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"Do you see what I see?"

"Do you see what I see?" / Photography by Shaun Solent, Model This girl, Taken at Shaun Solent / Uploaded 4th June 2022 @ 05:49 PM

Added 1654364972 by This girl.

A star, is big, beautiful and bright

Only when the sacred feminine energy trust in the masculine energy and vice versa do they have a safe space to be vulnerable and create without any fear of being judged or critical. It's an incredible experience and yet so very rare to find, and must be cherished if you ever find such.

It is a huge blessing to my life to create magic with this masculine energy I adore the opportunities and time so much it truly is bliss in the world, it is soul food. Privileged to have been fortunate enough to know that bliss and privileged enough for the lessons of pain that taught me how low it would go to show me the breaking point and how strong my strong is to teach me how to get back up and carry on fighting. Without any pain and lessons that pleasure and privilege awareness is nothing.

Thank God for the lessons

Thank God for all my pain

Thank God for pleasures

Thank God for every storm,


I Thank God for giving to me

My body

My soul

My awakening

My brain


Thank you for sharing your time and and for reading this today,

I hope you are blessed and happy and I send you love

May you be healthy

And hope you have the best day 🖤

Please note this is image 1, chapter 1 September 2020, I enjoy and embrace the best opportunity for self actualisation and enjoy the companion and mentoring from the heart of the soul I adore the best blessings from, I am grateful for your time and energy for your help and teaching I am grateful for such a great Master, for no other person would be able to instill wisdom, I am so grateful for @shaunSolent

Thank you so very much Sir, the world is a better place because you are in it, Thank you 🖤