Spring at Studland 9th - 11th May


Freya said, 1399921154

TWPhoto said

Can we mark it NSFW?? You know, just in case ....

Oh god yes please do. I did do quite a few rude shots with pretty much all the photographers I worked with including of course you Tym :)

Tarmoo said, 1399921463

Freya said

TWPhoto said

Can we mark it NSFW?? You know, just in case ....

Oh god yes please do. I did do quite a few rude shots with pretty much all the photographers I worked with including of course you Tym :)

It has been marked NSFW ....

Marmalade said, 1399921832

Freya said

It was my first time at Studland and what can I say except it was absoublty brilliannt. Stu Freeman was an absolute saint picking me up from Salisbury and driving me all the way to Studland, making sure I was ok the entire time I was there oh and of course buying me food and yummy magnum lollies :) He was a joy to model for too :)

On Saturday I got to shoot all day with Jake41 and I think we got some stunning shots (even some dainty girly ones), in the evening fun was had on the beach as well as wine. Us girls (Me, Marmalade, Miss Pixie) all got into the sea and got some shots took of his by Golding :) Just for a fun mess around we got some great shots :)

Then on the last day I crashed TWPhoto and Marmalade on their shoot together. Me, Marmalade and Tym worked so well together and you lot are definatly going to enjoy the photos we did that is for sure :)

I can only echo this and say it was a truly epic weekend, and it was great to meet so many new people :) So many great shots, and I think we may be marking more than a few NSFW..;)Huge thanks to everyone who helped to organise a brilliant weekend, and to Stu,Golding and Tym for taking epic photos and any time you fancy crashing another shoot, let me know..... It was soooo much fun :)

John VonGeezer said, 1400089126

Now the dust has settled I seem to have even more lost property than usual. Including some probably high value stuff.

please message me if you know you have left something and I'll send it on soonest. Already returned a wallet :)

TWPhoto said, 1400089188

Cant seem to find my Hasselblad anywhere ..........

John VonGeezer said, 1400089654

TWPhoto said

Cant seem to find my Hasselblad anywhere ..........

I'm keeping that one ;)


TWPhoto said, 1400089688

John VonGeezer said

TWPhoto said

Cant seem to find my Hasselblad anywhere ..........

I'm keeping that one ;)




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