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Poster for our LAST EVER Art Nude in the Landscape Experience

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Poster for our LAST EVER Art Nude in the Landscape Experience / Photography by LightAndShape, Photography by PhotoClassic, Models Amethyst ., Models Evalana, Models Rachelle Summers, Models Scarlot Rose, Assisted by Batwoman / Uploaded 19th February 2022 @ 08:10 PM

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Added 1645301406 by PhotoClassic.

So after 15 years since I started running this event, it is coming to a close.

Since Purpleport started, this event has resulted in around 25 Front Page Images for various photographers, connected models and photographers who may never have otherwise worked together and made lasting friendships among those who attended.

My proudest result from all of it, though, is knowing that it has also saved one model's life. Information we teach on this event, fresh in a model's mind, helped her prevent a risky situation from becoming extremely dangerous on a later shoot.

So...If you've admired the images people have taken on this event and thought about taking part, this will be the last chance you have to do so. This is my final event before I retire from organising Photographic Experiences.

Massive thanks to all the models who have contributed their skill, beauty, strength and versatility to this event and also to the many photographers, from beginner to professional, who have come along and created magic.

Thanks also to Hakon Gronning and Andy Bradley for permission to use their images of Amethyst and Evalana on the poster.