Header photo: Freya by photographer Alan Ewart and model Emma Jayne

We love shining the limelight on fabulous creatives in the PurplePort community and sharing their unique journeys and creative processes.

In this episode of FEATURED, we interviewed Emma Jayne, a PurplePort model with more than 12 years of experience based in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom.

Image by photographer Straker and model Emma Jayne

Image by photographer Orson Carter and model Emma Jayne

About PurplePort model Emma Jayne

Emma Jayne is a determined and energetic model (as well as a self-portrait artist) based in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom. She enjoys working on unique and interesting themes, especially those where she is required to convey a particular mood or emotion. Emma has a very relaxed attitude to photoshoots and is willing to give most things a try.

With a distinctive look, it's taken Emma time to feel confident and really 'own' that part of herself. She has spent the last few years accepting her differences and finding ways to celebrate them through modelling and self-portraiture.

Emma has overcome many hurdles during her 12 years working (on and off) as a model, including grieving the loss of her father at 17 (as well as dealing with abandonment issues after her mother left their home town shortly afterwards) and plucking up the courage to finish a 7-year toxic relationship. Emma has struggled with trauma and shame over the years, and modelling has helped her to be proud of who she is. 

Modelling means the absolute world to Emma, and she feels profoundly happy; she has found herself and is living her life fully. Modelling is an escape from reality, and Emma feels truly free when modelling. 

Emma's beautiful work has been featured many times in the Front Page Image (FPI) Collection on PurplePort. Click here to check out Emma's gorgeous FPIs.

Image by photographer Jason Skarratt Photography and model Emma Jayne

FEATURED Interview with PurplePort model Emma Jayne

How did you get into modelling?

Growing up, I always liked fashion and loved the idea of becoming a model. My Dad encouraged me to follow my dream before he died, which has definitely made me more determined to succeed.

When I was very young (probably 16), I had a bad experience with a bogus agency, and it really disheartened me for a while from pursuing modelling further. My parents were quite supportive, but they didn't have much knowledge or experience of the industry or what could go wrong. We were all really shocked by what happened.

I didn't try modelling again for quite a long time after that, until not long after I had turned 18. Although I wasn't in a great place at the time (having not long lost my Dad), I enjoyed the photoshoot and had a great feeling afterwards. It spurred me on to carry on with it.

If I'm honest with myself, though, for a long time, I think I had quite a negative mindset when it came to modelling. I felt like I had to conform to certain standards and 'be' a certain way in terms of my aesthetic, such that it impacted my self-esteem and body image. I don't feel that modelling caused these insecurities, but at times it definitely didn't help.

Despite this, after years as a model, I can honestly say that modelling has helped me overcome many of my insecurities and worries about my appearance. I actually feel proud of my features instead of ashamed like I have been in the past.

Image by photographer Orson Carter and model Emma Jayne

What did you do before becoming a model?

I was a college student before becoming a model. I studied a make-up course for a year (at what was Gloscol in Gloucester). I really enjoyed it but found that I didn't wish to pursue a career in a related subject.

Do you have a health or fitness regime?

Health and fitness is a big part of my life. I work out 3-4 times a week, including weightlifting and yoga. I also see a personal trainer a couple of times a month. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease last year, and it's important for me to keep fit and active as part of controlling my illness.

I also find that working out is such an empowering thing to do. It's a great stress reliever, helps me to manage my emotions, and I love how rewarding it feels. I grew up absolutely hating sports and most kinds of physical activity, so it really feels great to enjoy working out and feel so many benefits from it.

Image by photographer Jason Skarratt Photography and model Emma Jayne

How do you prepare for photoshoots?

I generally put a lot of preparation into my photoshoots, often weeks in advance. Pre-comms are very important to me, and I like to be clear on the shoot concept in good time before the day of the shoot so that there is plenty of time to plan make-up, outfits, styling, etc.

I like to research different looks and poses, and often I'll buy certain accessories or cosmetics to make sure that we can really nail the theme on the day.

Before the day of the shoot, I usually plan out my outfits and pack them into my suitcase, ready for whatever mode of transport I'll be using. I'll usually shower and do all of the preening we models do the night before, too, to give myself plenty of time for my beauty sleep!

I always allow a lot of time to prepare before the shoot, to give plenty of time to do my make-up and hair ready for the shoot. I always like to have a good breakfast, too; this helps to set me up for a productive shoot!

Image by photographer Jon Taylor and model Emma Jayne

What style of photoshoot do you enjoy working on the most?

There are lots of styles I enjoy. It's difficult to choose just one!

One of my favourites is portraiture, particularly character and emotive portraits. I am very expressive and convey lots of emotion through my images, and portraiture is the perfect style of photography to capture this.

I also love shooting fashion, especially stylish dresses and gowns. Photographers often have amazing wardrobes, and it is great fun to play dress-up during shoots!

Lingerie is something I really enjoy, too, even though it's a genre I have less experience in, having not explored it until later on in my career. I like to feel powerful when I pose in lingerie; this style has really helped me with my body confidence.

Image by model Emma Jayne

What's the most interesting photoshoot you've ever worked on?

I've been lucky enough to work on some really interesting themes for shoots at some unique places, including a cathedral, prison, transport museum and a mannequin factory!

My most interesting shoot was probably one of the ones I have done at Gloucester Prison. We covered some really gritty and dramatic themes, including one or two that would have been perfect for a horror movie!

The images from the shoot were on display at an exhibition in Smethwick, and the photographer was awarded a medal for the work we produced.

Image by model Emma Jayne

What do you most enjoy about being a model?

There are many things I enjoy about being a model, from the planning of the shoot to the physical work when posing on the day. I think what I enjoy most is being able to create different characters to suit the shoot brief.

It's hugely rewarding to be able to convey a certain mood and evoke a feeling in the viewer. It's a great feeling to express myself through modelling and self-portraiture. I also love how it feels when I pose.

It's a really liberating thing for me; I feel elated after shooting, and that hasn't changed in all these years I've been modelling.

What would you describe as your main strengths as a model?

I am often told that I am very easygoing and fun to work with. I do my best to make shooting with me a pleasant and relaxed experience whilst also being very driven to achieve the goals set out for the shoot.

I am also good at 'getting into character' based on whatever theme we are covering on the day of the shoot. I am a versatile model, easily capable of conveying a range of different moods and styles.

I am also very driven to achieve the aims of the shoot and put a lot of effort into the entire process, from preparation and getting ready for the shoot to posing and expressing myself on the day.

Image by photographer Holly Alexander Photography, model and studio Atomic Loft Studio

What's your absolute favourite photo?

It's a difficult choice, but I've always adored this image (see below), photographed and edited by the amazing Alan Ewart. It was taken at Agglestone Rock in Studland, Dorset, around 4 years ago. 

The image is magical. I absolutely love the 'fairytale' vibe! Alan did an amazing job on the editing, creating a beautiful fantasy piece - the image is very fitting for a storybook.

Freya by photographer Alan Ewart and model Emma Jayne.

Is there anyone in particular who inspires you?

There are many who inspire me, from musical icons such as Freddie Mercury to movie stars such as Elisabeth Moss.

I love Freddie for his style, confidence and his unapologetic individuality. Elisabeth Moss, I admire her acting skills and ability to express herself using an incredible range of facial expressions. I also love Phoebe Waller-Bridge; her productions are hilarious, she's hugely charismatic and has a great energy about her!

I also take much inspiration from models here on PurplePort, including Melanie Bond (Butler), Chiara Elisabetta, Holly Alexander, Zoe Birthwhistle, and more!

There are so many amazing models on PurplePort. Many of them are very supportive of each other, and it's a really friendly environment. It's awesome to watch other models on their modelling journeys. I love to be inspired by their work.

What advice would you give to a model just starting out?

Be mindful of the levels you are willing to work to, taking into account possible implications involving your job, family, relationships, etc. Working to higher levels is a big decision and can have a big impact on your life. The decision to do this should be well-considered.

Initially, pay an experienced photographer (there are plenty on PurplePort) who can help you build up a portfolio or seek TF opportunities which you can often find using casting calls on PurplePort.

ALWAYS check references before agreeing to shoot with a photographer, whether it is a paid or TF shoot. If it is my first time working with a photographer, I make sure to speak to other models they've worked with to ensure they are professional and safe to work with.

For a TF shoot, it is best to agree on expectations upfront to avoid any disagreements or disappointment later down the line. Consider how many images you would expect, image choices, timeframes, etc.

Think about styles you'd like to model and which would complement your look/style the best - focus on those!

Believe in yourself, and try not to compare! I know it's hard; it's the nature of the industry. But it does absolutely no favours. Be proud of your individuality and strive to celebrate what you have to offer!

One final question. Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

Well, I don't particularly enjoy picking it off a pizza slice, so I'm going to say no, it's not really for me!

Image by photographer Straker and model Emma Jayne

Thanks again for speaking with us and sharing your creative journey, Emma Jayne.

We hope you all enjoyed this interview. Check out the links below for more of Emma's beautiful work!

Here's where you can find more of Emma Jayne's work

PurplePort: Emma Jayne

Instagram: emmajayne_model

Facebook: Emma Jayne - Model

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PurplePort is a modelling website that brings models, photographers and other creatives together with one fantastic service. We provide the tools and help you need to get together and create amazing photos.

Established in 2010, PurplePort has grown from strength to strength and now has 40,000+ active members worldwide. With features such as integrated messaging, calendar, shoot plans, image albums, references, credited photos, busy member forums, hundreds of articles, and dedicated full-time staff to help you, it's easy finding the perfect creatives you need for your next photography project. It's a fresh, fast, and feature-rich alternative to ModelMayhem.

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