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Angel Black UK (film)

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Angel Black UK (film) / Photography by Ramees Farooqi, Model Angel Black UK / Uploaded 10th April 2021 @ 05:37 AM

Added 1618033074 by Ramees Farooqi.

Canon A-1.

Fuji Superia 400.

Shot in Newport, South Wales, July 2019.

These two shots were directed by my mother who had always been supportive of my photography. She was invited by Angel and myself watch this scene, and asked the young lady if she could have a picture or two by the bathroom window - with the window open!!

It tried to explain to my mum that lived in a residential area and had to keep the window closed, but she did her best to ignore me. I was left in in shock and abject disbelief that my mum chose to direct a lingerie scene, but Angel found the whole situation funny.

Models such as Angel always endeared themselves towards my mum, always welcomed her artistcic input and kindly let her direct a scene.

Developed by http://expressimaging.co.uk

I want to thank Zoe Rebecca John at Express Imaging for conceiving the idea and encouraging me to create this diptych, even suggesting the black background.