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References for Rachelle Summers

Rachelle Summers has 1712 references; 1711 recommended, 0 not recommended, 1 late cancellation and 0 no-shows.

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Terry V

I couldn't believe it was over 18 months since my last shoot with Rachelle so it was good to catch up. The weather thwarted our plans for an autumn shoot in the woods so we concentrated on refining my lighting techniques and a few interesting sets using various props. Rachelle is the ultimate answer to what you get when you hire a top-notch professional. She keeps herself fit, her figure is toned to perfection and unless you stop her she will deliver brilliant pose after brilliant pose. On top of all that she has a lovely personality making her a real joy to work with. If I don't see you before, I'll catch up with you again in Portugal.

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Had another shoot with Rachelle Summers - why ? Because she's bl--dy fantastic to work with :) Right from the initial arrangements for a Shoot she is totally 'professional ' in every respect. Rachelle takes an amazing pride in her appearance - she is always well presented and is so helpful in helping to attain the best images - her natural 'posing' abilities are so helpful. Thanks, Rachelle, for another great Shoot - hope we can do it again : (Y) Martin.

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Rachelle has so many positive references that I don't think there's anything to add, other than to endorse what everyone else has said and to add that my only regret is that it has taken so long for our diaries to coincide. A superb model and thoroughly lovely person too. Would I recommend her? Absolutely and without hesitation!

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Finally got to work with Rachelle on one of her Spitfire Studio days. Rachelle is amazing - the wind outside was blowing a gale but Rachelle was like a tornado in the studio; I could hardly keep up. The shoot started at 3:30 pm and ran for 4 hours. We worked to quite a few themes and Rachelle seemed to flow from one to the other without any problem and it was the same with the way Rachelle poses - moving easily and effortlessly from one pose to the next. Very little guidance was needed from me as Rachelle has so much experience, ability, confidence and sheer brilliance to bring to the party. On those occasions when I did suggest some "bodily arrangement" Rachelle was able to provide exactly what I was after and more, lots more

Rachelle is a lovely, warm and genuine person, very chatty and being a Yorkshire lass quite forthright too. I thoroughly enjoyed our shoot and wholeheartedly recommend Rachelle to any photographer.

Hope to work together again sometime.

Thank you Rachelle.

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This was my third shoot with Rachelle, this time at the Spitfire Studio. The preshoot communication was excellent and when I arrived at the studio Rachelle was ready with a great range of outfits. We worked with fabrics and Rachelle's experience and skill produced great poses and strong expressions. She is a highly experienced model and brings that extra something that delivers amazing images. Rachelle is great fun to work with and can give her input on particular shoots. She is highly organised and I would recommend her to any photographer looking for that wow factor in their pictures. I am already looking forward to my next shoot with Rachelle.

Many thanks


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This was my first shoot with Rachelle as, after several attempts, we finally managed to arrange a shoot at Spitfire Studios while she was in the area.

Rachelle comes with a great range of outfits, is lovely to work with and glides smoothly from one pose to the next and quickly adapts her style to new lighting setups and outfits - resulting in a most enjoyable shoot and a lot of great images.

Highly recommended.

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Dave B

My first shoot with Rachelle and what a hard working model she is. We started at nine and although I had only booked a few hours Rachelle was still shooting 12 hours later. Rachelle is a powerhouse of posing and swiftly transitioned from pose to pose effortlessly. Rachelle is a model that needs minimum direction which is great and we were able to go through a few changes of lingerie to provide a boudoir portfolio.

Excellent pre-shoot communications and a good selection of clothes means that Rachelle comes highly recommended.

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Lord James

Managed to get 4 hours with Rachelle in one of my favourite locations, The Secret Dungeon. As usual 4 hours flew by far too quickly but we managed to shoot a number of sets plus a couple to get some shots for creating a composite shot when I get round to it. Time got the better of us and several sets that I had planned did not get shot as we had to get packed up quickly to get her to the station to catch the train for the next leg of her tour. Once again a delightful shoot and the first after my operation. Looking forward to arranging another shoot with her in 2016.

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Steve Westwood

Rachelle is an absolute delight to work with. A total professional, talented, enthusiastic and creative, she should be on every serious photographer's "must shoot" list. I can't recommend her highly enough.

Another great shoot - it won't be the last. Thanks, Rachelle.

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I am one very 'happy bunny', having had a great day creating pretty pictures with Rachelle. I'd been looking forward to today since we first exchanged pleasantries one evening, which in turn led to us arranging this shoot. I have to say Rachelle is so easy to work with, so if you're thinking of booking her, you needn't have any worries on that score. I really can't recommend Rachelle too much, she's a lovely chatty girl, a fabulous model, and best of all, she fits perfectly in your viewfinder ;)

Thanks Rachelle, and I'm looking forward to doing it again some time in the future.

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Fidster Photography

What an amazing day...

I had the honour and privilege of working with Rachelle yesterday at the awesome Hallam Mill on a full day shoot. Rachelle added me to her "would like to work with" list, which in itself was a massive Woohoo! moment, but to actually get to work with her at a studio which is one of our favourites of all, was perfect. Pre-shoot communications were direct, professional and Rachelle kept me up to date with travel plans (before and on the day) and gave feedback on the ideas proposed for the day's shooting (i.e. available outfits, combinations etc).

What more can be said about Rachelle that hasn't been said already? She is a true professional but so down to earth, which in itself helps create a nice, relaxed atmosphere on and in between sets. She's a hard worker too (the travel alone shows dedication and commitment to her profession) and Rachelle has the patience to review a set on screen in retrospect and re-run a few poses, if needed, as a result of photographer malfunction (what I call the "bear with me's!") Her effort when it comes to her ballet/dance routines is also faultless and full of expression and Rachelle worked hard with repeated static poses and leaps in order to get 'the shot', but also gave good feedback as to how and why different poses worked in their construct and context. In terms of direction, give her a brief of the set and Rachelle will need very little adjustment, if any, to create the desired results (in fact, I am convinced she is telepathic!)

Time flew by so quickly it caught us a little off guard, but we managed to work through the majority of the ideas planned for the day and if we missed anything, then that's just another reason to work together again, which is no hardship, by me.

Definitely one of my highlights of 2015 and a perfect way to wind down my photography for the year. I hope that we have more opportunities of working together in the not too distant future. 100% recommended.

Rachelle, thank you again for an amazing shoot and I wish you the best for the rest of your tour and future modelling projects.

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Redstone Photography

Its always a pleasure working with Rachelle and this shoot was no exception. I had intended this shoot to be autumn fashion on location which is what we started with, although the weather wasn't very good for it. Rachelle very kindly offered me the chance to finish the shoot at her home. We shot some natural light and finished with some studio lighting.

Rachelle works hard to get the photographer the best images she can & comes highly recommended.

Looking forward to our next shoot together :-)

Thank you.

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Finally got to work with Rachelle. She is not only a great model but a professional, patient teacher for the inexperienced. Was great fun and the learners and I have fantastic work to showcase.

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Stu H

Wow ...

We worked together yesterday on location in a cold and rainy West Lothian. Rachelle was totally in to the shoot, despite the rain, and was fantastic.

She's a cracking person and a brilliant model, with an energy that's infectious - a total dynamo; throws herself in to every shot, and does what she can to make each shot special.

I can't recommend Rachelle enough; do what you can to work with her whenever you get the chance.

You really wont regret it.

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It's that time again, when I have to leave a reference for Smurfette. It gets more difficult each time to know what more to say because she is so absolutely brilliant that words don't do her justice.

I keep threatening to hire a body artist to paint her blue and turn her into a smurf but I would not have needed to this weekend: Rachelle was modelling on a trio of workshops I was running and the weather was so bitterly cold that she could easily have turned blue anyway - it's just a pity I didn't have the shoes and white hat :-P Despite the awful cold and how tough it is for someone with her slight frame to cope with such conditions, not once did she let it interfere with her work.

Every shoot is a laugh a minute and so productive I could give up shooting models if I wanted and just keep going back to find more images from previous shoots with her to edit. Rachelle produces stunning, expressive poses with such variety and apparent ease that shoots become almost too productive and to top it off she is such an effervescent character that time spent with her is an absolute joy. She puts her heart and soul into her work and it shows. It has been a special privilege to know her and to work with her for several years and I look forward to many more.

I think that means I would recommend her ;-)

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Shoot me Rachelle, working with you now is like having a day out with a friend, so I completely forgot to leave you this reference :-(

I have worked with Rachelle loads of times now and although I keep throwing her in some cold and wonderful places, she keeps coming back for more. This time we were kind to Rachelle - no cold water or snow or even early mornings to deal with instead we spent the day shoping, shooting boudoir in our home studio and then some night portraits.

It was great fun, however, on the sunday it was back to normal with outdoor dawn shoots in the howling gales, then back to the studio and night shoots in the cold streets of Aberdeen, and as usal Rachelle was a star, giving her all no matter how cold she was.

I would highly recommend Rachelle if you look after her with soup and a warm jacket or two, you will always get the shots you want :-)

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Rachelle made my trip to Livingstone a delight to shoot I hardly had to give her any directions at all, she is so professional I could not believe how easy it was to shoot this delightful young lady and any photographer looking to do there first professional shoot then you don't have to look no further. She made me feel so relaxed and in-turn all I had to do was take my images, A delight to work with.

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John McNairn

I had a lovely shoot with Rachelle at Studio RoRo and it was great working with her. I've had many shoots with this fantastic lady, she is not only a great model but also a lovely person which makes for an enjoyable shoot. She is an absolute natural in front of the camera requiring little direction. We tried some experimental shots and spent some time working on lights, she is very much a team player too. She works very hard but all the way thru she is fun and good company which makes any shoot a tad special.

Definitely highly recommended.

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What can I say about Rachelle that hasn’t been said already ? A couple of sessions ago I said:-

<< Absolutely gorgeous, and a talented natural ‘poser’ happy to offer lots of ‘shapes’ or apparently happy to have a go at your (my) crazy ideas – give her a concept to work to – and off she goes >>

Essentially if you are a photographer and you haven’t worked with Rachelle – you should – she’s fun and I guarantee you’ll have a better portfolio afterwards…

If you are a new model – here is the perfect exemplar to strive to emulate – she really IS that good - - -

Oh – and just a comment for those model agencies that think that if a model is less than 6’ tall she won’t work – check this out – five foot nothing and PEFECTLY proportioned and a completely full calendar . . .

¿ Me ? I’m busy trying to book my next shoot with the utterly lovely Rachelle…..

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Ian Coyle

Everything I wanted to say about this fantastic model has already been said BUT no harm in saying it again. Rachelle is not only a fantastic professional and talented model she is also a fantastic human being.

I'm sure we spent as much time just chatting about the industry, other photographers/models and life in general that I am just going to have to book her again to create more fantastic images.

Add in the fact that she has impeccable taste in her alcoholic beverage of choice and what more could you ask for?

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