Home » Casting calls » Classy cocktail dresses & sexy musical instruments in earthy stately home feeling decor..

Classy cocktail dresses & sexy musical instruments in earthy stately home feeling decor..

Splash Point Photo Studio is looking for a model to fill this collaboration casting. The casting is only open to female models. It's based around Rhyl, UK Added 1717449115.

Cello everybody, how are we?

So the back story here is I was going to shoot with a cellist, a real life one who can actually play the instrument and everything.  She is stunning and had a show stopping smile, but she bailed on me and did Beauty and the Geek UK instead.  I know at the minute that she is currently on tour in Europe as I follow the ensemble she is in having photographed them live a few times in the past back when I was the official tog of the St Pat's Parade in Birmingham  - and they too, are epic!  I approached her about the idea a good while back, but since then we could just never get our schedules to meet, so I gave up chasing her despite her apparent interest and willingness to travel up from Brum.  It became a little one way traffic, and you've gotta let go if you're having to remind them and it isn't sparking stuff in to life, and thus, we have an opening for the shoot with a model instead.   

Since then, I've bought a cello because I still love the idea of the shoot and what I had in mind for it as a primary idea.  I wanted to do a sexy yet classy vibe, and I just think it'll be beautiful in our hallway location, which, if you're not familiar with the studio, looks a little like this:

Amo in the hallway / Photography by Russ FTL, Photography by Splash Point Photo Studio, Taken at Splash Point Photo Studio / Uploaded 28th May 2024 @ 10:30 PM Amo Mann / Photography by Russ FTL, Photography by Splash Point Photo Studio, Taken at Splash Point Photo Studio / Uploaded 19th September 2021 @ 05:56 PM Chesterfield / Photography by Russ FTL, Photography by Splash Point Photo Studio / Uploaded 12th May 2018 @ 01:38 AM

Basically, the sexy but classy vibe was inspired by herself as she was more modern than your average classical musician and was more likely to wear a cocktail dress on stage than than a big flowy frock.  Alongside the fact that Khaki green just really suits the earthy tone of the room, i've ordered a couple of khaki green dresses in size 6 and 8; one has an oriental twist that just shouted out at me. When did so many models start being a 6 anyway?  I used to think ordering wardrobe in a 10 was the safe option!?  Anyways, that's the vibe I was feeling, so hopefully one works, but I am open to other looks, and even an outfit change or two as I think we'd probably shoot in the front room location for this too, and possibly even the beach (opposite the studio if you're unaware) if the weather was right - how many cellos do you see on the beach?  These dresses along with some inspo I stole off dr Google can be seen here:


Apparently you can't share links on we transfer anymore?  So i've gave in to uploading them to dropbox.. even with my limited space left.  If you've seen the previous casting and this link didn't work, it should now!


I've also put together a bit of a Pinterest, which looks a little like this:


You'll notice from those images that i've included in the above links that there are implied and lingerie shots too, but the classy yet sexy but fully covered up (a little arm and leg as per the dresses and images above) fashion vibe is my numero uno aim and the one I'm most keen to do.

If the right model pops up with wider levels however, and is willing to do lingerie or even implied, then there's some pretty cool sexy and low key / boudoir vibes to be had too which the curves of a cello lend it's self too.  A cello is an easy instrument to hide behind because of it's size, and it curves also compliment the female figure.  It's easy to pose with, lean on, embrace, or even seemingly caress, so let the pictures in the above links serve as posing ideas along side both vibes and lighting - hence there being guys on the mood board too, even though the casting is aimed at women.. it's all good inspo!

I do have a violin given it's in the title despite having not mentioned it yet.  I also have a few guitars - but the general vibe is more dark wood earthy instruments, but maybe we can change up the vibe entirely and do something with different instruments later in the day.  I'm always game to get a few sets in and spend the day if people fancy it.  I do have a pretty curvaceous white semi acoustic too with gold hardware that looks awesome as a prop, and if you've got anything cool do bring instrument or outfit-wise, then do let me know.. maybe brass or woodwind, but you can leave the recorder at home - do you remember playing that thing in primary school through your nose?  Good times!  I might actually be able to borrow a sax too as we've had someone local in the studio with one before.

Photography by Russ FTL, Photography by Splash Point Photo Studio, Model Natnatnat, Makeup by Natnatnat, Taken at Splash Point Photo Studio / Uploaded 2nd June 2021 @ 07:34 PM
^ Here's that semi acoustic, she's a beaut ^

Model-wise i'd like someone soft and inoffensive who can convey as such.. I duno.. strong, sultry, soft:

This is a beautiful pose and image:
The emotion is just right - that old model trick of having a lack of emotion which still conveys unlimited emotion rather than looking bored, is where it's at.

Where as this could be seen as a little too stiff and wooden:
..and we wanta ideally leave that to the instrument Smile
If you're not local(ish) and want to make as day of it, or even a weekend should you fancy exploring North Wales, then we have spare rooms and have hosted countless touring models.  Just check out our studio day models gallery here and drop them a message for reference.  90% of them have stayed over at Splash Point during their studio days.


The studio has been open for more than 14 years.

I'm based in Rhyl, UK. Map