Florence Day Latex - II

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Florence Day Latex - II / Photography by Gothic Image, Model Florence Day, Taken at Fareham Studio, Assisted by Fareham Studio / Uploaded 2nd February 2022 @ 06:38 PM
Photography by: Gothic ImageModel: Florence DayTaken at: Fareham StudioAssisted by: Fareham StudioKeyword tags: black ankle boots, latex, leggings, platform boots, top, walking caneAlbums: 2021, Florence DayGroups: (Invite) None

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Florence Day at Fareham Studio, 27 November 2021.

The red top was part of a two piece that I bought on PP (thanks Sharon!) but the skirt didn't really work for this so I teamed it with some "old faithful" Inner Sanctum leggings that I've had for ages. They must be at least ten years old and they weren't cheap but they've proved to be a good investment! Boots by Tajna.

Canon 5DsR/24-70mm f2.8L II