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References for Carla Monaco

Carla Monaco has 1251 references; 1251 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Love it when i find a reasononably local model that is stunningly beautiful,charming to chat with, highly professional and so easy to work with. Why oh why we never worked together before I don't know.

Top10 charming,brilliant model. Already on my "got to work with again soon" list.

Huge thanks Carla for a fabulous session. Can I give more than 100% ? xxxx

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I worked with Carla for the first time yesterday in her home and in woods nearby, a mixture of implied and nude work in natural light, which I am not so practiced in.

The shoot was easily organised and her directions to her home spot on. Carla certainly lives in a delightful part of the country.

Right from our first meeting, Carla was friendly and relaxed and quickly put me at ease while we discussed our plans seeing the promised sunshine (and warmth) had not yet materialise. Carla was keen to understand what I was seeking to achieve and we worked easily and collaboratively together to get the best out of our shooting time. She is a delight to work with and talk to.

Carla is one the world's true natural beauties, in the classical Hollywood sense. Her experience is obvious the moment you start to work with her. Her posing seems effortless, you learn quickly that with each click of the shutter next pose is already planned and ready in an instant. The shapes she produces are divine.

As has been said in other References, Carla is so professional that it is only the photographer's own mistakes with the camera that stop every picture taken being a delight.

Total recommended, Carla well deserves to be on everyone's 'Want to Work With' list.

Carla thank you for making this a most enjoyable and productive shoot.

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477 positive references! What can I say about Carla that has not already been said.

I met her for the first time when she held a studio day at Sandon Studio I had a few ideas on what I wanted to achieve and Sandon was the perfect place. Carla did not disappoint a true professional and stunningly beautiful if allowed to add.

Would I recommend? Do I need to just look at her work above! So yes 100% and I hope personally that I get a chance very soon to work with her again.

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Dave E

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to work with Carla for the first time

I managed to arrange a short notice one hour slot at the Sandon shoot

Carla was a pleasure to work with and considering we only had 1 hour we managed to achieve a huge amount of quality work.

Carla takes direction well and is a consummate professional, armed with a great wardrobe,we worked through, lingerie, art nude portrait and fashion

For me the the Photoshoot is about quality pictures and an enjoyable experience and Carla supplied both

So I learned a valuable lesson never book only on hour, with Carla at my next shoot at Map we have two hours

Very Very Highly recommended

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I worked with Carla for the first time yesterday at the wonderful Sandon Studio.

My aim was to produce beautiful feminine images making the most of the natural light that the studio is known for.

Carla was an absolute dream to work with, a total professional who took my ideas and ran with them producing pose after pose effortlessly. The time just flew by and Carla certainly helped make it a thoroughly enjoyable shoot.

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Albion Rob

I've wanted to work with Carla for a long time. I've seen so many lovely images of her and was really keen to get the chance to shoot with her. I was chuffed when I found that she was due to be at Sandon on the day that I had arranged to work with the lovely Lizzie Bayliss. After a quick chat with Lizzie I was able to book in an hour with the two of them. What a double delight.

We worked on a soft and sensual girl girl shoot. What a wonderful way to spend an hour. We got some fantastic images that I'm really proud of.

Carla is amazing. Lovely personality, beautiful, fun to work with and a top notch model. A real pleasure. I will definitely be looking to arrange another, longer, shoot some time soon as 1 hour went way too quickly.

I would definitely recommend Carla, she's a real star.

Thank you, Rob x

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I had the good fortune to work with Carla again last week and it was a great experience.

Her talent is boundless! She is beautiful, creates the most gorgeous shapes and lines and is a delightful person to spend a few hours with :-)

Our pre-shoot comms were excellent and she brought a great selection of outfits to model.

We shot a mixture of creative fashion and art nude with a photographer who was visiting from Ireland and Carla adapted her modelling expertly to each set of images.

I have many memorable images from our shoot and our visitor stated that Carla was the best model he had ever worked with :-)

High praise indeed and absolutely deserved!

Thank you Carla - until the next time :-)

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Peter McLean

I have met Carla a few times now over the last few years and apart from her obvious talents as a model I have to say that she is also one of the nicest people I have met. Yesterday's shoot was an absolute pleasure and I came home with a camera full of top class images. Carla's interest and enthusiasm for what she does is obvious and this in itself lifts the shoot to another level as well as showing in the final images.

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My first shoot with Carla at Map Studios, a wonderful and lovely model to work with. Carla had her husband Adrian at hand if required.

I took advantage and asked Adrian to assist with lighting for the shoot. I think we did well as a team and produced some great photos.

Carla is a model that shines with creativity and does well in producing it, in her expressions and movements. Thoroughly enjoyed my time and hoping to work with Carla soon.

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Map Studios

There is absolutely nothing that I can say that's not been said before but ill try, after near on a year of trying to find a date for Carla we eventually found a whole weekend so we went for it and sold it out which doesn't surprise me at all. Carla is an amazing model and person that is at the top of her game and will stay there for a long time to come, highly recommended and we look forward to her return for another sold out weekend

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Kev W

I had my first meeting with Carla, as part of her studio day at Map studio. Carla is so easy to work with, friendly and chatty from the off. Very laid back between sets, and then stunningly professional when you kick off again. It is easy to see why Carla continues to be so successful. I recommend Carla to all levels and experience. For the inexperienced, no need to be nervous, she really is lovely.

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Thanks to Carla for hosting another successful model day with Studio2. My session was easy-going with Mark's expert tuition and Carla's patience whilst I tried new lighting set ups. Highly recommended for novice photographers looking for support as they venture into studio lighting or advanced photographers looking to work with first class models.

Thanks, Mandy

PS Love the shop you recommended, I'm going to make a few purchases this weekend!

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Another excellent shoot with Carla! This time it was at a 60s themed photoshoot organised by her.

Lots of different changes of outfits and styling throughout the day. As always, Carla's posing was top notch, and it was a very enjoyable day. I look forward to the next themed event.

Highly recommended.

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Another great shoot with the lovely Carla! This time a 60’s themed shoot at Coco. Carla was every bit the Liver Bird at one moment and Bardot at the next. A superb performance. Totally recommended! Thanks, Carla!

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Gary Smithdale

This was my 2nd shoot with Carla and was part of her 1960's themed weekend at Coco Studio with another model, MUA (references will be left shortly) and 4 photographers.

The day went extremely well, was very relaxed, lots of laughter and a lot of amazing photos were taken during the day.

Carla brought some beautiful outfits and accessories with her which fitted the theme perfectly.

Pre-shoot comms were very good.

During the shoot, Carla made sure we were getting the images that I wanted and offered suggestions if things weren't working out and I came away with some great images.

I really enjoyed working with Carla and would thoroughly recommend her to anyone.

Thank you very much for a great day Carla and I look forward to shoot number 3 :)

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An Eye for Beauty

My sixth shoot with the lovely Carla, with another booked! She is one of my favourite models and the reasons are not too difficult to observe. I love her laughing eyes, her down-to-earth attitude and sheer friendliness and enthusiasm. Above all she is just such a pretty girl who can transform that into beauty in many genres with apparent ease. I just enjoy every time I meet up with her and yesterday was no exception. We began with an hour of tuition on 'simple lighting for fashion' with her husband Adrian, and then put the learning into practice. It is difficult to take a bad picture of Carla but we achieved some images which flashed out as stunning. Those eyes! Thanks, Carla - until next time.

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Had a real blast shooting with Carla on her Brigitte Bardot themed day.

Great day. Well organised.

But the way way Carla morphed into the BB theme was a joy to behold.

Thanks to all. Got some truly stunning shots.

Recommended without reservation.

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Francis J Pullen Photographer

I was thrilled to shoot Carla on her Brigitte Bardot day at Virtuosity Studio, and although I've have worked with her a few times before, I've already run out of Superlatives to describe how awesome she is to photograph.

Her long time experience, amazing wardrobe, professional skills and stunning natural beauty produce the most fabulous poses and end results, all combined with a her down to earth personality. (She even made the buffet lunch for everyone!)

Carla should be on every photographers 'must shoot' list, and I cannot recommend her highly enough to all levels.

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Graham Cashell

I got to shoot with Carla in Belfast recently. She was hardworking throughout to ensure we got the style of image each of us wanted.

Carla was very easy going which meant the shoot was relaxed throughout. She also suggested and collaborated when trying to devise the next shot.

Between the shots I got and the chats had, it was a really enjoyable day. Thanks Carla!

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Ross McK

Carla had been on my list of top models to work with for some time, but somehow it did not happen until this week. I cannot praise this young lady's professionalism, easy-going personality, and beautiful poses highly enough. She is the typical 'girl next door' with beauty and personality to match. I had the pleasure of working with her for 3 days in a row, 2 of them being 'sold-out' workshops. The feedback has been great, and I could see for myself how comfortable Carla made some relatively inexperienced photographers feel. Nothing was too much trouble (even when it probably should have been!) and every photographer loved Carla all the more for it.

I honestly cannot praise Carla high enough, and recommend her right up there with the best of them. A stunning, professional model who guarantees great results and makes it fun all the way. X

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