Alexandra J (film)
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Photography by: Ramees FarooqiAssisted by: LRMason.Photography, Zara WatsonKeyword tags: alluring, analog, analogue photography, art, artistic, available light, blonde, blue, blue dressing gown, collage, diptych, dressing gown, Emotive, erotic, film, gown, hair, image montage, kodak, kodak portra, Kodak Portra 400, long hair, lying back, model, montage, natural light, nude, nude collage, open dressing gown, open gown, pale, portra 400, seductive, skin, smoulder, smouldering, triptychGroups: (Invite) None
Added 1494580145 by Ramees Farooqi.
Mamiya 645.
Kodak Portra 400.
Shot from Alexandra's home in Bristol, November 2015.
Developed by
An alternative edit to the one seen in Alexandra J's album. I would like to thank both Zara Watson and LRMason Photography for their huge encouragement in helping me create this triptych.
I also want to thank Zoe Rebecca John at Express Imaging for suggesting the arrangement of these photographs upon the white background.