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Blocking someone on PurplePort - How does it work?

By Russ Freeman, written 1363420382

Blocks can be used for many purposes, and the reasons for enabling a block are not always negative.

Whilst some people may use a block to give themselves space from certain people, others may use it to improve their experience while browsing PurplePort (such as filtering out images, castings, etc.).

It's worth emphasising that blocking someone is a personal choice, and only the person who has enabled a block will know why they've done so.

What does blocking do? 

There are different ways you can block someone on PurplePort. Blocking can be enabled for messaging, castings, events, groups, collecting images, image tagging, and more.

Depending on the type of block you use, when you block someone on PurplePort, certain things become impossible:

  • You can't message them
  • They can't message you
  • You won't see their casting calls
  • You won't be notified of their casting calls
  • They can't comment on your images
  • They can't love your images
  • They can't collect your images
  • They can't see your casting calls
  • They can't apply to your casting calls
  • Groups posts they create will not be shown on the recent discussions gadget
  • Their group post replies are shown 'buried' or hidden (you can show them if you are curious, which won't impact anything other than showing that reply)
  • If they reply to a group post you are subscribed to, you won't get an email notification for it
  • You won't see their images in the recently uploaded images collection

How to block someone

View the portfolio page of the person you want to block:

  • Go to the grey cog (top right) and select Block
  • Select the block options you want to use
  • Click Save (or Block All to select all block options, which will fully block them)

You can also block someone by viewing a message between you and that member and clicking Block near the bottom.

Or you can block someone by moving your cursor mouse over their name in places on PurplePort (such as the groups, image comments, etc.) and selecting Block from the popup.

See a list of everyone you have blocked

You can view a list of the PurplePort members you have blocked from People you have blocked, which you can find from the grey cog (top right) in your Inbox, Your groups page and Manage your account. You can change how you have blocked someone or fully unblock them from this page.  

How to unblock someone

View the portfolio page of the person you want to unblock:

  • Go to the grey cog (top right) and select Unblock
  • Untick the block options you no longer want to use
  • Click Save (or Unblock All to remove all block options, which will fully unblock them)

You can also unblock someone by moving your cursor over their name in places on PurplePort (such as the groups, image comments, etc.) and selecting Unblock from the popup.

Or you can unblock someone from the People you have blocked page, which you can find from the grey cog (top right) in your Inbox, Your groups page and Manage your account. Untick the block options you no longer want to use and click Update, or move your cursor over their name (or tap it) and click X to unblock them fully. 


Can I see who has blocked me?

No, but PurplePort will inform you that someone has blocked you if you try to interact with them. 

How can I see who I have blocked?

You can see everyone you have blocked from People you have blocked.

Can people I have blocked still see my portfolio?

They can only see your portfolio page if you have not fully blocked them. If you have fully blocked someone, they will be redirected to your references page when they try to view your portfolio page. 

Why has someone blocked me?

Only the person who blocked you knows why they've done so. The best thing you can do is put it out of your mind and carry on with the rest of your day.

Can I leave someone a reference if they've blocked me?

Yes, you can still leave someone a reference even if they have blocked you (or you have blocked them). A block does not prevent a reference from being left. 

I'm stuck and need help. What can I do? 

We're here to help. You can contact us anytime by creating a support ticket from our Help & Support page.

See Also