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References for Kali Blu

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Kali Blu has 5 references; 5 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Today . . . Kali Blu and i got together for our much talked about collaboration of ideas, Kali started off in a latex catsuit that had a mind of its own and at one stage almost catapulted her into the middle of next year . . It took me a while, and a little head scratching, to get the best out of the shots but once I cracked it it was like we'd worked together for years . . Kali was epic to work with, overflowing with ideas and enthusiasm to try mine too . . It's a given that we will work together many more times and I thoroughly look forward to doing so . .

Whilst I would recommend Kali Blu to any photographer with a backbone, I wouldn't necessarily recommend any photographer to Kali Blu . . Kali Blu is the 'Special Stage' on a rally, only some will have the 'je ne sais quoi' . .

I don't get this word out the bag very freely but it sums up this shoot perfectly : ineffable

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Where on Bobs earth do I start?

So I saw this casting call from Kali, who as it happens is a Vegan Terrorist type person from sunny Birmingham who wanted to shoot some gritty images for her port and I thought...'ohhh this looks interesting' i'll apply for that!

There was a particular shot on her port I thought was pretty awesome and I thought it would be good fun to see if we could get together and make some more awesomeness. Luckily she liked my stuff and told me she wanted to do something a bit gritty, maybe a bit of latex (she has some cool cool stuff) and we made plans to meet up for a coffee in Worcester for a chat and to say hi first. This ended up with us having such a laugh we kept going until we got kicked out of a pub at closing time. It was such a fun evening, she brought her bottle of vegan milk/poison/whatever it was and we sat there talking photos and generally taking the piss out of life, the universe and everything until the pub closed.

So a few days later I mooched up to Birmingham, where i actually found real trees growing along the street where she lived, I didn't even think they had trees in Birmingham...learn something new every day :)

Shes lovely, i'm terrible for taking the piss out of the Brummie accent but shes got this lovely soft accent that is actually a delight to listen to, she showed me a little bird that was nesting in a little outbuilding behind her house, her eyes just lit up...'can you see him, in there?' she said, pointing at this little nest.....a little pair of eyes and a pointy beak pointing back at me...she LOVEs animals, there are pictures of them all over her house and it is lovely to see. I'm not particularly big on the vegan thing but its obvious that its terribly important to her, and I love people who are passionate about things, whatever they may be. It shows a heart and dedication, its to be commended and I respect her for her views and dedication to a cause that she cares about so much.

Anyway, so we had discussed the idea of shooting with fruit, pretty much the only idea when I went up was...there are going to be peaches involved! Possibly some latex in the evening when it cooled down (It was a seriously hot day)

So the fruit turned into her lying on her kitchen floor with me straddling the two kitchen work counters about 5 feet above her, camera in one hand, a big tin of peaches in juice in the other, which I proceeded to pour over her, peaches dropping on her body with a lovely 'splatting' noise which had us pissing ourselves laughing. She slid around in her sunglasses and not a lot else and we got some absolutely epic shots.

Kali has an insane physique, god knows what she does but she is seriously ripped, and the next set was shot with the intention of showing that off, heavily side lit and shot with a gorgeous golden glow, lots of huge shadows thrown by using just a light with a spill kill attached, no flash, as ever.

Then we did some latex, some crops, the idea being that they would not be the usual colourful bright latexy shots you get, but more subdued, slightly fetishy but full of shadow and depth. Shes a deep thinking girl, and I think we hit the nail on the head with regards what we were looking to get out of the shots, especially given my usual lack of preparation and 'oh fuck it we'll just wing it and see what happens' method of shooting.

Kali is a little Brummie diamond in the middle of a city I don't like very much. We took the piss out of eachother, laughed, talked about weird stuff and shot really cool photos. I'm sure that inside her there is an artist trying to work its way out, she thinks deep, cares deeply and is so eager to create stuff that is maybe a bit out of the norm for a lot of models. Do I recommend her? Too bloody right I do, I'd say open your mind, take the chance to work with someone a little leftfield and surprise yourself.

I had a great time, love the shots and i'm sure we will do more soon :)

Please don't tell her I thought her tattoo said 'Megan' and not 'Vegan' though....hehe!

Thanks Terrorist girl!

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Keith Mitchell

I had the pleasure of working with Sallie for the first time which I had really been looking forward to as I had never shot latex at my studio.

Sallie's pre coms were great so I knew the shoot was going to be fab with her lovely down to earth personality making for a fun relaxed shoot.

Sallie brought some amazing costumes which we had time to work with 2 so I hope she comes a gain as I have lots of ideas for the next :D

So I find it easy to recommend Sally as she is very enthusiastic, professional and lots of fun so you are guaranteed to get some fabulous images as I have.

Thanks for a fab shoot x

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Sallie and I spent a nice midsummer evening shooting some Latex themed images. Pre shoot communication was absolutely fantastic (second to none). She arrived on time with a number of outfits (Sallie has an extensive collection of latex/heels etc) and we set to work shooting in a few different but close by locations.

We had to abandon our first spot as it was under a foot or so of flood water unfortunately but we pressed on, worked hard and achieved some fabulous images in the setting midsummer sun.

Thanks Sallie for the effort you put in and for a nice shoot.

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I shot with Olivia at the weekend, a long planned shoot based around ideas of fitness and toned figure, clearly planned because her physique is so well suited to this type of work. Olivia turned up on time and well prepared, and it was a pleasure shooting with her. She is able to be quite objective about what she is looking for which is quite refreshing in a newer model, and I'm sure she'll be suitable for a number of shoots that people may have in mind.

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