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References for Sinopa Rin

Sinopa Rin has 838 references; 838 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Gary Smithdale

This was shoot number 3 for me with Miss Rin - and the first in a studio.

So, as this was our first shoot together in a studio, it was obviously different to the previous 2 shoots, it was just as enjoyable as our previous location shoots and meant that we got to try things that we haven't done before.

We "only" had 4 hours together (I usually go for long shoots if I can), but, time went by so quickly and we got a lot of different sets and looks and used many different lighting techniques.

Rin's hair and makeup were absolutely spot on - the outfits that Rin brought were gorgeous too.

You can let Rin do her own thing and you'll get amazing images, no need for direction - although, she will follow direction when it's offered.

I honestly can't recommend Rin enough, great fun to work with and you'll always get great images.

Rin, as always, thank you so much for such a great afternoon and I look forward to working with you again :)

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Another excellent shoot with Rin today - always a pleasure! This time was just a couple of hours at Natural Light Spaces - we packed a lot in to a couple of hours, though. As ever, Rin was very hard working with a range of outfits and hairstyles to suit whichever look we were going for, and brought loads of ideas to the shoot.

I always enjoy working with Rin, I would heartily recommend her to any photographer!

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1st shoot with Rin earlier today. Fair to say I was a little nervous, but why? Everything about working with Rin was effortless. Fantastic, patient, ridiculously beautiful, flawless make-up and so so lovely to talk to and work on shots with. Her knowledge on our side of the camera is tip top too so it didn't take us long to achieve every look I wanted. Could have worked with Rin all day long and have to book her again.

Came home a very happy photographer and can't wait to start the very tricky job of narrowing down which shots to edit, not that much will be required. Thanks Rin, you're a STAR!!!

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WOW had my 1st shoot with Sinopa today and was simply amazing our time flew by with great laughs and fantastic images. Sinopa is one of a kind great coms before and during our shoot.

I would recommend everyone to work with her if they get the chance I know i will be working with her again :)

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I stand on the brink of number 373. I doubt there is anything I can nor need to add in the praise of Rin. Although I do note that Purpleport's auto corrector substituted the word Sin and after Run, which made me smile! I was the third musketeer and late recruit as the sun of August was starting to fall on Weedon Bec. With Rin's elegance and charm we progressed to a state of collaborative productivity that will make today rank as being a personal highlight of 2017 and beyond. I thought Fareham a distant dream but no longer is that true. I would gladly travel there and beyond to work with Rin again. Exceptionally eloquent superlatives must follow. Today was the Prologue I am sure. PS the shots showed a depth and quality that owes everything to Rin's personality and artistic skills.

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It was great to finally get to shoot with Rin at the Natural light spaces along side Heather May Corvid. She made the shoot relaxed and fun and we got some lovely images using available light. Highly recommended and I hope to get to work with her again soon. Thank you Rin.

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Jon Downs

I usually have memorable and special shoots with Rin and this was no different.

I recently did a duo shoot with the ever gorgeous Rin and equally gorgeous Heather May Corvid and together we banged out some mega pretty piccies :) I'm well chuffed with the results, as always.

we did what has become an after shoot ritual when we work together of going out for pizza - and the lovely Heather came along too.

Rin ain't half bad as a model you know. maybe you ought to consider working with her if you are so inclined! ;) :)

If she's super nice to me I may shoot with her again myself!

until next time ♥

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Paul Jones - Cardiff

What can I say about Rin that hasn't already been said by everyone?!?

Quite simply, Rin is amazing! She is a consummate professional and I would gladly work with her every day of the week. She is THAT good!

I could go into how she turned up on time, brought outfits that fitted the shoot perfectly, that her look and posing is top-drawer, etc etc - which are all true - but these have all been said many many times before. The best thing you can do is work with her and find out just how fabulous she is. Seriously, do it, you will not be disappointed!

Rin is such a joy to work with and I actually consider her to be a very lovely friend too.

Rin, thank you, as always for taking the time to work with me, and I look forward to the next time.

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John Askey

I love it when the Mighty Rin comes to town and fortunately she has been visiting Cardiff often this year :-)

I really can't remember how many times I've worked with Sinopa now, but it will never be too many...she poses effortlessly, is very professional and knowledgeable both sides of the camera which makes working with her a real pleasure.

We organised a short notice shoot which gave me the opportunity to try a new costume I had put together. Despite challenging weather conditions and a short time span we nailed it (as is usual with Sinopa).

Here's to next time Ms Rin... :-)

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Alan Ewart

Blimey, where do you begin - every now and then you sit down to write a reference and you really don't have the words to describe how wonderful someone is.

I have just had a whole week with Rin and four other fabulous models in a Chateau in France where I shot with Rin on numerous occasions. It was an absolute privilege, every set was amazing and Rin just rocked it - every time. We shot everything from lingerie, in a massive room with a four poster bed, to street fashion in a french market.

Rin is so knowledgeable, she has a photographers eye, and her ability to use light is second to none. You just tell Rin where you want to work and she knows instinctively what to wear, and she arrives with hair and makeup that is perfect for the set you have in mind. When a model has over 360 positive references, you know that modelling skills are exemplary, but Rin goes way beyond your expectations. Quite simply, this beautiful lady is at the very top of the tree.

It would be wrong to neglect to mention how Rin conducts herself. We had a whole week, in very hot conditions, and where Rin and the other models were flat out for the entire time. Rin was as enthusiastic during the last set as she was for the first. She even worked outside her contracted hours, just because she loved the ideas.

Rin is very beautiful inside and out, she is serene, graceful, friendly, open, enthusiastic , knowledgeable, happy, smiles and laughs easily, and is just wonderful to be around. Not once, during a really full on week, did Rin's enthusiasm dip.

I could easily write a book about having a week long experience with Rin, but I couldn't pay her a higher compliment than to say that my wife and I just adore Rin, she has now been officially adopted as one of the daughters that my wife and i would love to have had.

A fabulous model, a beautiful person and I couldn't recommend her any more highly. Thank you lovely lady. XX

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364 all positive references says it all!

This wonderful lady is truly amazing!

Very rarely to you get the pleasure as a male model to work with an absolute champion of the trade.

I've followed Sinopa for a while and couldn't believe my luck when I was given the opportunity to work with her and 3 other brilliant models in a staggeringly enchanting French Chateau.

Just watching Sinopa work is magical. She flows like a beautiful river falling into pose after pose making life for any photographer easy and for me as a male model to just get caught up in that flow as you model next to her.

I was simply in awe of her work ethic. Despite the long days and sometimes stifling heat Sinopa remained perfectly professional giving her all at every shoot.

Her beauty is matched equally by her beautiful welcoming soul. I have no words that can do her justice.

I wouldn't hestitate to work with Sinopa again if given the opportunity. I can only hope the images I played a part in are to her high standards because she reigns high!

This lady rocks! Do not miss an opportunity to work with her!

Thank you Sinopa xx

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I think Alan Ewart said it all - but Rin is beautiful, elegant and a joy to work with. Recommended!

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Will Alex

Sinopa Rin was one of the models on a week long group shoot in an amazing chateau in France with 5 other models, stylist and group of photographers.

She was on my flight back and forth and I had a good feeling about getting some great shots once i'd met her.

Where do i start....Rin is one scarily good model. Her posing ability is second to none with tiny adjustments after each shot making it easy to keep pressing the shutter knowing that everything you are producing is fantastic and its going to be a very long weeding out process to find your absolute favourite. Her makeup skills are fast, efficient and only enhance the overall look. Bags and bags of wardrobe meaning even on a long group shoot with multiple models she kept producing new looks and outfits.

I did multiple duo shoots with Rin and this is her at her most impressive, a hard thing to make look easy. To have to worry not only about your own posing but how that interaction with another model is going to affect the final image is a great skill to have.

Socially Rin is great at getting the group together, organising things and making sure everything is ready to shoot.

As a photographer in her own right she knows exactly what you are trying to achieve and is very willing to offer advice if needed.

Looking forward to working with this fascinating model again. I think i may have found my new muse.

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I got to shoot with this wonderful model, who I believe is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met!

She's super sweet, has a flawless face and figure which she moves so effortlessly with brilliant expression & the shapes are just to die for!

One of the most stunning models and humans I have ever got to meet - I cannot recommend her enough to everyone ♥


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Sensual Art

I finally got to work with Rin, and what a great opportunity it was at a beautiful château in the south of France!

Rin needs no accolades from me so I'll just say that she's everything as a model that I'd been led to expect, but with the added dose of being an accomplished photographer who was able to sense what I was viewing through my viewfinder and to make the best possible use of each location, outfit and lighting.

Absolutely recommended!

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Helen Diaz

I was really lucky to have worked with the amazing Sinopa recently at a beautiful chateau in the South of France! We had met previously on other photography occasions briefly, but it was so nice to get to know Sinopa better during the trip!

I was absolutely blown away by how professional she is- for someone still so young she is so clever, so immaculate, presents herself so beautifully and is an all round teamplayer. Her photography and modelling skills are sublime- she is not only a high skilled model, but an amazing photographer too!

Every time I saw Sinopa she looked flawless- and curves to die for. She is such a beautiful woman in so many ways and has such a beautiful kind heart and beautiful personality too. It was an honour to be booked on a photography event with someone like Sinopa- I would highly recommend her to everyone- she is simply amazing.

If you get the chance to work with her as a photographer, model, MUA or stylist- definately take it! She will make your day sparkle. Highly recommended and I really hope we get the chance to work together again in the future, Helen x

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On probably the hottest day of the year we had a first shoot with Rin. She is very confident and helpful and took us to some good locations. She is very photogenic and a pleasure to work with. Great comms before hand, highly recommended.

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mark pickthall

Beautiful sunny day working with Sinopa Rin during her duo day with Heather May Covid. What's not to recommend. Seriously it was a brilliant two hours full of engagement and fun and I'm confident some great images will come from the session. I'm looking forward to working with Sinopa soon. Highly recommended and thank you.

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I'd been trying to arrange a shoot with Rin for ages and finally managed to join her and the lovely Heather May Corvid at in-perpertuum studios down in Yeovil yesterday. Had I been building up expectations that no-one could live up to ? Would I fall apart myself ? I needed have worried. Rin is as good as her pictures and as professional and enjoyable to work with as all her references would tell you. Within a few seconds of meeting her I knew everything was going to work -the 3 of us worked really nicely as a team.

The morning after I'm sitting with a huge stack of photos to edit, fewer duds than usual, and my only regret is taking so long to arrange everything. To anyone thinking of booking Rin my advice is GET ON WITH IT.

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I spent the most wonderful afternoon working with Rin on a duo day with the equally amazing Heather May Corvid.

Rin is the ultimate professional, so friendly and easy to work with. I can only add to all the other positive references.

It felt like there was a sixth sense connection between Rin & Heather as they posed in perfect harmony. Together we have achieved some wonderful images.

Will certainly be working with Rin again in the future. Highly recommended.

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