Home » Gerard » Credited photos for Gerard » Rebecca Tun » It's the thread that leads you out of the maze

It's the thread that leads you out of the maze

It's the thread that leads you out of the maze / Photography by Gerard, Model Rebecca Tun, Post processing by RT Retouch, Taken at Gerard / Uploaded 2nd March 2022 @ 06:38 PM

Added 1646246292 by Rebecca Tun.

By Gerard, February 2022

I came home from life modelling one evening and found myself immersed in this swirling maelstrom, a Mandelbrot zoom video from YouTube.


"I agree with Jung; we're ALWAYS dreaming.

Trying to pick up signal.

But we don't usually perceive it because the outer world blocks it out.

There's a thread of meaning that guides a conversation.

We know when it manifests itself because that's when we get interested.

It's the thread that leads you out of the maze.

It's part of the redemptive process.

And by following the manifestation of spontaneous interest truthfully...

We participate in a process that revitalises our perceptions.

There's NOTHING we can experience that we would rather be doing than that, if its happening intensely.

It's the best thing that we can do."

- Jordan Peterson (paraphrased), riffing during a podcast chat with Joe Rogan