Home » Parkes Fine Art Photography » Here is my Warrant Card...

Here is my Warrant Card...

Here is my Warrant Card... / Photography by Parkes Fine Art Photography, Models Goose1, Models IlGattopardo, Post processing by Parkes Fine Art Photography, Taken at ML Photo Studio / Uploaded 8th October 2020 @ 03:20 PM
Photography by: Parkes Fine Art PhotographyModels: Goose1, IlGattopardoPost processing by: Parkes Fine Art PhotographyTaken at: ML Photo StudioKeyword tags: bodyguard, para, sten gun, warrant card, webleyAlbums: MikeGroups: (Invite) None

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Detective Inspector Walter Thompson, Met Police Special Branch and bodyguard to Winston Churchill, presenting his warrant card to a Parachute Regiment sentry.