Header photo: Selfie in the main studio by photographer/model Russ FTL and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

We love shining the limelight on fabulous creatives in the PurplePort community and sharing their unique journeys and creative processes.

In this episode of FEATURED, we interviewed Splash Point Photo Studio, a full-time studio on PurplePort with more than 13 years of experience based in Denbighshire, Wales, United Kingdom.

About Splash Point Photo Studio on PurplePort

Russ FTL, a PurplePort photographer and the owner of Splash Point Photo Studio, first got into photography to stay creative off the back of being in music. 

As a drummer, Russ wanted to compose rather than be part of the rhythm section, and he'd fallen out of love with the industry, so learning guitar to a decent degree was a frustration too far. Being in music allowed him to get to know photographers he saw at shows, and he always had an interest.

To this day, Russ still remembers buying a magazine as a kid and being fascinated by the forced perspective. However, as a drummer, he was often disappointed as drummers rarely got decent images being at the back of the stage in bad light - that was a challenge to Russ.

MUA desk at studio Splash Point Photo Studio

S9LASH PO!NT PHOTO by photographer Russ FTL, model Jasmine High and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

Since then, Russ has been lucky enough to take that drive he had in music into photography and forge his own path. It's resulted in winning a few competitions, being in exhibitions and being published (that old chestnut of a sentence that is mandatory in every bio).

Russ has had photos of the day in the likes of Smithsonian Magazine, Professional Photographer, been exhibited in Greece, Spain, India and obviously the UK, plus appeared in PhotoPlus magazine a few times. He is currently in talks with PhotoPlus as they are interested in using the studio and Russ for one of their apprentice features.  

You can check out many of the fantastic images taken at Splash Point Photo Studio that have been featured in the Front Page Image (FPI) Collection on PurplePort. 

Selfie in the main studio by photographer/model Russ FTL and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

Interview with Splash Point Photo Studio on PurplePort

How did you get into running a studio?

I'm typically into more social/moral exploration, juxtaposed and quirky imagery, the likes of David LaChapelle, than fashion and beauty. I need a narrative to aim for so I achieve something, at least an idea to see out. So the concept of shooting family photography, weddings etc., and just making it work with what I'm presented with would just kill my love for photography.

Along with wanting my own space and equipment to play with, having a studio allows me the freedom to be a part of what I love without having to do the stuff that drains me. I used to shoot a lot of live music, and that would, in turn, push me into corporate photography, conferences and the like.

I will dip my toe into events and other portraiture every now and then, especially if I have more editorial freedom and the ideas are cool and creative, but for the most part, and as an introvert, I need to avoid the chaos of doing something I'm not fully committed to and have no love for. I'd prefer to put that energy into having a studio that blows people away.

Are you coming in to confess your sins? by photographer Russ FTL and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

What did you do before running a studio?

I played in bands and ran a small rehearsal studio for bands, too. Plus, as mentioned above, I used to travel a bit doing corporate photography as I had a great relationship with a company that organised said events, and they liked what I did.  

Back before Splash Point, I used to have my own lighting, etc., and used that rehearsal space as a studio for shoots. It wasn't ideal, but it gave me freedom, and it arguably peaked my creativity, too, as I would make sets from scratch, something you take for granted with a pre-determined space available for you.  

Moving to North Wales 5 years ago helped me step away from that and just concentrate fully on having a photography studio space. I'm still in a fine balancing act of trying to stay creative in a place with fewer opportunities, yet a slower, more beautiful pace and scenic way of life while staying just vanilla enough to have a commercial space I can grow organically - those lines get increasingly more blurred the more I need to express.

Neon Dreams by photographer Russ FTL, model Aly Sky and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

How do you prepare for photoshoots at your studio?

Me personally? I've been quite old skool for a while, to the point I never bought into the Pinterest thing of being fed images. I collect images that turn my head, try to store them with some sort of folder system with the ability to recall them at will, and then I enjoy making mood boards in Photoshop.

The actual shooting is just having several ideas I have visions for and then just setting up to achieve that while sweating over the lighting and whether it evokes the vibe I'm looking for in that narrative. 

The stuff in the middle is hopefully the magic the model brings to the image and the tangents that become as we work on the lighting, poses and feel.

Zoe by photographer Russ FTL, model ZoePage and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

What's your favourite style of photoshoot?

Colour...I mean, I like black and white too, but metaphorically colour, quirk, exploration, layered narratives, provocative.

I like a bit of Photoshop, but it's to clean things up for me. I'm really not into fantasy and fakery, I prefer to get the vibe in the camera and then enhance it. That's not saying I can't appreciate others who do such work, I just may quantify it differently.

Censored by photographer Russ FTL and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

What's the most interesting photoshoot you've ever worked on in your studio?

I would probably say that the majority of more interesting stuff I've done was prior, as explained above, as I had to push myself for results or didn't have this whole commercial vibe at the back of my mind.  

Her,e I've done stuff that looks at the morality of throw away culture of retail. It's layered into being about the psychology so you can play with people's insecurities of how they should be in shape, follow fashions, the pressure of clout chasing, and ultimately, it being quite a hallow in the end with nothing to show for it as soon as something new rolls in.

Image by studio Splash Point Photo Studio

What do you most enjoy about running a studio?

Despite being an introvert who isn't too 'peopley' (a weird personality trait of someone who loves portraiture, I guess), I enjoy meeting cool new people.

It's always interesting running into a face and name you know of from, say, Purpleport, for instance. That intrigue in morality and psychology extends past shoots, so just seeing the difference in online personas and who they are in real life is fascinating to me, too.

Practicality-wise, the freedom to work and the space to work from. Plus, of course, it's an excuse to buy stuff relating to photography and making some justification for it being useful in the studio is always lovely.

A little Sunshine inside by photographer Russ FTL, model Elle Baldwinson and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

What would you describe as your main strengths as a studio?

Honestly, there is no other Splash Point, we're a USP of our own. Aside from it reflecting my eclectic interest in 'cool stuff', so having that vibe, I think we were the originator of the 'neon wall' as inspired by God's Own Junkyard.

We also have a cool feature we like to call 'free-floating steps', which just came about as access to our studio balcony for storage, but it makes an amazing posing tool.  

The studio is 'hidden' behind our house, and we quantify the studio as various parts of our home,e too. The house has barely changed from when we bought it, so props to the people who had it prior who themselves created a really unique space, especially for the area.

People pulling up to the studio are often confused and don't think it can possibly exist where it does, and then walk through the front door and are blown away.  

Oh, and we're super lucky to have a pool, too, and to be over the road from the beach!

Image by photographer Russ FTL, models Angel., Lily Marion, Louisa Lu and Natasha ПΣӨП, assistant AlexBytheway and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

What's your absolute favourite photo?

Of mine.. or others for that matter, I'm not sure I have one.  

Most others would probably tell you it's the bird's eye ballet dancer as it's one that, throughout the years, I can never get away from. I always joke it'll be on my grave.

A new perspective by photographer Russ FTL

Is there anyone in particular who inspires you?

I'm more inspired by individual images, probably; as I said, I'll collect them when I see them.

As mentioned, I love David LaChapelle, but maybe less inspired by and more so discovered as and when, and then I realised there was someone who fit in with my visions of what I loved about photography.

Again, as an introvert, I'm not a people person, so I don't get involved exclusively with others and follow careers. I just kinda see and take away what I like and ignore the rest. Honestly, I'm more likely to silence someone if I fear their work is negatively swaying me from the integrity of what I like, aka post filter trends, etc., that you may feel obliged to jump on board with.  

In fairness, rereading the question, I applied it to photographers when I'd probably be more interested in the career of models. Some people are muses that you'd just love to shoot. Chemistry is so important, be that at a superficial level or in person.

One such person was Tatiana Elizabeth. I happened across her on Instagram and just fell in love with her look. I later found out she was part of America's Next Top Model.

Image by photographer Russ FTL, model Natnatnat and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

What advice would you give to a studio just starting out?

You're asking the wrong person. I'm far too integrity-focused. My best advice? Don't be like me. Chase the money instead, lol.

I'd sooner take a day off than do something I hate, even if that means I'm not hitting targets. Organic growth is important to me. I'm a firm believer in that if you have to force it, it's probably shit.

One final question. Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

I love Pizza, Hawaiian Pizza is definitely not my go-to, but I'll eat it. It's just another type, another flavour of, not any deeper than that to me - thanks, I've probably just lost an Italian client who's also on PurplePort.

Boho Emma by photographer Russ FTL, model Emma Starmore Smith and studio Splash Point Photo Studio

Thanks again for speaking with us and sharing your creative journey, Splash Point Photo Studio

We hope you all enjoyed this interview. Check out the links below for more beautiful work created at the fabulous Splash Point Photo Studio!

Here's where you can find more of Splash Point Photo Studio's work

PurplePort: Splash Point Photo Studio

Website: www.splashpointphoto.co.uk 

Facebook: splashpointphoto

Instagram: splashpointphoto

Twitter: Splash_Point_

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