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References for Sin Yu Chan

Sin Yu Chan has 96 references; 96 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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It's been a pleasure working with Sin Yu.

Pre-shoot communication was clear.

She arrived at the studio at the agreed time.

Very professional with a good sense of humour, as well as good taste for design and outfits.

An excellent model very much capable of posing and exchanging ideas throughout the photoshoot.

It would be a pleasure to work with her in the future.

Highly recommended.

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Zcan Art

This Model is responsive on set. Creatively spontaneous. Her smile is like Gold, if you can find one to capture during the session. Has a good sense of colour and styling. Sin Yu Chan's flow poses with ease. Sin Yu Chan is a highly sort after model because of this.

I echo every word from all the references on this page. They are true of who Sin Yu Chan is.

Sin You Chan is a top model, I highly recommend her.

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fotofaces images

I worked with Sin Yu last Sunday last Sunday on an outdoor shoot in the very hot London sunshine.

Sin Yu came with a fabulous red princess dress and matching exotic eye make she’d expertly applied. Sin Yu hasn’t been modelling for too long but her range of poses made for a productive shoot.

Sin Yu is highly recommend

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I had a great first shoot with Sin Yu, I responded to her casting for fashion images and was fortunate and honoured to be selected.

The pre-shoot of communications were excellent clear and concise, she sent through images of the great outfits we would shoo plus ideas on the style of images she wanted. It was great to work with somebody that had a clear vision of what they wanted which made my life a lot easier.

Sin Yu is an excellent model first specialising in fashion who models freely without direction but also takes directions well. It was a joy to work with Sin Yu I highly recommend working with her and look forward to doing so again in future.

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I had a great shoot with Sin Yu in my studio last week, she came well prepared with the outfits we discussed, we had plenty of communication beforehand, and we got some super images! Highly recommended!

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Simon Photo studio

Had a very good shoot with Sun Yu Chan for an interesting fashion concept. Pre-shoot communications were very good. Sin Yu Chan brought everything with her for the shoot and she posed confidently and with no direction.

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Nigel Boulton

I had my second shoot with Sin Yu after she approached me with a great idea to marry traditional Chinese Haudian make up with modern clothing and a fashion editorial aesthetic. It was a great shoot and we got some very good images.

Sin Yu is a very adaptable and capable model who is full of ideas and poses well.

I have really enjoyed both of the shoots we have done and I am sure there will be more. I have no hesitation recommending her and would suggest you check her out, especially for fashion based ideas that are a little different. Great model.

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This was my second shoot with Sin Yu and it was just as fun as the first. Just like the first shoot we communicated well before the day and she turned up to my studio in good time. We had planned some complicated composite images and there was a great deal of back and forth for about 2 months before the shoot. We both put a lot of work into the creative aspect of our project and I have to give Sin Yu credit as she really pulls her weight and goes the extra mile. This was truly a collaboration and I feel like the images are a true reflection of our pre-planning. We shot some really interesting work and the time flew by very quickly. Sin Yu is highly professional and very creative and I would be very happy to work with her again.

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Rick Mitra

I had a fantastic shoot with Sin Yu! Pre-comms we’re clear and concise and we decided on outfits and all details before the day. She was a joy to work with as she poses effortlessly and contributes ideas and thoughts which makes the whole process collaboratively creative and immensely enjoyable. Sin Yu is also not afraid to try new ideas and we really got the maximum mileage from each of the looks. I can only recommend her most highly to anyone who is considering working with her as she brings so much to the table. Can’t wait to edit the images and share. Thanks for a great session Sun Yu!

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I had the absolute pleasure of working with sin Yu and I loved every minute of it.

I did her makeup and she was extremely organised and knew exactly what she wanted which came across very professional.

She was very easy to work with and an absolute delight.

As soon as the camera flashed, she absolutely oozed confidence and knew exactly what to do.

It was an pleasure and amazing experience working with such a professional beautiful model and I'll look forward to working with her again in the future

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Nigel Boulton

I worked with Sin Yu on a casting she put up for some natural, no make up images.

I thought her port showed a lot of versatility and was eager to work with her.

She is lovely. We had a casual walk around London taking pics as we walked. Sin Yu is a model who knows what she wants and is more than capable of working to that standard. Definitely a model that likes to work WITH a photographer she can pose well and confidently and will listen to direction and respond as needed.

Would I work with her again ?

Well we have our second shoot planned already and are swapping ideas.

In short, great look, easy to work with and with a lot of potential.

Book her now.

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I had wanted to work with Marishka for a while but couldn't fix a time, so I was delighted when she jumped in at extremely short notice when I had a no show for a studio shoot this week.

Marishka was amazing to work with, both in front of the camera and behind the scenes.

Marishka poses naturally and effortlessly and is very receptive to feedback and direction.

She's a very calm and easy going person to be around and sat patiently in the MUAs chair for long periods with great patience.

Marishka had studied the mood boards ahead of time and had a good idea of what she wanted to achieve and brought clothes and jewellery that really added to the theme and the shots overall.

Totally professional, reliable and quick and thorough communication.

The whole experience was a delight and I'm really happy with the results. Highly recommended.

Thanks Marishka!

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House of Fortitude

I had the privilege of photographing Sin Yu a couple days ago for a portrait project. She is an extraordinary, interesting, intelligent and very beautiful woman who made the whole experience a real pleasure. She is reliable, a good communicator and a genuine pleasure to work with and spend time with. Highly recommended.

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Real pleasure to photograph Sin Yu on a fitness shoot. Easily arranged with great communications, Sin Yu was ready to go the moment I arrived and had a clear idea of what was required. She takes direction well and has a lovely, bright, personality that made the shoot flow really well. Will gladly work with her again.

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I had The pleasure to do a shoot with Sin Yu at my home studio. We had some good communication pre shoot and she arrived in good time and well prepared with a bag full of of different outfits. She took direction really well and was able to deliver everything I asked for. Sin Yu was enthusiastic, focussed and upbeat for the whole shoot and was very accommodating when the shoot went on a little longer than we expected. Most importantly I am pleased with the images we created. Sin Yu is a delight to work with and I would have no hesitation in recommending her.

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the asylum

Sin Yu Chan is Astronomical to work with.

I was lucky enough to work with Sin Yu today here at the studio and i was left in complete amazement just how striking she is for such a new model.

Her comms are as flawless as her modelling skills and she needs no direction.

She arrived shoot ready with hair and make up pre ready.

Sin Yu Chan is a very creative young lady and this shines through throughout the shoot plus within her gallery that she showcases here.

I can not recommend Sin Yu enough.

This lady will excell and be in great demand's rapidly.

Thank you for shooting at The Asylum.

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