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References for Wendy Louise Howard

Wendy Louise Howard has 675 references; 674 recommended, 0 not recommended, 1 late cancellation and 0 no-shows.

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I'd met Wendy before when I worked with Rosa but this was the 1st time working with her.

What a model. Thoroughly professional. Open to ideas, makes positive suggestions of her own based on her considerable experience, friendly and fun as well.

Did a 2-girl shoot with her & Rosa then worked with her on her own. Some great images.

Certainly work with her again.

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Kierre W-Shelton

Wendy is AMAZING!

- Money well spent

- Friendly and welcoming

- Doesn't watch the clock

- Loads of imagination

- Very photogenic

The list goes on! I was anxious about the price but now I want to book her again FOR LONGER!

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Take in the Alps

What a time I had with Renaissance and Keira Lavelle in R's flat in Liverpool! It was a huge honor to work with two such talented and experienced models. The shots just took themselves as we moved effortlessly through a range of ideas that just kept coming. Every now and then we'd stop to chat or laugh at something and that just allowed us to return with renewed intensity as if we couldn't wait to discover the next mood or expression we wanted to capture. I'd recommend that you shoot both of them together or as solos. I seemed to get the best of both worlds! As a team we really gelled. I felt that I'd always known them. And they took such pleasure in being photographed, in sharing their intimacies with me; they have such a great relationship. I realized that by the end of the shoot we had managed to generate a great deal of joy and so I came away smiling. And accompanied by my big load of stellar shots I literally sailed back down the motorway to Stroud. It had felt like a wonderful holiday with friends. When I edited the images I got to relive it all again - the wonderful light and space, the intimate and personal surroundings of R's beautiful high-ceilinged flat and the heartwarming generosity of two brilliant models who simply love modelling and didn't really want to stop. On reflection I have to say that they were so sensitive to my methods and ideas that they instantly responded to my requirements as if they intuitively new what I wanted even if I couldn't always convey that clearly. It was easy, effortless working with them. They are gorgeous.

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What a amazing shoot again today but this time with another photographer on our first 1-2-1 tutorial with this lovely lady.

Wendy delivered the goods and got the job done and was brilliant throughout the day.

Top model Top person Top friend!

You will be a fool to miss out working with this lovely lady. Book now !!!

Thankyou Paul :-) xx

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What nice things can I say that haven’t been said already? Renais was friendly and welcomed me warmly to her rather grand abode, yet professional and well organised throughout. She took direction extremely well, even when I failed to explain myself very articulately or coherently. She had a confident and methodical approach that brought a much-needed discipline to my lack of one, yet without compromising my desire for spontaneity. I was impressed at how she seemed to grasp quickly and instinctively how to achieve some of the rather off-beat effects that I was looking for in connection with several experimental projects that I am working on.

Renais had not only an extensive choice of outfits and the ability to express a range of appropriate emotions, but was able to switch quickly and effortlessly between different genres, from classic static poses to more unconventional video scenarios.

The large windows made available light shooting easily realisable, but reflectors were available to supplement this when needed. Renais patiently put up with my additional lighting contraption with good grace, despite having equipment of her own.

Altogether a fun and productive couple of hours that went by so quickly that I felt I had only just begun to explore all the creative possibilities of working with this delightful young model, so clearly a further visit is called for if she’ll put up with me!

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Howard Greenberg

Probably the most common thread throughout the references for this wonderful lady goes along the lines of "What can I say that hasn't been said before?"

Yeah, yeah... Well me too. I'm not Shakespeare, and no David Bailey either. But that doesn't stop me from waxing lyrical about Wendy.

A first time at Powder Rooms Studio in Liverpool, and things were not going well. Wendy was punctual, beautifully dressed, beautifully made up,and I'm taking shots worthy of halloween. After my previous experience of shooting her in her wonderful apartment, I'd figured that a studio would do her full justice, and that I'd get full length shots worthy of FPI's. But it wasn't working out that way. By my reckoning, it's almost impossible to take a bad picture of Wendy, but no, I was accomplishing this.

Just goes to show that no matter how foolproof something is, it's astonishing just how resourceful fools can be.

Enter Wendy, who starts suggesting how to move the lights around, and my exasperation dissipates, and the blood pressure resumes it's normal level. (Whatever that is). Which goes to demonstrate the benefit of working with an experienced model.

Now we're cooking. Having brought a full suitcase of outfits, she was even patient enough to go back and change into outfit one. This did of course mean that we ran out of time before we could get to the final set up. So I suppose I'm going to have to shoot again with her. But this is no hardship :) In addition to being a model of considerable skill and beauty, she's also wonderful to be around. The kind of person who puts a smile on your face, and contentment in your soul, as soon as she enters a room. You've either got it or you've not.

And Wendy has it in spades.

And after the initial debacle - the pictures were good too!

Until next time


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Paul Budgen Photography

Well again we both had a wonderful shoot again in Fuerteventura, my work colleagues must be fed up of this wonderful lady, lucky I have so much back dated holiday time!!!

And before everything went very well, in fact when a few minor things worked against us we still managed to use our time well & productively.

As before the trip had so many high points & laughs, the only problem was the week went by way too fast.

As before we came back with so many great images, mostly thanks to Wendy as again she is so easy to work with.

The only slight problem is we came back with so many ideas we now have to go back again, oh well :-) :-) :-)

So again as many times now before all I can say is that words can not really describe how highly I can recommend Renaissance.

Amazing Amazing Amazing!!!! & thanks again for another great shoot.

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I had another shoot with this delightful young lady at her flat. Now what can I say that has not been sais already ?.

She is an absolute delight to work with and nothing is too much trouble for her as she flows from one pose to another giving you every angle different light and every conceivable expression you can think of with plenty of laughs along the way.

The only complaint that I have is that the shoot always goes too fast.

I would recommend her 100% to any tog pro or amateur. If you have not had a shoot with her you really should. Thank you for another great shoot x

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It's amazing having this beautiful young lady as a model living close to me.

We arranged the shoot just after Christmas as I had a few ideas I wanted to shoot.

The shoot was easy going and relaxed but also very creative and producing stunning images.

This is because Wendy has a real talent for modelling, particularly with regard to posing and style. As well as that she is great friend and fun to work with. She is very easy to get along with, and very good in her communications.

Another ***** stars from me. Looking forward to our next shoot together.

Many thanks Paul :-) xxx

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Keira Lavelle

I first met this amazing lady in May of last year when we were booked on photographic holiday as models. We shared a room on the event and got paired up for many of the sets and literally just fused into a really nice working flow and subsequent friendship after the event. :) Some people you just weirdly find you click with instantly and have a lot in common with the way you work etc. I don't get to mingle with a lot of models (the case for us all really what with touring) but I really enjoyed working with Wendy from that first event and it's lead to a number of exciting ventures of our own since including abroad events and duo shoots more close to home. :)

After both having quite a hectic series of months with individual travel plans and what-not... we caught up with one another and in no time at all, had a super awesome duo weekend planned for in Liverpool at her stunning apartment. Naturally the jaws were aching from a lot of catching up, but everything about it was just a total breeze and fell into place beautifully. The planning, the wonderful few days I had staying at her place being made to feel so at home and then the little admin jobs for our future events. Sometimes it can be hard work if you're trying to coordinate things with more than one person for shoot (whether it's other models, multiple photographers, location owners, stylist/makeup artists etc.) simply because you're waiting to hear back from everyone and then suggest this and then that... I'm pretty sure this lady and I just operate with telepathy or something because out minds and ways of working just crossover exactly that it's no effort at all!

Such a true professional with the biggest heart ever, she'll move mountains to make a shoot the best experience for everyone and always wants to make sure everyone involved is happy. :) During our recent series of duo's she had tea on the go and if we were chatting about outfits, she'd have already done some lightening-fast superwoman manoeuvre to her dressing room and whizzed back with an outfit of hers for me to try. Honestly, I could sit here all day and list the her qualities!

An absolutely stunning model as well! She rocked it back in Portugal with the specially made armour sets we were modelling: not easy for every model to grasp because you've got to forget about the usual "model stance rules" for a minute and really pose like you mean business... In the scorching sun... with bits digging in here and there. She slayed it! And when modelling in a duo I can honestly say she's the easiest person in the world to work with and the poses just flow. Jeez there's not many models I could pose with staging a full-on scrap with on the dinner table! :D Ours looked savagely real! And 2 seconds later we're laughing our heads off and sipping herbal tea! A truly class model and actress - seriously... If you book this lady, she'll deliver top stuff with sensational versatility.

We're already looking forward to our second duo event at her beautiful home which is just the best place ever for shooting. The enormous windows make love hearts appear in your eyes the minute you see them, the ceilings are nice and high to get different angles/build shoot sets and there's lots of amazing teassss! :P We've only scratched the surface really with working together so far, we have a fully booked 10 day event in Portugal for May to look forward to and many bigger fish to fry yet! Your job becomes such a breeze when you get to work with such gems as Renaissance. Such a sensational model and friend! ♥

Keira x

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I had an amazing constructive shoot with Renaissance and keira Lavelle

both beautiful ladies they work so well together adventurous dosnt describe what they got up to a combination of soft femininity and poise along with above and beyond acrobatics they both work so hard together I was very pleased they both excepted my booking for their next shoot together next month thank you both ladies xx :})

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Ian Parker

I shot with Renaissance on a duo shoot at her apartment with Keira Lavelle. I have previously shot with both models before over a period of time. I arrived quite a bit earlier than I had planned but that was no problem, I was given a coffee and biscuits while I waited for them to complete make up.

We had a chat about what style of images I wanted to get and I showed some images of the style I was looking for. We went with natural light, the large windows giving a great light in the building, even on what was a relatively dull day.

Both Renaissance and Keira are exceptionally good models and they work extremely well together (and apart) Both are highly professional while at the same time being a lot of fun to shoot with.

This shoot I got probably the highest percentage of keepers that I've ever got from a shoot so I have no hesitation in recommending both models very highly.

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GaryMac Photography

Well where do I begin, been a few days now since my shoot with this gorgeous young Lady at her flat with the equally gorgeous Keira Lavelle and my face is still aching from the smile that these two ladies generated from the awesome shoot we had together.

This was the first time working with Renaissance and certainly will not be the last

Great fun, fantastic imagination, 110% application, superb cooperative style of working, taking on board my ideas and throwing in a whole bundle of her own, worked fantastically as a superb creative team.

The images speak for themselves, we had 4 hours booked and it flew by with a bucket full of sets, good conversation and a serious sense of fun and enjoyment

Recommended : Totally, absolutely, without hesitation

Work with again : See above

Thank You for a superb shoot

Looking forward to working with you again :-)

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I am very remiss I should post a reference to Renaissance every time we shoot she is such a wonderful model and a bonus is Renaissance never looses her patience with me

I get one setting working on one of the cameras I am using then change the settings and have to start again especially when trying mood or flash shots

Had another great shoot tonight and looking forward to shooting with Renaissance and Keira Lavelle this coming Saturday cheers folks

And if you listen to this lady she has a lot of experience as a model and you will get the results you want

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As with most of my shoots, this appointment was made some weeks ago, we maintained contact in the intervening period and as the shoot approached messages were exchanged thick and fast, sharing ideas and arranging outfits etc. Communications were excellent.

Renaissance is a very beautiful lady, and an outstanding model, she brought loads of outfits to the shoot, so much so that we didn't get around to shooting them all. She was able to pose independently, moving from one pose to another, I often asked her to stop to capture the images between poses. She is able to express emotion both in facial expression, pose and movement. She was also responsive to my suggestion and even to some of my more wacky ideas. We produced some outstanding images together.

She is also a really nice person and we got on really well, pleasant, chatty, patient and able to put this nervous photographer at ease.

We are already discussing another shoot, believe me this girl is the real deal! Most Highly Recommended!!

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Paul Budgen Photography

Well what can I say after another great shoot with the amazing Renaissance this time in Fuerteventura.

Again as before everything went very smoothly. Communications were again excellent beforehand, the only thing before the the flight that was a slight problem was the cold weather & snow at John Lennon airport!! But this was soon a distant memory when we landed in the sunny Canaries.

We did many sets all over the Island, all because of Wendy these where of a very high quality. Two sets (one in the lagoon & in a old derelict building) maybe some of the best images & my most favourite I’ve ever taken on a trip. The only problem I had was choosing a few images out of the many that where so good, a very nice problem to have:-) all again thanks to Wendy.

Also I could not wish to spend a week on location with a nicer lady, funny & at the right times very professional.

The trip was so much of a success we planned another soon after, so I can’t think of a better way of recommending this amazing model & fantastic person.

Most highly recommended, in fact I can’t think of any words that I could possibly use to do justice to this amazing woman!!!!

Again amazing & highly recommended!!!!!!!!

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BfP Photography

I had a great first shoot with Renaissance today. She is a lovely person, very creative and extremely hard working. She is very easy to work with and we got some really stunning results. We both had lots of ideas, but focused on just a few, leaving lots more for next time hopefully.

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Lucian Photography

Had a shoot with Renaissance last Sunday

Shy poses perfectly and goes out of her way to ensure the photographer gets the best image possible.

She is very professional and her friendly attitude made the shoot both fun and rewarding.

A must for any photographers portfolio.

Thanks for the awesome shoot.

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Eos Snapper

Had another great shoot with the lovely Renaissance.Have had numerous shoots with Renaissance, from studio, location, and at her apartment. A pleasure to work with, takes direction well and also has the experience to add valuable input resulting in some great images.

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Howard Greenberg

Seeing a FPI by Paul Pearce of Renaissance prompted me to compliment him on the picture. I subsequently received a message from Renaissance suggesting that we shoot together. My initial response was that I doubted that I could do her justice. It would have been as though Michaelangelo had been handed a block of marble, and passed it over to one of his apprentices on his second day at the office.

Gaining a little more confidence, I eventually arranged a shoot, not without some apprehension.

She may look like a goddess, but is one of the most sensible, down to earth women it's been my privilege to meet. Working from her wonderful apartment, we could run through different lighting set-ups, and changes of clothing with ease.

Whereas is often the case with shoots, it's a struggle for me to choose the keepers, with Renaissance, it's the opposite problem. Obviously, the one of my shoelaces when I accidentally triggered the camera doesn't fit, along with the one with lens cap still on. But otherwise, selecting those to put in the album I'm constructing (this woman gets a chapter all to herself...) is proving challenging. Maybe need a critique...

A wonderful afternoon with a wonderful person flew by all too quickly. If this were a star rating system, then out of 5* she'd get a 6.

Any downsides? Well, she's on Merseyside, and I'm not!

Oh yes! She makes a good cup of coffee too!

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