Avante Garde skeleton fashion

Avante Garde skeleton fashion / Photography by dasphotouk Dave, Model Rag Doll, Makeup by Pink Lady Makeup Artistry, Post processing by dasphotouk Dave, Stylist PoZersPhotography, Taken at PoZersPhotography, Hair styling by Pink Lady Makeup Artistry, Artwork by Pink Lady Makeup Artistry, Designer PoZersPhotography / Uploaded 9th January 2017 @ 06:09 PM

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The opportunity to have a model with a beautifully clean shaven head to work on is a rarity indeed, especially when the beautiful young lady has done this to raise money and awareness for the British Heart Foundation. We created three looks during this shoot and this was the second creation and a rare opportunity as a makeup artist, for me to create a skeleton fashion statement without a bald cap. Rag Doll rocked this look and we certainly had fun creating the sets, whilst raising money and awareness for the charity.