Home » Model_saffron.evans (LadyXplain) » Twisted human voodoo. CollectShare image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imageTwisted human voodoo.Image is filtered for work safety. Show image...Photography by: Iris FerretModel: Model_saffron.evans (LadyXplain)Makeup by: Model_saffron.evans (LadyXplain)Stylist: Model_saffron.evans (LadyXplain)Hair styling by: Model_saffron.evans (LadyXplain)Designer: Model_saffron.evans (LadyXplain)Assisted by: Mathias PhotographyKeyword tags: alternative, artist, contortion, designer, flexibility, human voodoo doll, make-up, model, mua, plus size contortion, sfx mua, stylist, tattoo, voodoo, voodoo make upAlbums: Special effects make up.Groups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...13 people love this!Added 1569011045 by Model_saffron.evans (LadyXplain).