Spring at Studland 9th - 11th May


Marmalade said, 1395311682

Booked Sat pm with Stu Freeman now! Still available Friday pm and Sat am!!!!.... 4 hours @ £85..

Freya said, 1395312133

I am available to shoot still on the Friday evening and all day on Saturday and Sunday. Prices starting from £25 an hour, 4 hours for £90 and 8 hours for £160.

Suzy Monty said, 1395315593

Am interested, if any photographer would like to work with me. Would love to do this and can be available the whole weekend...it's a lovely location :) Can do Fashion/ Glamour/ Art Nude

Have relations in Dorset. So know the area very well :)

Silky said, 1395316325

Available friday and sunday 4hrs £90 and 8hrs £150 .

John VonGeezer said, 1395338560

I've updated all the lists - sorry to see Mike cant make it now - but I'm sure he'll enjoy the USofA even more! 

Very happy to add Suzy Monty to the lists

Its a great help to know that so many excellent models are available for this weekend, takes a lot of the aggro out of finding someone to work with dont it :)

Places still available on all days, looks like the weekenders will have a good social - Friday and Saturday nights are always good fun :)

John VonGeezer said, 1395338675

Rick Martin said

While you're updating it, Mister Geezer sir, you might add a link to lots more pictures as well!

Great idea Rick - done!

Jade Lyon said, 1395340000

Hello. I have had the pleasure of being there before with Simon Burgess, Sinopa Rina and Sarah Rae. I would love to be added to the list. I would be available on any day if anyone would like to book me :)

Freya said, 1395351534

I am now booked all day on saturday the 10th by Harvey Gordon. I still have availability on friday after 6pm and Sunday all day if any other lovely photographers would like to shoot me :) 

Golden Ivory said, 1395352101

I am booked Sat afternoon for 4hrs with the lovely Stu Freeman but am available either sat morn or Sunday day. My rates are £25 p/hr with discounts for full day. Please get in touch if you'd like to book some time =)

Harvey Gordon said, 1395356990


In the hope that I will be on the final list I have arranged to shoot with Zombie Candy all day Saturday and Miss Pixy Sunday afternoon. I am waiting to see if Sarahh is available to shoot Friday. Sunday morning still free :) ...I'm going to be knackered!! :)

♥ Chiara Elisabetta said, 1395383008

Now booked half day (morning or afternoon - flexible with Rick Martin & Sinopa Rin) - Sunday

Also 10am-1pm (with Stu Freeman & Chris Cooke) - Saturday

Lightstories said, 1395387479

If there are any spaces left could I put my name down for Saturday and a room sat night please?

Suzy Monty said, 1395399918

Thanks for the Listing John.

I can do shoots the whole weekend.

Reasonable rates and lots of experience. Vast wardrobe. Published internationally.

Easy & fun to work with.

Fashion/ Dressed glamour and...

Up to full-frontal Art Nude.

Happy to collaborate & market the best images of me in publications.


Suzy :)


Rob Hill (robhillphoto) said, 1395400002

Hi - could someone explain the etiquette here please? I have not considered casting / booking yet until (if!) my place is confirmed - as if I booked and it was not confirmed, then I would have to cancel - which I don't do. How are others (models or photographers) approaching this? 

Is there a date for announcing who is selected? Thanks

John VonGeezer said, 1395401790

Just nipped back to my office to update things - its been a week since I posted the thread and I'm very happy to confirm that all photographers who has expressed an interest will be very welcome to attend :)

Please feel free to book and confirm your models

Looks like we have a really top group of people attending - should be a lot of fun, really looking forward to it.



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