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Model Ella Rose Muse / Uploaded 24th November 2019 @ 11:31 AM
Model: Ella Rose MuseGroups: (Invite) None

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Added 1574595118 by Ella Rose Muse.

Photo by Bjorn Hansen, Australia.

Hi everyone, I have a favour to ask of you!

(Long caption but please read and share!)

Some of you know that I jointly run a creative writing group at a drop-in centre for the homeless and vulnerable, here in the affluent city of Oxford. It's a growing community held in the back room of a space which provides free meals and warmth on weekday evenings, as well as company, care and activities for those who so desperately need it. There's a lot of laughter and silliness as well - it's basically a temporary, escapist break from the difficulties/challenges of everyday life.

It's a weekly session called 'The Write Place' (see what we did there), and we read an eclectic mix of poems and plays (Shakespeare is surprisingly popular, but there is always much debate), play literacy-boosting games and write our own stories, poems, pieces of memoir or thoughts in response.

Everyone is encouraged to read their work aloud at the end of the session and we have a strict rule that we are not allowed to disclaim it with 'it's rubbish' or 'I can't spell'.

It's been a massive privilege to feel accepted into this group, which, by the way, consists of many who are hugely intelligent, creative and interesting, and whose circumstances are often heartbreaking (I often can't believe what the most vulnerable in our society have to put up with - some of them are proper heroes!).


I've been given permission & blessing to start an instagram page exclusively to share the handwritten pieces (stories, thoughts & poems) created in this group. It's called 'Rough Oxford Poems'.

Think of it as 'the alternative Oxford experience'.

This is the link:

I'm simply asking that you hit follow, even before our first post, and then occasionally pepper the posts with likes and comments to show encouragement (if you feel so inclined).

You have no idea how much being listened to and appreciated sets aflame the hearts of those who are down on their luck, often ignored by society; those who feel very unworthy a lot of the time & are also just flippin' cold! There's a huge amount of pride in seeing that their words/voices are listened to, read or noticed. More than that; I hope you'll see what they write and feel inspired (I often am)! There's also some comedy gold in there, from some of the sillier games we play...

It would be really wonderful if there was an audience ready and waiting for the first upload! I'll be showing the authors of the work this instagram page, via my phone, over the coming weeks as we begin to post, and they'll be excited to see your encouragement!

(Please note: this isn't a 'you follow me and I'll follow you' request: I am unlikely to follow your account back unless it's particularly appropriate, due to the fact that I'll be operating publicly on behalf of the organisation, which is a registered charity; please see your follow/likes/shares as a form of care and donation and expect nothing in return but appreciation!)

This morning, I've been photographing the work we've gathered so far since we started these sessions in the summer, and reading them back is making me feel really happy, and sad, and also making me laugh out loud at some of the more surreal pieces. You'll see what I mean..

Here's the link again:

(And my modelling instagram account is here:

Thanks! :)