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FAQs for using PurplePort

By Laura SJ FD, written 1493983298

Here is a collection of the most common questions (and answers) about using PurplePort so you can easily find the information you are looking for.

These FAQs cover the following:

  • How do I reset my password?
  • How do I change my experience level (the date I started working)?
  • How do I change my portfolio page location?
  • How do I set my portfolio to be visible to members only?
  • How do I change my email address?
  • How do I improve my reply rate?
  • How do I add a reference?
  • How do I redeem a referral gift?
  • How do I upgrade my account?
  • How do I close my account?
  • How do I request my data for GDPR?

If you need help with any of these areas (or something else), you can contact us anytime by creating a support ticket via our Help & Support page.

How do I reset my password?

You can reset your password using the nickname or email address on your PurplePort account by following the steps below:

  • Click here to reset your password
  • Enter your nickname (or email address)
  • Click Send verification email
  • We'll send a link (which will expire after 24 hours and can only be used once) to your email so you can reset your password

You must be able to access your email account so we can send you a link to reset your password. If you don't have access to (or know) the email address on your PurplePort account, please contact us via a support ticket, and we will help you. 

If you don't receive the password reset email, add PurplePort to your Safe Sender or Whitelist (using the domain/email purpleport.com and/or donotreply@purpleport.com) and then reset your password again. Please check your spam/junk folder and move the email to your inbox if it's there.

Click here to learn more about resetting your password

How do I change my experience level (the date I started working)?

Your portfolio page displays the length of experience you have gained (e.g. as a model, photographer, make-up artist, etc.) in months or years. It's important that you have the correct information here so that others can find you using our Search feature.

To change this length of experience:

  • Go to the purple cog (top right) and click Manage your account
  • Click Personal details
  • At the top of the page (under the heading Details), find Approximate date you started creating
  • Click the box with the date and choose the date you started your work from the calendar
  • Click Update your account

How do I change my portfolio location?

This is your location, displayed on your portfolio page. It could be near the area where you live or your preferred location to shoot. Whatever your preference, other creatives will use this location to find you using our Search feature, so it's essential this is correct.  

How to change the location on your portfolio page:

  • Go to the purple cog (top right) and click Manage your account
  • Click Personal details
  • Type your location into the box under the heading Your location (this must be a town or city) and select the location from the drop-down list that appears
  • Click Update your account (bottom of the page) 

Changing the location on your account (displayed on your portfolio page) does not automatically update the location on the SearchCastings or Events pages. You must change the location on each page separately.

Click here to learn more about changing the location on your portfolio, castings, events and search pages

How do I set my portfolio to be visible to members only?

You can make your portfolio visible to (logged-in) PurplePort members only, which means that non-members (or PurplePort members logged out of their accounts) cannot see your portfolio.

If you share links to your portfolio page or casting calls (e.g. on social media), non-members won't be able to view those pages:

  • Your portfolio page will show to non-members as a Members only page
  • Your casting calls will show to non-members as a Casting calls not found page

Search engines can't see your portfolio page if you make it visible to PurplePort members only, which will prevent them from using the information on your portfolio page in their search results (this is not instant and could take some weeks). 

Set your portfolio to be visible to (logged-in) PurplePort members only:

  • Go to the purple cog (top right) and select Manage your account
  • Click General site settings
  • Under the heading Profile Settings, make sure the option for Hide your profile from non-members is ticked
  • Click Save 

How do I change my email address?

  • Go to the purple cog (top right) and select Manage your account
  • Click Personal details
  • Click (Change) next to the word Email (under the heading Details)
  • Enter your new email address
  • Click Change email
  • We'll send an email to your new email address asking you to confirm the change  (check your spam/junk folder) 
  • Click the link (can only be used once and will expire after 24 hours) in the email
  • Your new email address will appear on your PurplePort account

How do I manage my email notifications?

  • Go to the purple cog (top right) and click Manage your account
  • Click Email notifications
  • Make sure the notifications you would like to receive via email are ticked (and untick the notifications you no longer wish to receive)
  • Click Save email preferences  

Can I log into my account without using my email address?

Yes, you can log into your account using your nickname (instead of your email address). Your nickname appears in the URL to your portfolio page and underneath your display name (with the @ symbol) on your portfolio page.

For example, the nickname for the account Penelope Purple is penelopepurple, which appears at the end of the URL to their portfolio page https://purpleport.com/portfolio/penelopepurple and on their portfolio page as @portfolio (below their display name). 

Click here to learn more about logging into your PurplePort account

How do I improve my reply rate?

To get a 100% reply rate click this link to see the messages you need to reply to and then reply to each of those messages (you can reply with either a phrase, word or just a letter, full stop or character). After this, your reply rate will be 100%.

PurplePort's reply rate is only affected by initial messages you receive between 12 months and seven days ago. After you have replied to these initial (new) messages, they will no longer negatively affect your reply rate. 

Only an initial message you have received (and not responded to) will negatively affect your reply rate. 

Some messages do not negatively affect your reply rate, including:

  • Messages older than 12 months
  • Messages received in the last seven days
  • A new message you have sent someone else
  • A message you have already replied to

Click here to learn more about reply rates (or tap [?] next to the reply rate on your portfolio page)

How do I add a reference?

Go to the member's portfolio page you wish to leave a reference for, scroll down to References (near the bottom of the page) and click Add a reference (right-hand side). Choose one of the following three references to add from the pop-up window:

  • Cancelled with less than 72hrs notice
  • Did not show up
  • Showed up (you can also choose to add whether you would recommend this member, which is a simple Yes or No).

Click here to learn more about adding a reference

Click here to see all of our articles about references 

How do I redeem a referral gift?

You can earn referrals (which can be redeemed as referral gifts) by sharing links to PurplePort with others and encouraging them to sign up to PurplePort. 

When someone you've referred to PurplePort creates an account, they will be displayed as a referral on your Referrals page after being active on PurplePort for three months. Then, we'll give you a referral gift, which you can redeem as either 30 days of PurplePort VIP or $5 USD (redeemed once you reach a total of $50). Once chosen, a referral gift cannot be changed.

How to check your referrals:

  • Go to the purple of (top right) and click Manage your account
  • Scroll down and click Referrals (this page shows both redeemed and unredeemed referrals) 

Click here to learn more about how to get PurplePort VIP for free 

How do I upgrade my account?

You can upgrade to PurplePort VIP from your Subscription page.

Our short guide provides lots of information about upgrading (including where to find your subscription invoices and how to pay using a credit/debit card), but if you have any subscription queries, please contact us anytime by creating a support ticket via our Help & Support page. 

Click here to learn more about upgrading to PurplePort VIP

Click here to learn about the benefits of PurplePort VIP (and how free accounts are restricted)

How do I deactivate (close) my account?

New accounts (not yet approved)

If you have created a new (pending) account (not approved) that you no longer wish to continue with and want to close your account, please create a support ticket via our Help & Support page to contact us and request that your account is closed.

We will then remove your account from our signup process. 

Existing accounts

There are two types of deactivation: temporary and permanent.

You can temporarily deactivate your account if you want to take a break from PurplePort, which means:

  • You can reactivate your account by logging back in normally
  • Accounts can stay temporarily deactivated for an unlimited amount of time
  • Your recurring subscription payment for PurplePort VIP membership will be automatically cancelled when you temporarily deactivate your account (you must upgrade again upon reactivation if you want to continue using PurplePort VIP - see How do I upgrade my account?)

You can permanently deactivate your account if you want to close your PurplePort account, which means:

  • You cannot log back into your account
  • All images on your account (e.g. your portfolio, albums, etc) will be removed forever
  • Your recurring subscription payment for PurplePort VIP membership will be automatically cancelled when you permanently deactivate your account

How to deactivate your account

  • Go to the purple cog (top right) and click Manage your account
  • From the grey cog (top right), click Deactivate
  • Click the type of deactivation you require (either Temporary or Permanent) and enter the reason for your deactivation, followed by your password
  • Click Deactivate my account 

If you want to use PurplePort after permanently deactivating your account, you can create a new account (using the same email address as your previous account) from the PurplePort homepage by clicking Join now

However, anyone found to be repeatedly permanently deactivating their accounts and creating new accounts (e.g. three times or more within 12 months) will be either rejected from our signup process or removed from PurplePort permanently (see the Site Guidelines from our Terms of use for PurplePort).

How do I request my data for GDPR?

Active members of PurplePort can access all of their data through their own profile pages and profile management sections of the website. A request for a data dump of all of their data can also be requested through their account, which will then be provided securely within 30-days.

Inactive members of the site can request access to the personal data we retain for the reasons noted at the beginning of this section, via direct contact with us via a support ticket or email. Upon verifying your identity is valid, we'll provide a data dump of all of your data, which will then be provided securely within 30-days.

Note that access to your data is free of charge unless the request is deemed to be either unfounded, excessive or repetitive, in which case a related admin fee may be requested. We maintain the right to withhold personal data, if disclosing it adversely affects the rights and freedoms of others, extending to intellectual property rights and trade secrets, this includes confidential reports and relevant information made by other members.

See our Privacy page for more information about Data Protection and GDPR Compliance.

See Also