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References for Artemis Fauna

Artemis Fauna has 1742 references; 1742 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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I think i am about to say all that has been said before:-)

Recently shot with Artemis during her tour of scotland. I came up with a simple idea which was brought to life through her input as we shot and we produced some great outcomes which i am really happy with.

She arrived promptly (despite a load of traffic lights! with a series of outfits that matched what we discussed before hand. Her great personalty comes through and all i can say it i look forward to here tour up this way.

Many thanks Artemis.

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Mondo (Ray)

Well I'm very happy to add reference 1146 to Artemis’ bow!

I took part in an art nude workshop tutored by John McNairn today with Artemis as the hugely talented, patient, versatile, funny and genuinely down to earth model.

It's so very easy to see the difference a top class model makes to the shooting experience. Artemis knows her stuff, not just with regard to modelling but also with lighting concepts and photography in general.

I would certainly look to work with Artemis again the next time she tours bonnie Scotland (and it was bonnie today). Well worth the 200 mile round trip I made for the shoot.

Many thanks Artemis.

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John McNairn

Had a fab shoot with Artemis Fauna today featuring Whale Watchers, Newfie owners, jelly fish, wounded bird that did Penguin impressions, caves, waterfalls, crevices, sharp scrapey rocks, wrens, abandoned houses, swallows, crabs, cheese and beans, hats that escape, unexpected eavesdroppers, shunned strawberry tarts and Morrisons car park......then the next day was a studio workshop where she wow'ed everyone with her unearthly modelling talent and natural beauty.

I could go on and on about her skill and professionalism like everyone else, and it's true she is all that...I'm just gonna say to those who haven't worked with her yet...you're missing out on something special, and the rest of us that have worked with her know it. So book now for that Artemis Experience...highly recommended by me and everyone else.

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Female Art Nudes

I shot with Artemis for the first time, almost a year ago to the day. So when she contacted me to let me know she would be touring in Scotland again, I jumped at the chance to book some time with her. This time it was a duo shoot with Carla Monaco.

I maybe pushed my luck a bit, asking two models to get up very early for a dawn shoot (!), but Artemis and Carla were both game :-)

Unfortunately, the first location was too misty and Artemis exhibited plenty of patience whilst I replanned and we moved on to our second location.

As previously, Artemis shows her experience by almost instantly noticing some wonderful spots for shots at the location we went to, whilst also more than happy to work with the photographer's suggestions. It felt like great team work. I was more than happy to accept Artemis' ideas - they resulted in some great shots :-)

Later on, we moved into the studio. Again, Artemis effortlessly posed for shot after shot, knowing how to make the most of the lighting set-up.

Artemis is a genuinely lovely person and it is impossible to recommend her enough!

Thanks, so much :-)

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Martin Photo

Here's the thing, Artemis is brilliant.

If I could have one Muse for the rest of my life, it'd be Artemis. There is nothing she can't do. If you are up and excited she matches that and produces incredible poses and moods. If you are down and thoughtful she absorbs that and produces incredible poses and moods.

You can not fail to take excellent pictures of Artemis. She is not a model, she is a creative collaborator that works with you, interprets your needs, adds her twist and together you go forward.

From the most beautiful beauty to the most graceful art nude and onto the quirkiest, weirdest abstractions. I'm already planning the next time - book her now and be amazed.

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Candy Heart

I don't know where to begin to put into words just how amazing a time I had with Artemis Fauna but I'll try. From the moment Sarah announced she was planning to tour Scotland in August I jumped straight in with a message, I didn't care what date it was I just wanted her to save me one, there was no way I was missing out on this fabulous model. As time went on impatience and nerves almost got the better of me. So many amazing photos of her on this website I was feeling quite inadequate and starting to worry. When I met Sarah she was happy and bubbly and put me at ease right away. To be honest you cant really go wrong with this girl in front of your camera. Her skill as a model is off the chart and not just that her knowledge of Photography and the tips she gives during shooting is invaluable. My only complaint is it was just all over far too quick....Time flys and all that.

I really hope this won't be my last shoot with Artemis Fauna and I can't recommend her enough. Don't ever miss the chance to work with her. Claire x

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~ Z 00MY ~

I count myself as extremely privileged to have had the opportunity to "work" with ArFa once again on her recent tour North.

In my eyes the perfect model..presents herself immaculately,totally gorgeous,endless enthusiasm for her work..with an absolute wicked sense of humour,so easy to get along with.

Also shares my deep love for socks,cottage cheese and table lamps..

The only down side: she lives too darned far away as I would love to shoot with her much more regularly.

Already counting the days to my next two fingered salute!

Love ye Musey.

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I had a very enjoyable and productive shoot with Artemis Fauna yesterday. She is a lovely and easy model to work with, and really gives her all to ensure a good shoot.

I recommend her without any hesitation to all photographers - if you haven't worked with her yet, you should.

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Alison McMath Photographer

I did a styled shoot at Onyx Studio with Artemis. She has a lovely effervescent personality and was a pleasure to work with. She contributed to the shoot with lots of ideas on posing an lighting. She gave 100% effort to make sure I got the shots I wanted. I wouldn't hesitate to work with her again and am happy to recommend. Many thanks :)

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Events @PURE

I arranged a studio day with Sarah for my studio this weekend just gone. Sold out in no time. Sarah is easy to communicate with and in person a good laugh, very hard working but relaxed and fun to. She endures at all times everyone gets exactly what they want from the shoot time, highly recommended to any Phoyographer and studio looking for quality in every aspect. Many thanks and look forward to having you back again soon. Simon

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Its been a while again! since I worked with Artemis ..... different outfits, different studio but same amazing model :)

Very easy to work with, it seemed like only 4 months instead of 4 years since we last worked together, we chatted, had a laugh and shot some great images, even with me cocking up the first set with a school boy error.

Outfits were spot on, posing was outstanding and as ever a real pleasure to work with and I say it everytime but lets not leave it as long for the next time :D


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Jimmy Walker Photography

I was fortunate enough to be able to shoot with Artemis at a group shoot, this girl is one of the best models that I have worked with, she is very relaxed in front of the camera, and is equally accomplished in her modelling whether fashion or art nude. I do hope to be shooting with Artemis again when she is back in the North West. Highly recommended

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Camelot Photography

Although we had met briefly at the Photography Show in Birmingham this was our first proper shoot. It was a group shoot which I am still nervous about but Artemis of me at ease and created some great poses. She is fabulous to work with and if the chance ever comes again I would happily shoot with her on a 1-2-1 basis. Thanks Artemis.

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Had a great shoot with Artemis at Pure Studio, we have had 2 FPI's on another site. Thank you for your time and professionalism you made my time photographing you so easy. Here's till the next time we meet & shoot

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The words legend and awesome are well over used, but anybody who has worked with this lady know they are inadequate. Artemis has been on my want to work with list for ages and today was the day to finally work with her.

Only two hours in a studio I had never been to before. With all the chatting there was even less shooting time but the sets we worked we got amazing images on every set.

Lovely lovely lady, great fun, FANTASTIC model, no side to her and always trying to help to get the shot. Loved every second HOPE to work again with this pocket rocket of loveliness!!

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Incredible model. Hardworking, talented and professional. Hopefully I'll work with her again in the future.

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Lulu Lockhart

Had an absolutely super time modelling with Artemis at her new home! Right from the start she was warm, friendly and a joy to be around, made me feel really comfortable and turns out we have quite a lot in common!!

I don't need to say it but she's a sensational model with as beautiful a personality to match :) Not only does she model so well by herself but she's equally as good at doing duo shoots, together we managed to create so great shapes! Artemis is also insanely creative and has a real understanding about light and photography and this really comes through when shooting with her :)

Overall, modelling with her was way too long overdue!! Had a fantastic time, can't recommend her enough :)

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Ghost Light Photography

Today was so much fun. Artemis Fauna and Lulu Lockhart modelling together for the first time!!

We were able to put together a number of ideas in advance but a lot was dependent on the opportunities available in Artemis' excellent new home studio in Malmesbury. In truth, I was a little nervous about this shoot but within a few minutes modelling stories were being exchanged as we finalised plans. I think I may have created a monster as they were eagerly talking about working together again, before I had even started taking pictures.

It was just a joy watching Artemis and Lulu moving through so many beautiful poses, complimenting each other and working together to give me lots of great images. We did the obvious things of course, but also shot some quirkier and more off the wall ideas as a creative maelstrom descended on that Wiltshire town.

I am sure we all know by now that each is a superb model, but together they are a dream team.

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Colin Hurst

I'd looked forward for such a long time for a shoot with the legendary wonder that is Artemis Fauna.

I think we worked really well together - more by the lady's skill than mine - and the results will surely reflect that.

We had an indoor shoot at her new abode on a wet dull evening. The whole shoot was in natural light, and the opportunities for such were numerous.

I don't need to recommend Artemis to you all, but of course I will. Obviously beautiful, superbly photogenic, with a great understanding of what a photographer is trying to achieve. Very patient and helpful, she's a gem. And she wore my t-shirt for my avatar pic. Need I say more?

Oh, did I already mention that her apartment is a great studio? She had a continuous lighting rig, but we simply didn't need it. More than enough light.

Looking forward to the next shoot already.

Thanks again.


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Why did I wait so long to shoot with Artemis, I'll never know!

As many have said before, Artemis is a fantastic model, and knows her stuff.

She provides a constant stream of killer poses and looks.

Her new location is also great to shoot in. Before I arrived I did wonder how much space there would be, but fear not, there's loads. Numerous great backgrounds and props, more than you'll need in one session.

I would definitely recommend Artemis, the trick is going to be trying to find a spare day in her diary.

So if you haven't worked with her yet, give yourself a slap and sort it out!! Your folio will be all the better for it.

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