running here soon. Everything was excellent: she's totally professional, reliable and punctual. The images are fabulous and her work was versatile and free-flowing. I'm really looking forward to shooting again with her in a few weeks and recommend her 100%! Such a cool person who's a lot of fun to work with :-)

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English Photoworks

Helen was modelling at a fine art photography workshop at my studio today. As usual, she hit it out of the park. She is creative, energetic and full of life. The session was very successful and Helen was a big part of that. I love working with her and the workshop attendees had a fantastic experience shooting her. The images were amazing and she is very highly recommended! Thanks Helen!

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I had a great time shooting with Helen this week. Communication was excellent and she was well prepared for the shoot.

Helen was friendly and chatty and the three hours just flew by!

I would recommend Helen to all photographers, she is a beautiful model and great fun to work with.

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Roger More

This is Helen's 1000th reference!! with 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations and 0 no-shows - that must surely be a PurplePort milestone to be celebrated!

This reference covers several shoots over the last few months, including shoots at Talliston House, Pembrokeshire, the Brecon Beacons, at our home and in the New Forest, and more going back over two and a half years since we first shot together at a castle in Scotland...

Helen's portfolio, FPIs and glowing references leave no doubt as to her beauty, style and modelling prowess, so it is superfluous for me to add more to what has been said 1000 time before - particularly as I could be accused of being biased :)

I can add from a different perspective though, as I get to see what goes on behind the scenes - all the preparation for shoots, the dedication to the admin and marketing that goes to building a successful modelling career, regularly working through emails and references until 4am - it's not all glamour and craziness :)

One area where Helen really excels, besides creating wonderful images, is in making a shoot fun! Most shoots involve copious amounts of uncontrolled laughter :) She always brings humour, chat, charm and her own brand of zany to a shoot to the amusement (and sometimes bemusement) of photographers. I will never tire of observing how she transforms in an instant from crazy woman to sophisticated model with just a subtle change of expression and poise.

Helen is also such a very caring person, dedicating a significant amount of her time to charity events and mentoring other models. This is an area that I know is really important to her so I am sure that we will see more of this in the future.

I am so privileged to know Helen as my dear friend, muse and partner! :)

Highly Recommended, of course.

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Studio 42

Helen is an exceptional person to work with, a consummate professional. Whilst bringing her skill and expertise to the shoot Helen also brings a sense of humour which helps to create a great and vibrant atmosphere. I would not hesitate in recommending her and I am looking forward to many more shoots with this fantastic young lady.

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With nearly 1000 great references to her name it is virtually impossible to say something original about this stunning model. Helen's beautiful face and figure are self evident in her amazing portfolio and the home shoot location was super easy to find, with safe and easy parking, but what makes her remarkable is the way poses flow effortlessly and her energy and creativity second to none.

I answered a casting call for a duo shoot with Helen and Volkova which was setup with prompt and pleasant comms. Helen is the easiest of models to work with and the nicest of people. You relax in her company immediately and when the shoot is over just want to arrange another session.

I highly recommend Helen and look forward to enjoying another shoot with her very soon. Tony x

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Digital Eye Photos (Bristol)

I had the great pleasure of shooting with Helen and valis. We'd spoken about a theme. Worked out styling and props well in advance. I was not disappointed we obtained the images I had in mind and more. Highly recommended and sure to shoot with Helen again sometime. Always a fun time.

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Yet another shoot with this outstanding model. This time with Soria. There was never going to be a dull moment with Helen add Soria and a fantastic combination was created. I can not praise Helen enough a highly creative and talented model highly recommended

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Paul Jones - Cardiff

Another shoot with this fabulous lady, this time as a duo shoot with Soria Rosee.

What can I say about Helen that hasn't been said by just about everyone else?!?

Helen is an AMAZING model. She has a beautiful, classy look and can create beautiful shapes with her fabulous body. She is also such a fun, energetic and slightly crazy (but in a good way!) person to be around.

If you've not worked with Helen before, then book her immediately - seriously, you will not be disappointed.

Thanks again, Helen, for an amazing shoot.

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Ollie G

Yeahhh!!! Thank you Helen Diaz!!! :)

Just wanted to say thank you so much to Helen, I just had my second shoot with her, and the model Soria, at Helen's home in Wiltshire. I don't think I've ever been made, to feel so welcome, it really means a lot, thank you Helen!! :)

Helen and the amazing Soria, were working as a duo, on this shoot, so there was never going to be a dull moment, with those two!! What a way to start the New Year!! :) We shot some cosplay, and art nude, at Helen's, very spacious home, and it's amazing the variety, of different images, you can get from a home, and thanks mainly, to the two models, constantly coming up with new ideas, we could use!!!

I just wanted to say thank you also to Helen's partner Roger, for very kindly lending me his lighting equipment, the shoot was late in the evening, and as I shoot outdoor portraits, using natural light, didn't even think to bring any off camera lighting with me, so thank you so much!!

Both Helen and Soria, are amazing models, so creative, so much fun, and and just a pleasure to be around, after working with them, you wish everyday, could be like that!!! :)

Honestly hand on heart, I very highly recommend Helen, and hope we can work together again, very soon, Thank you Helen!! :) X

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