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Timeless with the Highness

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Timeless with the Highness / Photography by ♥ Chiara Elisabetta, Photography by Toulouki Orsini, Models ♥ Chiara Elisabetta, Models Connor M. Calder, Models HamishWJScott, Post processing by Toulouki Orsini Retouching, Stylist ♥ Chiara Elisabetta / Uploaded 27th April 2023 @ 10:09 PM

Added 1682633357 by ♥ Chiara Elisabetta.

Wild Woman. Witch. The Dark Goddess. Enchantress.. make yourself known and seen!

The archetype of the enchantress has been widely forgotten and misunderstood by most, when it comes to remembering her rightful place within the cycles of the feminine. She fits right in between the archetypal phases of the Mother and the Crone. The literal definition of the word “enchantress”, is “a woman who uses magic or sorcery, especially to put someone or something under a spell.” The enchantress sits at the core of women’s connection to their deeply rooted feminine wisdom and magical expression.

Society has been telling women for.. well, forever, that after 35 or maybe 40, we’re no longer worthy of attention. Women “of a certain age” are savvy enough to know there is a power that comes not just with physical confidence, but our transition into new phases of life as we age.

We find a return to playful affection, sensuality and self-exploration, increasingly without the responsibility & demands of others.

At this point in life, we are more in tune with ourselves to know what we want, to ask outright for what we desire, set boundaries, communicate efficiently, and we aren't interested in compromising.

Of course youth often associated with unblemished skin and high cheekbones is sexy, but so is self-confidence and the unapologetic desire to reclaim power after years of being the meek, reticent, breeding, nurturing people-pleaser society tells us we need to be to stay classy, valued, attractive..

Society will have you believe there is motherhood followed by old age.. but we are unapologetically showing up for our uninhibited, introspective, sexual, wildly connected, outspoken & post menopausal give-no-fucks energy ❤️

Power to you!


Self-portrait in the middle of the night, early hours April 18th on D850 interval timer

- Location: Queens London Creative Agency

- Photography & set design by me