Model Ballerina Erica Mulkern / Uploaded 13th August 2024 @ 06:32 PM
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Model: Ballerina Erica MulkernAlbums: HistoricalGroups: (Invite) None

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Added 1723573966 by Ballerina Erica Mulkern.

Promo images for my own Arts Council Funded production 'Suzy Homemaker.' I do own these costumes and wigs!

This character is Susannah, an Edwardian socialite in 1903. A young lady entering “society” for the first time, she is promenaded in front of suitors - but as an educated woman, she realises she’s just being sold like cattle, and dreams of more.

Suzy Homemaker was a line of miniature functional toy household appliances produced by Topper Toys, and launched in 1966, teaching girls how to be the perfect housewife.

In this performance we see women throughout history trapped in a role they did not ask for, and had no choice in. Following the Suffragette movement, before police quash the revolution; a double life; and domestic bliss turned nightmare, Suzy Homemaker invites you to be the perfect housewife, just like your mother.

Photo by Elly Welford

Suzy Homemaker is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.