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References for Artemis Fauna

Artemis Fauna has 1733 references; 1733 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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How lucky was I? Was part of the photo classic workshop last week where Artemis Fauna and Rachelle Summers were the models. They were not just models but inspirational people who suggested/moved into some fantastic poses, both during the boudoir shoot and the nightscape shoot in the city centre. Ever the professionals on a cold evening.

I doubt my photos will do the models justice but had a great time with plenty of laughter and fun!

Hope to work with both again.

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This is the first time I've worked with Artemis, but will definately not be the last. Today's shoot was one of PhotoClassic's workshops and the weather was not in our favour and yet you would never know, looking at the images.

Artemis is a lovely girl, very professional and great fun to work with, she fitted in well in our mad house and I look forward to many more shoots with her in the future.

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What is left to be said about Artemis?

You get what it says on the tin "A Professional Model" a somewhat nutty professional model but a professional mode none the less who excels at her art.

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Oh dear oh dear, another bloody model I'm going to have to book again!

Artemis is a fantastic model, who put in a real shift on a trio of workshops I was running this weekend. Coping with a ridiculously brutal cold wind on an exposed coast and the freezing damp of an Aberdeen evening; not once did she let the horrendous conditions impact on a thoroughly professional performance full of artistic endeavour, humour and attention to gorgeous detail.

Definitely a model every photographer serious about getting the very best images should work with.

Very highly recommended!

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Female Art Nudes

Enjoyed my first studio day with a nude model, under the tuition of photographer John McNairn. Artemis was the consummate professional, putting everyone at their ease and effortlessly demonstrating pose after pose after pose, with seemingly endless variety. She was so knowledgeable that she could immediately see where to position herself with respect to the lighting set up, to get the best effects from her posing. When given various "props", she instantly put these to great use.

Above all, Artemis put everyone at their ease and was unfailingly pleasant and full of energy throughout. A great experience and she is to be thoroughly recommended! Thanks and I look forward to an opportunity to work with you again.

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John McNairn

I booked Artemis for an art nude workshop in Tayside, There were four 'new to the genre' photographers who were a bit nervous but she managed to put them at ease with her friendly easy going manner, then she proceeded to wow them with her modelling ability, grace and effortless beauty. I had worked with Artemis a few times before so I knew I was getting a quality model for this event and once again she out performed expectations. She's a lovely person who I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone, professional and friendly....I'm already looking forward to our next shoot :-)

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Martin Photo

Artemis has a very fine reputation as a model, creative, Muse and collaborator. You should believe all of this - it's true.

Awesome model, awesome shoot.

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I had the pleasure of shooting with Artemis on the 5th November, in beautiful Perthshire. I forgot to bring the fireworks but Artemis and Chrissie Red(who came along to help with lighting) provided the sparks with a spontaneous and creative/experimental shoot.

For such a busy model pre-shoot comms were fantastic, she is one organised lady. She also came well prepared and had spoken to Chrissie(who is local) about the locations we were going to use.

She is friendly, funny and down to earth. Listens to your creative ideas but has plenty of her own, she also understands the technical aspects of photography so could shout out suggestions. It makes for a creative shoot when people can bounce ideas off each other like that, things never fail when you dare to try.

Delighted with the photos we created and grateful to Artemis(and Chrissie) for a really enjoyable/creative shoot.

Hope to work with you again soon, Artemis. Have safe journey home.

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I had an absolutely fabulous shoot with Tillie and Artemis today. My only regret was that I had only booked them for three hours: we could have done eight hours and still have run out of time!

Artemis was a delight to work with, accepting direction and then adding her own twist to it. She never ceased to amaze me with her ability to exactly nail the right expresion to go with the image that we were trying to achieve.

Artemis is on a tour now and I can only suggest that if she is coming to your area, you try to book her now. It is an experience not to be missed. (She doesn't even panic when a soft box catches fire - how "cool" is that?).

Thank you, Artemis, and I look forward to sharing the images with you via my Dropbox.

Take care and have a great tour.

Geoff Parker

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Had the chance to shoot Artemis and Tillie last week at Hallam Mill and we shot for 2 hours. Artemis is someone who you can tell has been modelling for a while now and is versatile in her poses and in the types of shots you want to create.

As a photographer it helps she has exceptional skin. She is easy to get on with, professional in her manner and she is very organised. She has good choice in clothing and knows what works and doesn't and she knows how to create fantastic images (which is what matters most). She won't let you down.


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Imaginary Revolutionary

Does Artemis need another glowing reference? Probably not - I mean what else can I add? She's pretty, expressive, versatile as you obviously know from even the briefest glance at her port. For what it's worth though, I would like to say that I have been impressed with the way she has communicated long before the shoot as well to make sure everything was perfect before the standing-in-front-of-the-camera-y bits.

I would definitely +1 to every recommendation down there below mine!

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GaryMac Photography

Artemis does not need another glowing reference as all the others before me are totally right in what they say, however the lady deserves one :-)

This is also Shoot Number four with this fantastic lady, in down town Didsbury, 3 hours in the evening taking things out of my comfort zone with Street Photography, low light and no additional light.

What a fantastic evening, Sarah as usual was fantastic and a bundle of ideas, the time went much to fast.

Great communication

Great Model

Great Lady

Fantastic Fun

Totally recommended

There will be a the next time :-)

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Darren S

I had my 3rd shoot working with Artemis, this time as a studio day at her place. What a fun filled Halloween shoot it was too. We laughed so much in between shots, as she makes a great vampire and does a great impression of a possessed person :-) She may actually be possessed :-)

Artemis is very professional, a great host too, as I stayed there for the duration. I enjoy working with Artemis as there's never a dull moment, she's got heaps of clothes too, so pulled off every look the photographers required of her.

Awesome model :-)

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Techquila Photography

This is the fourth time I've shot with Artemis but the first time I've shot with her at her incredible Georgian home. This was a Halloween shoot with Darren, fake blood, noir monsters and vampires galore. We zoomed through a load of different setups in just two hours and in each one she was not only an awesome model but a great creative partner too - making suggestions and always flawless with the wardrobe and look.

As you might have guessed with this being the 4th shoot for me this year, I'm a bit of a fan of this lady. If you haven't shot with her, book her now - you will not be disappointed!

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I shot with Artemis (for the 6th or 7th time?) and Darren S for their Halloween duo shoot last week. As always, fantastic model, loads of great ideas and I had an amazing time! Highly recommended!

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Spent a fun afternoon with Artemis Fauna and Darren S. This was my sixth shoot with Sarah, and she well and truly threw herself into the role of a demonically possessed woman.

Her interaction with Darren, the perverted priest, was done with so much enthusiasm I feared for Darren's immortal soul ;-) The whole shoot was so much fun that we were all in fits of laughter. From what I have witnessed today, Sarah definitely has an acting career ahead of her. Her exorcism was an Oscar worthy performance ;-)

Not sure what else I can add to my previous glowing references for Sarah, so I will simply say book her, you will not be disappointed. Thanks again Sarah for making this shoot fun and for your warm hospitality and kindness. Hope to work with you again. Drew :-)

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Writing a reference for one of our most popular and busy girls can be more daunting than actually photographing them. How do you put together a meaningful ref for a young lady already at the top of her game sitting with more than 600 positive refs to her name?

Artemis Fauna immediately on my arrival created a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, we talked about what I would like to achieve over a welcome cup of tea...........I now felt totally at ease.

AF is just beautiful, has a figure to die for and skin that needs no help from Photoshop.

Personally, I have serious thoughts on retiring but I may just seek one more shoot with............yes, you guessed Artemis Fauna

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fleeting glimpses

Second shoot with Artemis today - can't believe it's been over a year since the first.

Still attractive, friendly, versatile, enthusiastic and professional but is it me or has she actually got even better?

To be honest, I feel a bit of a fraud since all I need to do is actually turn up - Artemis takes care of the rest. However, I'm not proud so I'd love to work with her again. I just need to try not wait another year next time.

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I have just had a brilliant afternoon with Artemis at her amazing Georgian house/studio. On arrival she gave me a guided tour of all the sets available and then we sat down to discuss my ideas and how to implement them. She has a great understanding of what will work to get the right result and I've come away with a ton of images I love. Now I have to try to prioritise which ones to edit!

To summarise, great model, great location, great fun: can't recommended her too highly.

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Arrow Photography

To be honest I'm still on a high after today. Artemis is just THE loveliest person. Goes without saying a wonderful and totally accomplished model but often just from looking at a portfolio or reading notes or reviews it's hard to get a feel for the person behind the images. However everything you read and the references here below already are a super accurate representation of who Artemis is.

You'll read she's awesome, talented, creative and keen to collaborate and throw herself into a shoot - it's not just bum smoke blowing it's all true.

Every image is a keeper, pre shoot comms were amazing and she put up with me changing my mind a zillion times. The shoot itself went as smoothly as a smooth thing - a super hostess too and WOW what a place to shoot from.

I can't gush anymore as it will get embarrassing! - If you are wondering if you should take the plunge and make a booking then do - it's like shooting with 10 models! Stop reading - go book.

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