Home » ♥ Chiara Elisabetta » Bedhead CollectCollections (1)Share image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imageBedheadImage is filtered for work safety. Show image...Photography by: ♥ Chiara Elisabetta, Toulouki OrsiniModel: ♥ Chiara ElisabettaPost processing by: Toulouki Orsini RetouchingKeyword tags: black, black nightie, chemo curls, clothed, D850, dress, Erotica, hair, home shoot, kitchen, morning, natural, nightie, nightwear, nikon d850, see-through, self portrait, self portraiture, self-portraiture, selfie, Sexy, Sheer, wall, whiteAlbums: A lil bit rude, Rebirth, Self portraits, Home & short walking-distance location shootsGroups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...91 people love this!Added 1599058320 by ♥ Chiara Elisabetta.Self-portrait in my kitchen