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References for Artemis Fauna

Artemis Fauna has 1733 references; 1733 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Camera 7

I had a shoot with Artemis last week at her home studio. WOW! What a superb location with many different sets. This combined with the model's skills, professionalism and extensive wardrobe makes it a highly recommended experience. Many thanks Artemis.

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Simes Himself

Going through my "Bucket List" I found that I must have been one of the few people out there who hadn't worked with Artemis! Deciding that it was about time to put that right, I initially made contact with her this past January. I found the lady herself (even through emailing) to be very down-to-earth and open to different lots of ideas I had, and she also enthusiastically contributed to them adding the odd twist here and there. It seemed as if Artemis was going to be "a photographer's dream model", and when our shoot arrived she turned out to be exactly that! I even got the odd tip here and there from her to achieve images I'd not even shot before! Artemis is quite simply phenomenal! She is SO easy to get along with, looks fantastic and has a wicked sense of humour too. One shoot was nowhere near enough time to put our "creative heads" together, and I'm looking forward to the next time I'll get to work with this amazing lady. Extremely highly recommended!

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Unique Beauty

Had the pleasure of shooting with Artemis at her studio and wow what a great place to shoot, fantastically laid out with lots of different options for the photographer. Artemis was excellent very professional and spot on communication beforehand. During the shoot, lots of enthusiasm combined with a bubbly personality.the shoot flew by leaving us wanting to go back for more, Artemis comes thoroughly recommended and if you get the chance to shoot with her, don't miss it!

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Had another brilliant duo session with the fabulous Artemis recently at her Georgian home. This time IainT shot us as a duo and the results I have seen are brilliant!!!

Artemis made sure on the day I was well looked after, provided yummy snacks, clothing if needed and was wonderful company too.

This lovely lady combined with IainT also gave me images and allowed me to explore themes I have not before.

Overall, a fantastic day and I can not recommend Artemis enough!!!

Anna:) xxx

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I had my second shoot with Artemis last month and it was such a blast again :) We had a fun time, and she totally rocks on the pole! Even though she only did pole for a short time, she was able to do extremely difficult double poses with me for the first try! She is just great at everything she does :) I don't think I need to detail why she's a fantastic model, she's simply the best. 110% recommended! :)

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Paul GH Photography

The event was Artemis's duo day with Anna Rose at her Bedford home. Having worked with Artemis a few weeks ago we decided to try something different, chose a theme and the girls just ran with it. Both brilliant.

Artemis never fails to, blow me away, she's so creative and professional. We got a whole range of images

and also had lots of fun. Here's to the next time!

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I have lost track of how many times I have worked with Artemis, but the shoots have always been fun and we have created some beautiful images (not too difficult with Artemis in front of your camera).

This morning I had a two hour shoot with Artemis and Anna Rose. I had a "Bowie" tribute concept in mind, Artemis and Anna played along with my ideas, and they were both encouraging, patient and helped me to achieve my goals. After shooting the Bowie theme we shot a few gymnastic/figurative images. Just from looking at the back of the camera, I can already see we have created some fabulous images. I cannot wait to transfer them to the Mac and start editing them (and sharing a few on PP).

Anyone who has seen their duo work will know how amazing they look together, they compliment each other beautifully. I am hoping to work with them both again later in the year, as they have such a positive vibe and a fair sprinkling of magic too!

Thanks for a fun and creative morning. Artemis (and Anna Rose) are very highly recommended.

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Had the most wonderful experience working with and alongside Artemis for an entire two days at her stunning Georgian home. Artemis is just brilliant in everyway and I can use so many superlatives to describe this beautiful lady but most have been said already.

Pre communications leading up to the event was faultless and Artemis's organisational skills and communication is second to none! The day itself, ran very smoothly and Artemis was not only a perfect host but great to work alongside and an epic duo buddy.

I had so much fun over the two days and worked with many brilliant individuals. This will definitely be an experience I will not forget. Thank you once again and I am looking forward to making more awesome imagery with you, this year.

Anna :):) xxx

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Jon Downs

oh ... my ... word - I'm still recovering - wow!!!!!!!! hang around ... WOW!!!!!!!

I attended a duo shoot thang with the gorgeous duo that is Artemis Fauna and AnnaRose.

After mocking me for my 21 point turn in Artemis’ driveway (I deserved it!) I was greeted with words to the effect of 'RAUNCH' from both Anna and Artemis - I wasn't going to say no, was I? ;)

Artemis is gorgeous and totally awesome!!!! this was my 8th shoot with this consummate professional model!!! every time it seems to get naughtier too (not sure if that's her or me tho' ;) ).

we had minimal natural light followed by improvising with studio lights. I chose the last slot of the day as a personal challenge - to force myself out of my natural light comfort zone .... and it seemed to work.

we did some stuff that was a little new for all of us and Artemis did her usual fantastic job of making everything look so cool, beautiful and natural - despite what we got up too! :) :)

I cannot underline enough what an absolute star Artemis is - she is seriously so great to work with and I have no hesitation in recommending her!!!!

thanks Artemis - I can't wait to shoot again!!!!!!!

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Having worked with Artemis over several shoots, decided to much time had passed, so shot again at Artemis's duo day with Anna Rose. The welcome on arrival was warm and friendly as ever and a quick chat to catch up on things. Artemis is a great professional, very easy to work with and helpful with suggestions. Happy to go with crazy ideas and never a let down, Highly recommended as ever. :D

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Great fun shooting with Artemis last night at a group shoot at Tip Top photography.

She was great fun when the camera was off her and flowed perfectly into pose after pose when it was.

really happy i got a chance to work with Artemis, and i'll hopefully arrange something with her 1:1 in the future!

100% recommend


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TipTop Photo-Training

I booked Artemis for a workshop, an evening group shoot. Great pre shoot comms, arrived on time, more than plenty of outfits and was fantastic throughout the event. Its been 4 years since I worked with Artemis and I will certainly be booking her again very soon.

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Deb Underhill

I took images of Artemis on a workshop based at TipTop Photography studios and loved working with her. She is so lovely, chatty and really knows her craft well. I cant wait to work with her again, hopefully soon. Thanks.

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Ceridwen Raynor

My third shoot with Artemis and this time at her home. This is huge, gorgeous and makes a lovely backdrop for images. We had a productive day with a real mixture of styles including some quite different with a historical feel and there are some brilliant images.

A really versatile model, with lots of ideas and great fun to spend time with. I've already booked the next shoot which I think says everything!

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Geist Fotografik said...

Adding this again as stuffing my phone into my bra without locking it causes my boobs to delete stuff 😉

So, I met Artemis on a group shoot at Tiptop in Birmingham...

Artemis was wonderful to work with; relaxed, friendly, cool and sweet. The images I got are fabulous. My original review stated how she held her poses well whilst my camera struggled to focus in low light. She then went from pose to pose in such a natural fluid manner. She made the whole shoot a fun experience. I recommend her 100% and would love to work with her on a 1-2-1 basis x

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KP photography

Recently had my 2nd shoot with Artemis during a model day at Sandon studio and it definatly wont be my last. She is great to work with as she is always full of ideas and advice if she lived closer to me I would be shooting with her every week As it is I already have my next shoot with her booked and plan many more in the future. Would highly recomment her to anyone

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Lumière Naturelle

Today I had the great pleasure of working with Artemis for the first time at the brilliant Sandon Studios.

Absolutely wonderful experience to work with someone so talented.Artemis is so friendly,we hit it off from the start and had a fabulous 2 hours together,as usual,it's never long enough.Having said that,we got through lots of different styles and got some great pictures....never a dull moment,we found time to have a good laugh as well.

At Artemis's suggestion,we even managed a bit of duo work with Anna Rose who was at the studio as well.

An all round fantastic experience,and a great addition to this never ending learning curve that I'm on.Goes without saying, Artemis is very highly recommended and I very much look forward to working together again.

Thanks Artemis,for a fantastic 2 hours.x

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I had my first shoot with one of the most amazing young ladies you could ever wish to meet, Artemis was one of three models at a weekend hosted by Sandon Studio.

Artemis was engaging, considerate, full of enthusiasm and ideas, as well being as Knowelagable about the other side of a camera than I suspect many photographers.

Her effortless poses are in fact an illusion, after having the pleasure of working with her, I can assure you she works very hard at making them look effortless when In fact they require concentration of mind and strength of body.

It's easy to see that Artemiis has a beautiful face and stunning figure, but it's then the layers of emotion she is able to add, that make her a stand out model.

I really hope to work with Artemis again in the near future, as our 2 hr shoot was way to short, and gone to quickly.


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Had another fantastic shoot with Artemis. Shooting more video strangeness. None of which seemed to faze her at all. Knives, silly walks, cheesy 70s showboating and disco classics all feature.

Artemis perfectly understands the differences between shooting for stills and video and can take on the role and act through the sequences.

So along with being very productive in a short space of time we also had great fun. Always fantastic to work with and highly recommended :)

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Dave E

Over the Weekend I had the opportunity to work with Artemis for 5th time

Working at Sandon studios we had the opportunity to shoot a range of themes, vintage glamour, eastern promise and classic art nude

Working with Artemis is always fun, offering that great combination of a highly professional model who understands the photographic process and can add so much to the shoot.

With Artemis it is a true team event, mixed in with ample fun and the outcome is always good.

We all aspire to work with talented people who make us better at our chosen hobby, with this lady it's guaranteed

Already setting up my next event, as ever Artemis comes very highly recommended, but I don't need to say that as anyone who has worked with her knows that

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