Header photo: Disposable Planet (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

We love shining the limelight on fabulous creatives in the PurplePort community, sharing their unique journeys and creative processes.

In this episode of FEATURED, we interviewed Wendy Louise Howard, a full-time PurplePort model with more than 15 years of experience based in Sefton, United Kingdom. 

E.Polygraphy (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Patterned light by photographer Barbarossa Photo. (aka Mark Lycett) with model Wendy Louise Howard

About PurplePort model Wendy Louise Howard

Wendy Louise Howard is an artist through creativity, expression, emotion and pose. She has modelled (both freelance and agency-represented) for more than 16 years full-time and recently began shooting self-portrait passion projects to satisfy her creative needs.

While based in Sefton (Merseyside, UK), Wendy has travelled to many places throughout the world to model for various photographers and enjoys working with like-minded creatives who appreciate uniqueness in their own work or are looking to add uniqueness to their portfolio. 

Reflected Fashion by photographer SteveStuart with model Wendy Louise Howard

Wendy has obtained NVQ Levels 2 and 3 in Beauty Therapy, which covers nails and make-up to ensure high standards are kept for photoshoots. She has also completed a photo editing course to help with the end stages of a photoshoot if required. 

Since joining our creative community on PurplePort, Wendy has worked on a multitude of shoots and has received an impressive 600+ glowing references.

Wendy's fabulous work has also been featured many times in the Front Page Image (FPI) Collection.

Image (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Fashion Freed.. by photographer SteveStuart with model Wendy Louise Howard

FEATURED Interview with PurplePort model Wendy Louise Howard

How did you get into modelling? 

About 16 years ago, I attended a shoot with an old school friend, Michelle, who was a model. The photographer asked if he could take a few images of me and I absolutely loved the experience.

I used to watch Britain's Next Top Model in awe and hoped one day to be involved with the industry, so I saw this as my opportunity. 

Solitude.. by photographer #fipart magazine with model Wendy Louise Howard

What did you do before becoming a model?

I modelled as a hobby initially, alongside being a legal secretary for a local law firm.

I really enjoyed the admin and organisation of being a secretary, but being a creative person, I decided to leave to pursue my passion of creating full-time. 

Phantasmagoria - Mortification (2 of 9) (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Punk Me Up (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Do you have a health or fitness regime?

I love to walk and like to do my 11 by 11 (11,000 steps by 11am). I really enjoy going to the gym, both for fitness and to socialise with the people I've met over the years.

I also go to Konga and Zumba dance classes twice a week. 

Phantasmagoria - Revivification (4 of 9) (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Disposable Planet (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

How do you prepare for photoshoots?

I start by preparing myself. Bath, hair, face mask, nails and make-up.

I then read through all the communication I've had with the photographer regarding the shoot to ensure I bring/organise everything required.

I also look through the portfolio to get a feel for what the photographer likes to help with inspiration for any added ideas I can bring to the shoot. 

Disposable Planet (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Vibrancy (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

What style of photoshoot do you enjoy working on the most?

My favourite style of photoshoot is a collaborative one. A shoot that is creative with high energy where me and the photographer can bounce ideas off each other.

I find these types of shoots to be the most productive, in my opinion.

Anti: Everything (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

A Fashioned Feel by photographer amcamman with model Wendy Louise Howard

What's the most interesting photoshoot you've ever worked on?

I wouldn't say the most interesting, but the most true to my soul that I can think of at the moment is the Disposable Planet series that I am working on.

I live close to a beach and often walk up and down with a rubbish bag in hand, collecting pieces of plastic that have been washed ashore. I turn this rubbish into props to be used for photos to highlight how much pollution our oceans have. 

Disposable Planet (8 of 9) (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Disposable Planet (8 of 9) (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Disposable Planet (7 of 9) (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

What do you most enjoy about being a model?

I love the social aspect of modelling. It is great to meet new people who are like-minded. I also love the fact that it is acceptable to be as creative, weird and as whacky as you like without anyone batting an eyelid.

There aren't many jobs where you can splash paint over your face or make a whole load of mess, and it is accepted as the norm. It gives me the ability to feel and stay young. 

Disposable Planet (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

What would you describe as your main strengths as a model?

I would say my main strength as a model is the ability to see and use props quite differently from most. I have learned to embrace my differences and feel confident to show them. I'm naturally a creative person and really enjoy getting unique images.

I am very inquisitive and love to experiment, and I feel confident in doing so, especially in a time with digital cameras with the ease of the delete button. I would be less inclined to experiment if the photographer used a film camera, though, as I am very mindful of the cost. 

Disposable Planet (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

No Diving, Bombing or Heavy Petting: (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

What's your absolute favourite photo?

My absolute favourite image has to be Reflect your Inner Peace (see image below), which was taken by the fab photographer G_H.

It was taken in a lake in Portugal at sunset. It took us a lot to get that image. It was freezing as the sun had practically gone, and we had both been in the water for quite a long time. We were shaking with cold but trying our best to stay still to get as smooth a reflection as possible without moving.

It is one of a few occasions that I can think of whereby a photographer has put themselves in just as uncomfortable a situation as the model to get the shot. It was so worth it though, and both Gary (G_H) and I agree. 

Reflect your Inner Peace by photographer G_H with model Wendy Louise Howard

Is there anyone in particular who inspires you?

I am inspired by lots of people and things, but the person who has inspired me the most has got to be the late Lee Alexander McQueen. I love how he was able to make full collections out of practically nothing (i.e. bin bags, sellotape, etc.) with very little finances. I find that very inspiring. 

It just highlighted the fact and made me feel secure in knowing that I didn't need a load of cash to be as creative and expressive as I wanted to be. He wasn't afraid to be different either, and when first learning about Lee, my confidence to be my authentic self was greatly improved. 

UV Dreams by iamBIONIC photographer with model Wendy Louise Howard

Wear of Words.. by photographer Barbarossa Photo. (aka Mark Lycett) with model Wendy Louise Howard

What advice would you give to a model just starting out?

The advice I would give is always to let someone know where you are going and when you will be back.

Check references on all portfolios, but also contact the person who has left the reference directly to get a more detailed review.

Most importantly, don't do things just for the money or be pressured into something you don't feel comfortable doing. The money will be gone quickly, but the image and the memory will be there for a lifetime. 

Entwined with Nature.. (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Movement Delight by photographer amcamman with model Wendy Louise Howard

One final question. Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

I would have to say no. I'm very stuck in my ways, so it is pepperoni pizza for me, thank you. 

Nature ~ Inspired from within… (self-portrait) by model Wendy Louise Howard

Thanks again for speaking with us and sharing your creative journey, Wendy Louise Howard

We hope you all enjoyed this interview. Check out the links below for more of Wendy Louise Howard's beautiful work!

Here's where you can find more of Wendy Louise Howard's work

PurplePort: Wendy Louise Howard

Instagram: wendylouisehoward (self-portrait) and wendylouisehoward1

Facebook: Wendy Louise Howard 

What is PurplePort

PurplePort is a modelling website that brings models, photographers and other creatives together with one fantastic service. We provide the tools and help you need to get together and create amazing photos.

Established in 2010, PurplePort has grown from strength to strength and now has 40,000+ active members worldwide. With features such as integrated messaging, calendar, shoot plans, image albums, references, credited photos, busy member forums, hundreds of articles, and dedicated full-time staff to help you, it's easy finding the perfect creatives you need for your next photography project. It's a fresh, fast, and feature-rich alternative to ModelMayhem.

Join the fastest growing, most feature-rich service of its kind and start making magical photos a reality!

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