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References for Sinopa Rin

Sinopa Rin has 852 references; 852 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Artemis Fauna

I had Sinopa Rin come up to visit for a day during her tour. We hosted a fashion to lingerie studio day at my Georgian home studio and it ended up filling up nicely!

Rin brought loads of super clothes and lingerie with her. Her hair and make-up looked fantastic and she smiled all day long. Everyone that booked a slot left very happy and the day flew by! A very chatty, elegant and beautiful model :)

I had only met Rin relatively briefly before now so it was nice to get to know her better and see how she works! Highly recommended by me! :) x

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Just back from a last minute, whistle-stop shoot with Sinopa Rin at Artemis Fauna's house.

Having taken a cursory look at the camera backs I am certain we have created some amazing images together. Sinopa Rin created the looks I wanted to capture with ease and grace. Her poses ranged from sultry, sexy, aggressive and confident to angelic, delicate and demure. Her make-up skills are fantastic and definitely enhanced the mood of the shoot.

Sinopa Rin is friendly, helpful and truly professional. I am so glad that I took up the offer of a last minute shoot. I highly recommend her and hope that we get to work together again. Thank you.

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Dave E

Today I had the pleasure to work with Sinopa for the first time.

This highly charismatic model is great to work with, combining modelling expertise with a professional approach. I only had one hour to work with her, but we archived a great range of work, Sinopa has a great personality quickly putting the photographer at ease and providing a fun and professional environment to work in.

Our photo shoot may have been brief, but this lady left a very positive impression and I look forward to working with her again in 2015.

Very highly recommended

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I worked with Sinopa at Andrew Appleton's PBD8. Sinopa was engaging and charming from the off, and to say we only had a short amount of time working together, we managed to get some good images.

Sinopa is organised and professional, follows direction very well and brings ideas to the table if required. So as well as having a laugh she is productive.

highly recommended and looking forward to booking her for a shoot in the future

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Tim Steele

I was very fortunate to get the chance to shoot with Rin at a recent PBD. Rin is a stunning girl with a lovely personality that means she is a pleasure to work with! She coped with four togs faffing around her without batting an eyelid, was not fazed by shooting in a cold and draughty cellar. Rin has amazing blue eyes which make your images sing and has a fabulous figure to enhance her creative poses! A real pleasure to work with and I look forward to next time! Thanks Rin :) Tim

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Met for the first time on a Andrew Appleton Portfolio Build Day, Sinopa not only a beautiful elegant model but she has a great sense of humour and will put you at ease instantly so you can concentrate on taking great images.

Highly recommended, a joy to work with.

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Today's 2 hour shoot with Sinopa Rin was an absolute joy. I knocked up 500 images and if i could click faster there would of been more, now I can't choose out of them because I love them all so I have handed the impossible task to Sinopa. She dealt with every thing i threw at her which included turning up with old school protographer Anthony Baker. Thank you so much Sinopa, you rock. x

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Shutterworks Studio

Another fantastic shoot with Sinopa Rin here at Shutterworks - every time she has been here she has absolutely delivered for each and every photographer. She is professional, knowledgeable and all-round good fun to work with. We would heartily recommend her modelling skills to anyone!

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another Rintastik days shooting, we set out with a couple of ideas and as always nailed them easily and then looked at the clock ... Ok 3 hours left, what to do next, we played with a steel neck collar, Rin was a little uncomfortable in it at first, but soon got used to it and off we went...

The share a shoot says it all.. True collaboration with a great model, always fun, sometimes bossy (well she thinks so), all i can say is treat her properly and the results just flow out....

Book her today, if not someone else will be....

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So... Rin came to stay. What can one say that hasn't been said before?

Crikey, this lady can talk for England?

Crikey, this lady can cook?

Crikey, this lady is beautiful?

Crikey, this lady knows what she's doing when it comes to modelling?

Well, actually all of the above apply in pretty much equal measure!

A delightful house guest, happy to get stuck in to family life and battle the trauma of a nearly 2 yo and a lunatic puppy and just the most beautiful and accomplished model you could wish for.

More than able to pose freely with little need for direction and also able to input creatively and work through a variety of ideas.

I'm not going to bother saying how much I'd recommend that you book her, whether you're just starting out or an accomplished professional. Just book her.

I do hope she comes to visit again!

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Just had an incredibly productive and enjoyable Shoot with Sinopa Rin. It was such a pleasure to have the chance to work with such a talented young lady.

"Rin" has a perfect understanding of what makes a first-class Model - from the best ways help obtain the desired results to her immaculate 'presentation' and constructive input to the Shoot.

So, for talent, enthusiasm, looks that speak for themselves ! I recommend "Rin" and very much hope that I have the chance to Shoot with her again (Y)

Thanks again for a super time. Martin.

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It's difficult to convey just how good a model this young lady is. Within a few clicks, I knew the images would be special, but I had no idea just how enjoyable a shoot it would be.

I always believed that torrential rain and models (fully made up with immaculate hair) don't mix, but having walked through a downpour to the location, Rin looked amazing in a matter of minutes.

8 shots in 10 are keepers, each with a different pose, look and emotion. She needed no direction and no encouragement as she threw herself into every idea with comfortable ease.

This is a model who understands light, who understands how to exploit her environment, who offers lighthearted and charming company, who is a joy to photograph...and who I'll be booking again.

Wonderful !

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John James

Sinopa is a wonderful, professional model with the ability to create an amazing range of beautiful styles and looks. Her pre-shoot comms were excellent and she was fully prepared for the shoot when I arrived. It was an absolute pleasure to work with Sinopa and I am delighted with the results. Highly recommended and I look forward to working with her again.

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Shutterworks Studio

Had a great studio day today with Sinopa Rin, selling all available slots. Having not worked with her before, we can happily confirm she is great at posing, fantastic with comms and good fun. Definitely welcome back any time!

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Oh my god, what can I say....

I thoroughly enjoyed my first ever shoot in a studio today with the most lovely Sinopa. She arrived on time, was very easy to get along with and put me at ease straight away. Her fluidity of movement was fascinating to watch and to photograph. She is sunshine and warmth on a cold day. I wish I had booked more than one hour!

I most definately would love to work with her again in a studio or on location and would recommend her to other photographers.

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Its the first time I've worked with Sinopa, and was a last minute decision - but one I'm happy to have made. She is a great model, knows her stuff, has an understanding of the best post, and is a really nice person.

I'm very happy with the pictures and a model I will need to work with again.

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Andrew Clifton-Brown said...

I attended a shoot where I ended up being an assistant working with Nick Redman who was shooting with Sinopa. It was a bitterly cold day and she carried on regardless of the weather and she and Nick got some fantastic shots. Sinopa is a true professional, and at some point I will hopefully get to work with her.

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Sinopa is brilliant, she looks fantastic and knows exactly how to create a fabulous pose in an instant, which was very convenient due to limited time to shoot. The shoot was cold and we had limited light, but that was to be expected for a January afternoon location shoot, needless to say I want to work with her again. Thank you.

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Worked with this wonderful energy on Saturday. Works from her soul and heart not just with her mind. Every single image is superb. She is not only sensual in her movement, with every expression and with every moment she works the camera but she has this attitude that most usual models do not have. Moment she is on set she is within the moment, getting involved with those around her. To say working with Rin was a blast would be the biggest understatement and i look forward to working with her again soon for our big Avant Garde Shoot, Sussex Tour and for our Fallen Angel Shoot. Thank you Rin for the great day of shooting and PortraitX solutes you for being that cold and getting out that many expressions and poses in one shoot.

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Nick Redman

Worked with Sinopa first time today in a themed shoot. Very easy to collaborate with - we worked together to get the shots where we wanted them and she brought some great ideas and posing to the table :) Great shoot :)

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