Ninfa Rasta

Ninfa Rasta / Photography by HamishWJScott, Model ♥ Chiara Elisabetta / Uploaded 23rd April 2024 @ 10:54 PM

Added 1713912864 by ♥ Chiara Elisabetta.

A four legged

wild woman

used her breath to howl,

took a walk,

tasted a flower

and did everything deemed fowl.

Danced under the deep moonlight

entangling herself in trees,

used the dirt beneath her feet

to feed her soulful needs.

She shook off all those heavy chains,

what she was told to be,

understood her truest self

She′s wild quite openly.

Grew her hair, & howled,

howled to the mountain tops,

She found her magic in her wild

and threw away the locks.