Home » Wavepower » Just How Is THIS Even Possible! CollectShare image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imageJust How Is THIS Even Possible!Image is filtered for work safety. Show image...Photography by: WavepowerTaken at: AURAphotographicKeyword tags: angular, ard, gymnastic, hair, impossible positions, incredible, mono, monochrome, nude, posing box, right angles, studioAlbums: 50+ Loves, Dance / Gymnastic inspired, 100+ loves, 50+ Loves (Model's), 150+ Loves, 200+ loves, InezGroups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...59 people love this!Added 1690913298 by Wavepower.Just as was posed! No photoshop trickery.Awarded a FPI on Inez's Portfolio.