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References for Rachelle Summers

Rachelle Summers has 1712 references; 1711 recommended, 0 not recommended, 1 late cancellation and 0 no-shows.

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Andreas A

I have been trying to arrange a shoot with Rachelle for almost a year. We have finally managed to get our schedules in sync and shoot today. It surely worth the wait! Pre-shoot communications absolutely perfect; Rachelle replied to every single of my messages covering every little detail which made everything else much easier. She arrived on time (and by bus which is always incredible when pulled-off ;)) with a ton of wonderful stuff to use and practically ready to start shooting immediately (I can't really comprehend how one's hair and make-up can be in such a perfect shape at 10am)! The shoot just flew by with Rachelle posing effortlessly on her own but also being ready to follow any direction given (even guessing sometimes what I was mumbling with my horrible Greek accent :p). She managed listening to my lame playlist for the whole time which is just one way to describe her positive (and endless) energy. Overall a fun, joyful and productive session with one of the prettiest models! Highly recommended and if you are in the same position I have been in, just keep trying to work with her, you won't regret it!

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Gerry Fitzgerald

Second shoot with Rachelle and i have to say one of my best shoots so far .....she was so patient with me , (because i can be a bit fussy) and so much fun to work with .....the images are superb...Rachelle has a way about her that makes you want to keep clicking , her poses are original and professinal ...you can laugh out loud with Rachelle while your working but as soon as you put the camera up she is working!!!!

i have allready booked another shoot with this astonishing young lady for July, if your local do yourself a big favour and book with her, you will not regret it!!!!

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Had another shoot with Rachelle recently working on specific themes. As always she interpreted requests very well and contributed many of her own ideas. In this way she needs minimal direction. She has a very expressive face and a most attractive figure which inevitably produces excellent images. I recommend her highly to other photographers and have no doubt that we will work together again when she is next in my area.

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Had a great shoot with Rachelle at Pauls-Studio in Reading. First shoot of a long model day for her but she was straight out of the blocks full of energy pulling pose after pose in a very professional way. Very difficult choosing the best images from the shoot as there were very few duff ones. Highly recommended!!

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Eddie Ray

Just to add to the previous reference (DKC Photography), I had the last shoot with Rachelle at Paul's studio, and her energy levels had not diminished one bit. Throughout the shoot she was bubbly and totally professional. I have no hesitation in recommending her and look forward to our next shoot.

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Penny Hardie

Rachelle was a joy! Full of energy, despite our shoot being at the end of a really long day for her, and receptive to all ideas. We had fun and created some images that I love. I would certainly recommend that you work with this highly professional model.

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Valkyr Photography

Yesterday the planets aligned and Rachelle and I finally got to work with each other after about two years of mismatching diaries and other such issues. I'm very pleased to say that the wait was most certainly worth it as we created some fabulous images together and got along very well. She's very bubbly and chatty so the four hours we had booked went by way too quickly. Her comm's were spot on and she clearly took note about ideas I had, packing some very cool outfits to match.

I would rate Rachelle very highly as a model to work with. Just don't be an idiot like me and wait months and months before getting around to it. Book now and enjoy working with this fantastic model.

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Rob or Bob

A super shoot with Rachelle, it was an Homage to Helmut Newton. We liaised beforehand with moodboards, makeup etc and Rachelle was completely prepared for the shoot.

we acted out a story in order to get the looks required, Rachelle was easily able to contribute to the collaboration, most models would have found it very difficult.

Rachelle is able to control her movements exactly and thus able to place the hand exactly where required and then not move or place it back, a great skill indeed.

I am looking forward to working with her again.

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Pete Roberts

Another very enjoyable shoot with Rachelle. We tried some window light/erotic style images this time and I think the results are exquisite. More important than that though is the fun that we always have working together which doesn't get in the way of Rachelle's professionalism.

As I have said every time previously, looking forward to the next shoot with Rachelle :)

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Flashtastic Photography

Very difficult to say anything that hasn't already been said about Rachelle.

She is one of my all time favourite models. She has such grace and style. She is probably the best model I have worked with for posing ability. No two shoots are ever the same.

She worked with 5 photographers over the course of 4 hours and gave 100% for each and every shot.

I will absolutely be asking her back to my studio when she is in the area again. Only a fool would miss out.

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Well this was my second time shooting with Rachelle and I loved every second of it. I can honestly say she is one of the rare breed of models who is genuinely enthusiastic to shoot with you, what every you're level of expertise. From the quick breeze through the shots of the day and I could not be more pleased with the results but more editing is required on a few to finish at the final concept!

Nothing I could say here could even come close to the admiration I have for her work ethic, communication and professionalism. The pre-shoot communication was excellent, with a real enthusiasm for the ideas I had come up with with the make-up expertise of Little Miss Outcast, though we ran out of time to start the second concept, but what an excuse for another shoot! I only wish I was rolling in it to book her for a whole week!! as time just flies when you in the room shooting with her.

Well Rachelle thank you for another great shoot. I can't wait to share the final results of this one.

I can't wait for the next one!, but I may have to book a whole day!

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Barry Mappley - AKA "Glamourshotz"

One of my all time favourite models, but more importantly my of my all time favourite people. It has all been said in her 500+ excellent references about her posing skills, creativity, looks and figure. So all I will say is you are guaranteed a fantastic shoot with some outstanding images, but also a really enjoyable shoot this lady is such a lovely person it’s impossible not to get on with her. We always have a laugh and usually spend more time chatting than shooting but we still manage to get more than enough winning shots and that is testament enough for this amazing lady. Or to put is another way “Awesome, Brilliant, Amazing. Cannot wait till her next visit.

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RLC Photographer

Yet another shoot and if anything she just gets better. Rachelle is just a pure joy to work with. As per usual communication was spot on, she turned up on time, well prepared and with bags of enthusiasm and energy. Shooting wasn't easy as the studio was so cold we had to do it in quick bursts but she is so talented and flows through so many amazing poses so quickly I got some great shots in each set with ease. She was also fantastic with a less experienced model who joined us on the shoot, friendly, warm and patient and generous with her advice. We had a brilliant time. Great girl, great model and great friend - warning highly addictive!

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What to say about Rachelle that hasn't been said before...difficult so I shall just say how I found her.

Great pre shoot comms. Smiling the second I met her. Within 10 minutes felt like I had know her for ages. Ran through my ideas which she was very positive about and then we were off. Within the first test sequence I had some great images! Every time we changed the set up she produced pose after amazing pose - made my job a pleasure. Got tonnes of great images, most need no editing.

I found out she travel to Manchester on a regular basis - which is great news because I MUST shoot with Rachelle again. As I said in a text to her AWESOME MODEL and AWESOME PERSON.

She if fun to shoot with all you have to do is set up your lights and let her do her stuff and you can't help but get great images.

Definitely recommend

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Gadzooks Photography

Had a great shoot with Rachelle at Hallam Mill. I didn't need to give her any direction to speak of, once I had described my ideas for the shoot, and in fact she often helped by contributing her own ideas and suggestions.

A beautiful model, and a complete professional. I wouldn't hesitate to work with her again and would thoroughly recommend her. My only regret is that I wish I had booked her for longer.

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Had a shoot at Hallam Mill in Stockport with the gorgeous Rachelle. Good pre-shoot communications.

Rachelle is an experienced and versatile model. My camera loves her ! She forms beautiful shapes and curves and is happy to try new ideas. Great images. Highly recommended.

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Had my fifth shoot with Rachelle this time at Millwood Photographic Studios in Staleybridge, she was as good as ever coming through with her interpretation of the idea we were working. Always works hard, always good, always well prepared. A true professional model and always a pleasure to work with.

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Anthony Wadham

Rachelle is a stunning model, organised and professional. Worked at Millwood Studio in E. Manchester for our second shoot and did some 'quirky' experimental images with which Rachelle was well equipped and happy to join into the spirit of my ideas. Good 'Geordie' sense of humour and an absolute delight to work with! Innovative and natural model that has acquired the self confidence and skill to know what will look good and will still respond to specific requests with a natural fluency. These skills have not been achieved overnight! As Pickwick said: 'Experience is a bloody fine teacher.' Rachelle has this experience and will provide you with some awesome images. Need I say: 'Highly Recommended!'

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I made the trek up north yesterday to shoot with rachelle. We used her new home for the shoot which worked out really well. Rachelle is everything you want in a model, beautiful, friendly, organised and easy to work with. I think the only problem I'm going to have is choosing a few favourites from the day. Would 100% recommend rachelle all day long!

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Katie Lou said...

I was lucky enough to meet Rachelle about a month ago now in the Wiral near Liverpool. A photographer that we both know, knew that I've wanted to work along side or even just meet Rachelle. He kindly arranged for me to turn up & work with her as I have been blown away ever since I came across her port. Rachelle really did match up to her outstanding port, this girl is talented! In fact talented is an understatement. Not only is she such a bubbly, endearing character, she is natural beautiful. Her body shape is incredible, this along with her facial expressions & captivating beauty is what really makes her stand out from the crowd. I feel honored that I've had the opportunity to both meet & work along side her. We both clicked straight away & had an absolute howl throughout the shoot the day that we first met in Liverpool. I've now gained a pretty awesome friend! Catch her if you can! ♥

KatieLou x

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