How do I set my portfolio to be visible to members only?
By Laura SJ FD, written 1732539049
Setting your portfolio to be visible to (logged-in) PurplePort members only means that non-members (or PurplePort members logged out of their accounts) cannot see your portfolio page or casting calls.
Instead, they will see the following pages:
- Members only (when a non-member views your portfolio page)
- Casting call not found (when a non-member views your casting call)
This means that if you set your portfolio to members only and then share links to your portfolio page or casting calls (e.g. on social media), non-members cannot view those pages.
How to set your portfolio to members only
- Go to the purple cog (top right) and select Manage your account
- Click General site settings
- Under the heading Profile Settings, make sure the option for Hide your profile from non-members is ticked
- Click Save
Search engines
Search engines can't see your portfolio page if you make it visible to PurplePort members only, which will prevent them from using the information on your portfolio page.