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References for Angel.

Angel. has 1053 references; 1050 recommended, 1 not recommended, 1 late cancellation and 1 no-show.

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In Search of That Perfect Shot..............

Had a fabulous shoot today with Angel at Sandon Studio. She worked hard and needed no direction once she knew the type of images I wanted. Thank you so much, Angel, we got some great results and hope we can work together again sometime. :-) X

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Angel is a dream to work with and we always produce creative images and fantastic visions. Every time we work together Angel morphs into many beautiful characters and has a really good understanding of what makes a great photograph, I think she'd quite like to stand the other side of the camera occasionally. I hope we are able to work together many more times as the results are always amazing. Angel arrives ready with a large suitcase of clothing and poses effortlessly with or without direction.

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As well as being one of the most beautiful women on the planet (imho), Angel is a wonderfully professional model and great fun to work with. She poses effortlessly and is always happy to experiment. If you haven't yet worked with her you must find a way of doing so.

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Another great shoot with Angel, this time at Lizzie Bayliss's pocket-mansion in Staffordshire.

I've shot with her several times before, and she never fails to impress! Great feel for the light, acute sense of what works and what doesn't. Great collaborator! Very professional and easy-going approach, I can't wait to work with this fantastic model again!

In the meantime, I cannot recommend her highly enough! Thanks, Angel!

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Dreamlands Photography

Loved working with Angel time few by she is chatty hungry stunning helpful with a great sense of humour. Got a great set of images still need more and more when ever you are free don't put out a casting, call me. :-)

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Sensual Art

That this was my fourth time of working with Angel says something on its own - she is the consummate professional at her job in all ways, and an absolute delight to work with. Strikingly beautiful (but you already knew that), and can work with direction or without (but you probably already knew that too), but tops it off with a wonderful sense of humour which just makes it a real pleasure too.

Totally recommended!

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I had the pleasure of meeting Angel on one of the workshops. She is an outstanding model.

Angel's experience proved to be invaluable to someone who is learning photography and how to work with models. She had variety of wonderful poses for me and had no issues following few of my suggestions.

The fact that she was able to give us 100% over 4+ hours of workshop shows that she is a professional in every aspect.

Highly recommended.

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Jimmy Colombaio

Had a great shoot with Angel a few weeks ago at a cottage near her home in Susssex

The time raced by very pleasurably as we went through a series of images in the slightly confined space of the cottage

From simple portraiture to classic artistic nudes Angel was fabulous in every way and we managed to produce many superb images and have some fun along the way.

To work with such a professional was a delight and I have no reservations in thoughly recommending her to all my photographic colleagues

Grazie mille Angel x

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Andrew Paul

I had very productive and rewarding shoot with Angel. last week. Pre-shoot communication was excellent, and the outfits and accessories she brought along worked well with the styling that I provided.

Angel produced some amazing poses and facial expressions that really fit the style of the shoot.

Highly recommended.

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bad john

I shot Angel today at Phlash Worx. I was without my usual artistic director (my wife Good Grace) but Angel was a great help and advised on poses. I had a great time and got very very nice shots. Highly recommended.

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Paul E Lawless

Excellent as always !

Angel made a great Shoot at Her Studio Day at Phlash Worx Ltd. It was easy getting some perfect Images!

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T Davies Photography

I had an awesome shoot with Angel. She really knows how this is done. An absolute dream to work with and just nails very single shot. I wouldn't hesitate to work with her again. Top notch :)

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It was my first time shooting with Angel yesterday at the very well equipped Cottage Studio and she delivered completely. Angel creates wonderful poses, full of variety and expression. What's more, she is a very pleasant person to work with and I really appreciated her constructive input throughout the shoot. We shot a mix of fashion, portraits and dance type shots, each set working really well. I got some great portfolio shots and looking forward to working with her again soon. Very highly recommended.

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Well what else can I say apart from totally in love with working with Angel !!!

3 hours at various locations and 10 sets of fantasic images :-)

truly one of the most amazing models I have worked with and a truly wondeful person also , strongly recommended to everyone as always


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Sean Munro Photography

Second shoot with Angel and once again she delivered! Killer poses which she knows I like. A wide selection of outfits that she makes look awesome and of course the beauty that she brings with her.

Angel is always eager to shoot and work with the photographer with lighting ideas etc when allowed. She brings so much to a shoot and always makes the day well worth while.

Without a doubt Angel is my favorite model and I know I will be booking her many times again.

Thanks Angel for a great day..Legend! x

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Andrew Matthew (aka acameraman)

Yet another fun shoot with Angel at Paul's Studio. She uses her fantastic look to great effect, is easy to work with, and always offers good advice on lighting and props.

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Angel was available last min to model in a shoot for Classic&Sports Car magazine. We needed a 60s70s looking model to shoot with this particular car. I can't say too much more until the images are published. She is a very talented young lady and effortless to work with. She totally understood what I wanted and performed straight away. All involved loved the pictures we got and I highly recommend her.

Thanks Angel

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Angel is a stunning beautiful Model clearly talented and experienced but also a lovely person she has worked many times at the studio since she started modelling and I have seen her develop, she always had natural ability but has refined this and is now one of the top models here always reliable and prompt communication, I've worked with many models and the thing I love most is seeing the develop just like Angel.

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Angel left me wondering if she's actually from this planet (her name might be a tell...). Think: she's stunningly beautiful (Brigitte Bardot resembles her a bit...), got a wonderful figure and knows how pose and, with little direction, create the character she's been asked.

Obviously professional, Angel has got an endless wardrobe and you'll be able to have a sensible creative discussion with her. The outcome of all of this is great images.

Strongly recommended, I'm looking forward for our next session.

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Nick Stanbra

Another perfect shoot with Angel, this time at the superbly equipped Cottage Studio in deepest Sussex.

What can I say about Angel that I have not said before. Well quite simply Angel just gets better & better every time we work together. We had a long day's shoot but Angel does not falter. Concerned that Angel was getting tired towards the end of a hot day I asked if she wanted to stop, Angel's reply, no, I'll model for as long as you like. An approach which greatly impressed me, being the mark of a true professional.

I have recommended Angel before & do not hesitate to do so again.

Thanks Angel, shoot again soon.


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