Home » Ray Middleton » Turn out the lights The party's over CollectShare image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imageTurn out the lights The party's overImage is filtered for work safety. Show image...Photography by: Ray MiddletonKeyword tags: black and white, bra, bum, legs, lingerie, LRC, monochrome, photoshoot, photoshop, underwearAlbums: Jackie, MonochromeGroups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...37 people love this!Added 1706660311 by Ray Middleton.Title from a Willie Nelson song, penned by the great man, "The Party's OverI got this scene off the internet and Jackie and I tried to create it. Turned out alright in the end. I love her stance.